A mischievous grin lifted on her supple lips. "Will you help me with my gown?" Victoria turned, giving him her back.
Albert unclipped the tiny buttons at her back, admiring her creamy-soft skin beneath her shift. "You have a very kissable back." He caressed her neck, nuzzling just beneath her ear.
She pushed back against him, reaching up to clasp his hair. "Come, let's swim."
Victoria stood, the gown slipping to her feet before she ran and jumped off the end of the dock, eliciting a squeal as she hit the cold water. Albert wrenched off his waistcoat and pulled his cravat free before throwing his shirt onto the dock with all of their clothes. He left his breeches on and then joined her, jumping in beside her.
She laughed, swimming over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. For a moment she stared at him, the droplets of water sitting on her long eyelashes. Her green eyes were fierce with the lake surrounding them, and then she kissed him. Albert pulled her legs about his waist, holding on to the dock to keep them afloat.
The kiss was as wild and demanding as the woman in his arms. Untamed and wicked. Love welled up inside of him. She was his life, and he needed Victoria to realize that he was hers. That being married to him did not mean she had to give up her dreams, just let him be part of them. He would compromise if it meant they were to be married.
Until then, he would play this game until she muddled through her thoughts, forgave the past and welcomed the future with open arms.
Victoria needed time, and he was in no rush. He'd wait forever if he needed to.
Chapter 30
The days passed by, followed by nights of scandalous awakenings. Victoria could not remember enjoying herself so much before at any house party in all the years she attended them.
But Albert was a very special host and paid particular attention to her. Her wants and desires. He was utterly addicting and wicked, and she savored every moment in his arms.
The carriage rolled to a stop before the estate of Lord and Lady Hammilyn's home. The house wasn't as large as Rosedale and was quarter the size of Dunsleigh. Even so, the earl's property was grand and very pretty with its sandstone walls, glistening windows, and lanterns that lined the oak drive up to the house.
Josh this evening looked particularly dashing, and she wondered if he had set his cap on Lady Sophie and dressed to impress the heiress. She was very beautiful, but cold, Victoria could not help but think. Josh needed a kind and cheerful lady like his character, and Victoria wasn't sure they suited all that well.
Her mama spoke very little. Still a little put out after their disagreement several days ago. She supposed she would have to make peace with her mama, but how to do so when she was determined to live her life as she saw fit?
"We're here," Josh stated, slipping his top hat onto his head. He jumped down first, helping Mama and then Victoria to alight. Albert joined Victoria and took her hand, placing it on his arm as they walked up the short flight of steps into the house.
Several friends from London were guests in the ballroom and after introductions they joined them. For some time, Victoria chatted about fashion, London, who had returned to their estates and what scandals were brewing in town. Thankfully she was no longer the topic of conversation regarding that subject. Albert, by her side, maintained conversation well with people of his social sphere. He had come such a very long way since their first lessons. He would do splendidly next year in town.
She pulled him aside, smiling up at him. "I know you do not want me to introduce any ladies to you, but I see Miss Marigold Scottsdale has arrived with her brother, and no one has joined them. Being one of the highest-ranked gentlemen in the county, maybe you could go speak to them and make them feel more welcome."
"Was not Mr. Scottsdale embroiled in some scandal last year?" Albert asked her, not moving away from her side.
Victoria frowned, thinking over the past season. "I do not believe so, but then I have not circulated in their group of friends. Either way, that they have been invited here, I'm sure whatever you heard is unworthy of concern."
He ran a hand across his jaw, an uncertain look crossing his features. Victoria steeled herself to observe him with Miss Scottsdale. This what he needed to do if he were to move forward with his plan for a wife. This was what he wanted in life. She could not stand in his way simply because she enjoyed his company and the delights they shared when in private.
"Go and speak to them, Albert. I shall be perfectly well here with my friends."
He nodded and reluctantly started toward the two guests. Victoria returned to her group, moving aside somewhat so she could watch Albert's interactions. Relief was evident on Mr. Scottsdale at the marquess's presence, and Victoria could not help but feel sorry for the pair. The ton, when anyone stepped out of line, could be so harsh in their criticisms. Maybe Mr. Scottsdale had been in a little trouble and had not been fully forgiven for it yet. She knew all too well how it felt to be a pariah, even though she had been the innocent party of her husband’s whoring, the ton had not seen it that way.
"Lady Victoria, you are here with Lord Melvin and your brother the duke, of course. It is good of you to join our small society here in Camberley. I know that you are not used to such menial events."
Victoria turned to Lady Sophie, nodding in welcome. "There is nothing menial about Camberley at all. I have enjoyed myself immensely while staying here."
Lady Sophie raised a skeptical brow. "Really?