airlock loudly seals behind us.

The place is massive. Fluorescents burn white over rows of reclined surgical chairs like the ones in BioHacks, dozens of them occupied. Every chair’s stationed next to a computer with a network line attached to its occupant’s arm. Plugged manually into the system, the users slumber in a comatose state. The server lights blink yellow in pattern as they hum a constant melody.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” asks the stranger. “Every vault, like this one, operating on an entirely closed system that I designed myself.”

This place is impressive, to say the least.

The man smiles and formally introduces himself. ”The name’s Niko, by the way. Niko Lethe.”

The sound of that name forces a flinch.

“I don’t understand…”

“Not that type of Lethe,” he interjects, pointing subtly to the surface. “My brother, Archer, and I haven’t been on speaking terms for quite some time now. We no longer see things eye to eye.”

“Your brother?”

“He used to be. He’s something else now. The real Archer was murdered centuries ago. His beloved Machina has taken his place, acting as if it was king of the world ever since.”

“Archer Lethe is a Machina? The Archer Lethe?”

“Life is often not as it seems. His creation ultimately took his body, using the catalyst to keep himself together, the catalyst that I developed from my own blood. If you made it this far, you must know by now. Some of us are born different, variations in our DNA that help us adapt and survive. The mutation was first discovered in myself long ago, a few months prior to the meteor. I noticed a cut of mine healed at an unusual rate. This, eventually, led our company to develop a cure for everything, the catalyst for life.”

“So, how’d you end up here? What is this place anyway? Who are these people??” I ask bluntly.

“This... is Kronos. We are standing amongst the forgotten fallout vaults of Olympia before she became Olympia. I hacked the sentries years ago and tunneled out to the Outlands, but this is it, the rebellion headquarters if you will. Our home. You couldn’t have arrived at a more perfect time.”

“It was you all along, then? Palin? You led me here. I knew it! But why? Why me?”

“Well, I can’t take all of the credit. Iris is mostly responsible for your recruitment, assuming you wish to fight with us. We can certainly use the numbers. As I’m sure you’re aware Lethe won’t go down without a fight.”

“That’s for sure.”

“The decision is yours to make, Eros. Live on your knees or fight on your feet?”

“Where’s Athan? I’m not doing anything until I know he is safe.”

“The last sighting of the boy was with your old friend, Oriyen. He was delivered to Lethe Tower shortly after the explosion. This is about more than him now. How many more like him will suffer and perish? How many more will they torture? The war for freedom will not win itself. Do you want to stop the Lethe Corporation or not?”

“I do.”

“Actions are greater than optimism. Join us and we will destroy Lethe together.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“This way,” orders Niko again, leading me through the symmetry of slumbering Kronos towards the rear of the vault. I spot Sophia among the sleeping.

The back wall of this colossal concrete room is lined with computer screens, each displaying different feeds from the surface. A tatted datarat types furiously on one of the keyboards underneath. Two piercings for every tattoo and wired in at the eye. He’s too linked in to notice us.

Above him, a loft made from the same industrial metal as the elevator room that brought me here. The bustle of conversation above ceases when they hear us clanking up the stairs.

The cool blue glow from the holotable grabs my attention first. A 3-D miniature of Olympia rises from it, with highlighted buildings glowing red, and pulsating white arrows leading to Lethe Tower. Around the table sits a half-dozen swivel chairs, three of them occupied.

“We’ve all been expecting you,” announces Niko. “Let me introduce your team.” He points to a dark man, bald, wearing some sort of breathing device strapped over his face. It covers all but his cold, grey eyes. Muscular build. Both arms, titanium. “The quiet one is Hector. He was the Pankration human division champion for over sixty years before he was defeated and brought back. Arguably the strongest man in Olympia.”

“I believe you’ve already met Vulcan. He’s a genius and our private gunsmith. A little highmaintenance, but personally responsible for hacking your eye upgrade and feeding it to every screen and display in Olympia at the perfect time. The city saw everything tonight, the kidnappings, the murder, the wreck that sent your shuttle into a building full of innocent civilians. We’re expecting hundreds, if not thousands, to join our cause because of you, Eros. You’ve already given us so much.”

Vulcan slides his circle rimmed, tech goggles up over his wild, uncombed hair, gives me a wink and an energetic nod.

“And, of course, you’ve already met the beautiful Selene.”

“You never fail to amaze me,” I speak in disbelief.

Her pearlescent purple hair bounces a few inches above her shoulders as she tilts her head smiling. Her lips now the same shifting violet as her hair. Her tits, still perfect, even through her blouse.

“Welcome to the team,” she smiles.

“So, you downloaded Palin to my computer after we hooked up?” A sense of betrayal slams me. I feel used, stupid.

“Oh, you thought I was only there for the sex?” she laughs, petting a calico house cat nestling on her lap. “No offense, you’re cute, but not really my type, E.”


“She’s in all ways a cat person,” chimes Vulcan.

“Ha. Ha. Cute,” Selene retorts over Vulcan’s high-pitched laughter. Rolls her eyes. “Speaking of, where is she?”

“Now before you go worrying yourself to death, I’m sure Iris is fine. She was being tracked and had to improvise back at the Mug. She’s due back any moment,” replies Niko as he checks his pocket watch

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