He meets my eye, a second’s hesitation, and then, ‘Okay.’
Better and better...
We walk up to the McLaren 720S, its colour a mystical blue that makes me want to smooth my hands all over it like I’m afflicted with some weird fetish, and I laugh over my own thoughts. ‘You ready for this?’
He smiles and shakes his head at me, much like one would when indulging a child, and I grin back at him, pull open the door as he does the same, and climb in.
The second I’m in the seat, buckled and looking at the empty track ahead, I take a breath, calm my pulse that’s working overtime.
‘Here we go...’ I flick him a look, start the engine and test the accelerator, let the engine roar and feel it vibrate through the car, through me. ‘Nothing beats that sound!’
I sneak another look at him and the excitement swells; the spark is well and truly there now. ‘Doesn’t she sound amazing?’
He nods. ‘She does.’
‘Hold on tight.’
He promptly grips the grab handle in the door.
‘I didn’t quite mean literally. Jesus, Valentine!’ I roll my eyes. ‘Don’t tell me you have a thing about women drivers?’
‘No. Not at all.’
I don’t believe him and his hand still gripping the grab handle proves it. The little girl in me, the one that was told she had no place under the bonnet, comes alive. Miffed. Underestimated.
Well, I’ll show him.
I know this track like the back of my hand. And I’ve been trained to drive it as well as the best. Every corner, the preparation it takes, the split-second shift in gear, when to brake, when to accelerate...
And I go for it, loving every second. The rush, the speed, the noise...
‘Okay, okay.’ He waves me down. ‘You’ve proved your point; you can ease off.’
I glance at him. ‘You sure about that?’
‘Yes!’ he rushes out. ‘In fact, I’d go as far as to say you’re a better driver than me.’
I laugh, high, giddy.
‘Let’s see about that; it’s your turn.’
I pull over and have the weirdest sense he’s going to refuse, but then he undoes his seatbelt and we step out, switching sides, him at the wheel, me trusting him with it. And the fun builds. He relaxes more and more, his grin getting wider and wider, the colour returning to his cheeks, his eyes bright, and it’s fun, so much fun.
We try every car several times over and by the time we test out the last one, the Aston that really is so him, he’s quicker to get to it than me. Quicker around the track too.
‘You know, this one does suit you,’ I say as we climb out and I catch him eyeing it with what looks very much like longing.
‘Is that so?’
I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. ‘Completely. Strong, full of muscle. Confident. And...’ I run my teeth over my bottom lip ‘...très sexy.’
‘Sexy?’ He pockets his hands in the back of my jeans, urging me closer. ‘Maybe I ought to buy one.’
‘Ooh, is this a new kind of foreplay? Because if it is I’m all for it.’ And then I kiss him, all the excitement of the day, the thrill of sharing it with him pouring into the kiss.
‘Hey, Liv!’ Harry shouts from across the stands. ‘You won’t believe what’s just turned up!’
A phone starts vibrating between us. It’s Valentine’s mobile. He pulls back and slips it out of his jeans pocket as I look over at Harry.
‘What is it?’
‘The new Noble.’
‘For real?’
No way. This car isn’t just new; it’s still in concept territory.
‘It’s here for testing.’
‘—don’t worry, it’s fine; I can talk.’
I tune into Valentine’s conversation on the phone.
‘You okay if I...?’ I gesture to Harry and he nods.
‘Coming, Harry.’
I blow Valentine a kiss and leg it to where Harry is grinning like it’s some amazing prize. Which it is...it really is.
What a day!
Harry is letting me test drive a car that isn’t even on sale yet.
And Valentine has transformed from quiet and reserved to vibrant, excited...a born-again daredevil even. The way he took those corners, the thrill in his face, he loved it every bit as much as me. The Valentine I met in my boardroom is merging with the Valentine of old and it makes me happy, so very happy.
Life really doesn’t get any better than this...
‘Autumn Beckham has requested you personally. She won’t speak to any of us, only you.’
I’m listening to my PA but my eyes are on Olivia. I watch her happily skip away in her leather jacket, pale blue jeans and trainers. You’d think nothing could be sexier than how I’ve seen her previously, but like this, her hair in a loose ponytail, her outfit all relaxed, her face aglow...it has my body tightening even now, not to mention my heart that pulses, warm and very much alive.
‘You there, Valentine? I think I’ve lost you, blasted mobiles...’
‘No, no, I’m here. That’s fine. Send me her number and I’ll call her now.’
‘Will do.’
I hang up and watch Olivia as she joins Harry and they walk over to the slip road that leads onto the track. She’s in her element, and the truth is she’s dragged me right out of the darkness and shown me the fun that can be had when you just let go again. Stop fearing the what-ifs.
And I’m all for it. Right now, I’m all for it.
Cars. Speed. Her. The works.
An engine roars in the distance and its bright orange form comes into view at the mouth of the slip road. I squint. Try to make it out. Its lines are familiar but not. I keep watching and my phone pings. The number for Autumn.
I lift it, eye the number, but find my attention drifting back to Olivia, as it seems to twenty-four-seven these days. Harry’s taking over from the driver and Olivia’s climbing in the passenger seat. My heart and body both lighten.
‘Don’t tell me you have a thing about women drivers?’
Do I?