
“I am sorry I came on a bit strong a few nights ago. It was the drink and… Well, let’s just say I can see what your wife sees in you. She’s a lucky lady.”

I was a bit lost for words. “That’s lovely Sal… You know, there will be someone out there for you.” She laughed. “No, you’ll find mister right, and when you do it will be amazing for you.”

“And where am I going to find someone working six days a week with just you as eye candy.”

“Eye candy?” I laughed. “Sally, I have never been called that… Find yourself a nice rich event rider when you are back on the circuit next year, I think any man would fall over themselves to woo someone as pretty as you…”

“Do you really think I’m pretty?”

“Yes, I do. Well, at least when you’re not being a bitch, so for at least three minutes a day!” I kicked my horse on into a canter as Sally spluttered and shouted good-humoured abuse at me.

* * *

Hilary came onto the yard and helped us skip out and hang hay nets before inviting us in for dinner, saying this time it would be her treat.

“Your treat? Please don’t tell me you are going to try to cook?”

“What do you mean?” Hilary looked affronted.

“Sally she can’t be that bad a cook, surely?”

“Adam, she almost set fire to the horsebox trying to boil an egg for herself.”

I stepped in as the two started to bicker. “Ladies, look. Would you like me to cook again? If you go and get some shopping this time, I’ll give you a list. And Sally, it will have a copious quantity of wine on it.”

“I suppose I’d better invite Olivia?” Hilary sighed.

“You do that and I won’t be responsible for my actions.” They both laughed.

* * *

Even though I served up nothing more complex than a simple roast chicken with vegetables, from the reaction from Hilary and Sally you would think I’d presented a Michelin starred feast. It was clear from my previous peek into Hilary’s fridge she lived on microwavable ready meals and I knew that Sally’s usual diet seemed to consist of instant noodles and crisps, washed down with copious quantities of cheap wine.

We sat around the kitchen table in Hilary’s house enjoying the wine and food, any grief between the two ladies had passed as they shared embarrassing stories of three-day events, mostly involving who was sleeping with who and the nocturnal activities between the horsebox lines. Hilary tried to remain coy, but Sally was drunk enough to spill the beans on what she had seen happening in the horsebox leaving her employer stuttering and red in the face.

Eventually, in the early hours of the morning, we agreed we needed to call it a night. Hilary offered a room for Sally.

“No… I’m quite happy where I am…”

“Sally… The caravan is crap, it’s damp, it smells. Take a nice warm room here.”

“You wouldn’t mind Adam?”

“Go on… Go and grab your things.”

She kissed me on the cheek, and I watched as she gleefully left.

“Thank you, Adam… I’ve made a bit of a mess of things; without you I think everything would have fallen apart.”

“Hilary, you were put in a difficult position, I don’t think anyone could have done any better.”

“No, I think you would have done a lot better, but you’ve rescued the situation. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“Good night boss!”

Back at the caravan Sally had packed and was waiting for me. “Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. You really don’t mind?”

“What having the place to myself and not having you snoring…”

Sally snorted, grabbing her bag she hugged me and stepped out into the night. I could see a light on in the cottage but ignored it as I closed the door and prepared for bed.


She Speaks


I turned around and saw Olivia standing behind me. “Oh hello, are you okay? Looking at your expression I’m guessing the answer is no. Olivia, can I help you in any way?”

“Adam, I know I come across as a real brat, but this is really important to me. I absolutely need to succeed. You can’t imagine what it’s like growing up with my, ‘highly successful’ mother, her words, not mine. She’s always been ‘highly successful’ in all she does. Delivering anything less than perfection would not be allowed. Look, I felt I needed to explain why I am the way I am. I realise you don’t like me…”

“Oh, Olivia! Don’t be silly. I don’t dislike you at all. You’re a damn good rider, certainly better than me by a long way. I’m sure you will succeed, in fact, I know you will. You just rub people up the wrong way at times. Really, I don’t dislike you, but you can be hard to like if you understand what I’m saying?”

“I know! But what can I do?”

“You want to know? Okay, start by working on the yard. I am sure you think it’s beneath you and something for plebs like me… No, listen to me for a moment. Grooms are a vital part of the team. Learn what they do and be able to do it as well as they do, if not better. Without your groom, you won’t win Badminton and you won’t get the Olympic gold I know you so richly desire. Sally works bloody hard, so do I. So, if you are someone who just turns up to ride and is rude to their grooms and their coach… Well, you will be resented.”

“Hilary doesn’t do stable work…” Olivia muttered.

“It’s not Hilary’s job to do that, she has important things to do developing the horses and she does help out when she can. She has a lot to do that you probably

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