good for you. Eat it.”

My teeth reluctantly sink into it. Not a very strong taste, almost an earthy flavor. Forcing its slimy texture down my throat she hands me a tiny glowing ball and a cup of water I assume the cave naturally filters.

She leans over me.

My peripherals catch Jacee staring.

“Eat this for taste,” she says.

“What is it?” I ask, bringing the shining ball closer to my eye.

“It’s what we call a globerry,” she explains twirling a bit of my hair. “They grow in the lower parts of the cave, and they are pretty much the sweetest thing you’ll ever put in your mouth besides me.” She winks and majestically departs, joining her husband at the front of the table. “Don’t eat too many though,” she warns without looking back.

My cheeks flush and burn a few hues of red. Quickly looking back to see if Xander heard what his wife said in hopes to prove my innocence, I see he’s too caught up in conversation with a couple of guys who appear to be placing bets of some kind.

Wow. They are betting against me. Makes sense, but what idiot is betting against that mountain?

Xander notices me after a few seconds. He turns and shouts, “I’ve got a lot riding on your tomorrow, better not let me down.”

“Tell me the pit isn’t what I think it is,” I beg as I sink further into the bench.

“It’s not too bad,” replies Xander breaking from his other conversation, “It’s basically you. And Leon. Fighting to the death, in a dark pit, with no escape.”

“To the death!?” I ask in disbelief. “Nope. That’s going to be a big nope from me.”

Everyone around the table bursts out in laughter as Xander slaps my back nearly knocking the wind from me. After a pause in his amusement, he says to me, “You’re going to be fine. Relax. I’ve got to see if there’s some fight in you. Elysium needs warriors, not pussies.”

“Don’t you mean Elysium needs warriors, not testicles?” interjects Hera. “Pussies are tough. Just think of the beating this one takes.”

She winks and everyone at the table loses it. Laughter all around, even Jacee is smiling.

“Look I’m no pussy and I’m willing to do whatever you need me to, but isn’t a fight to the death a little drastic? I’m not doing it, especially not against that giant ogre. Nah, fuck that. I had better odds breaking into 34.”

“I’ve got you. Just trust me, Palin,” says Xander with a certainty I’ve never seen before.

He’s fucking with me. Is this his way of getting back at me for earlier with his wife? Just relax and trust you while your right hand beats the life out of me? How in the fuck am I supposed to relax?

He stands and makes a gesture to the table behind me, “Cyrus, come over here for a second, please.”

A young man walks over and stands right next to me. He brushes the blonde hair out of his eyes and listens tentatively for his next order. Young, obvious from his high cheekbones and the pale smoothness of his face. He can’t be much older than his first rebirth, but he carries a great sense of honor in his stride. His posture is as perfect as his mannerisms. He stands proud. I’m a bit impressed, to say the least.

“Show Palin to his room and ensure he has the proper tools to win tomorrow. You are his keeper until I say otherwise. Understood?” orders Xander.

“Yes, Sir,” replies Cyrus with military-like authority.

I make sure to thank Xander again for the hospitality and follow the boy. We walk for a while passing different routes and people along our way, each person casting their own questioning stares. I must be the topic of conversation tonight. Their eyes are much louder than their whispers.

The cave stretches for miles under the desert surface. It’s gigantic. Judging by how well this place runs they’ve probably been living here for ages. It’s the perfect oasis in a world better left forgotten. How many other caves are out there just like this one?

Trying to ease the awkwardness and make small talk I ask the first thing that comes to mind, “So, how far are we from the city?”

He instantly replies, “’bout a day’s walk to 34. Maybe three days to 32,” and then purposely falls silent again. I suppose no further exchange is required.

He seems tense. I’m sure he carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. Cyrus is about the same size as me both height and thickness, but something about the way he presents himself intimidates me. Maybe it’s the seriousness of his nature that intrigues my curiosity, or perhaps the mystery in his youth. He would’ve made the perfect officer back in the city. Lethe would eat him right up.

I break the short silence again and ask, “How’d you end up here?”

“I’ve always lived here ever since I was born. My mother died when I was young, and I never knew my father. Xander took me in as one of his own – made sure I didn’t get myself killed,” he replies a little more honestly than I expected.

“Wait.. so, you remember your mother?” I ask puzzlingly.

“Yeah,” he says making it obvious my question was thoughtless. His eyebrows rise shattering the former professional expression he was wearing. “Oh, that’s right, you’re from one of the cities. We don’t have to worry about the mindwipes out here. We have actual food. Watch out for the globerry wine though,” he says letting out a little chuckle, “That’s the only way to lose your memories here.”

I pay him a grin as we continue to walk through the long, bio-illuminated corridors of Elysium. Everything about this place is beautiful. There is a supernatural nuance in the air that embodies all that is missing from 34. Here everything seems so free. The people

nod and greet us as we pass. Their curious eyes stare, but everyone seems friendly, well... everyone except Leon.

One room that catches

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