for a year.”

“Have things gone wrong with him in any way?” said John, a sudden anxiety overcoming some reluctance to question a servant on such a subject.

“You mean about business, and suchlike?” replied Jeffrey. “No, sir, not so far as I know. You know, Mr. John, sir, that I pay all the house accounts, and there hasn’t never been no⁠—no shortness, as I might say, but we’re living a bit simpler than we used to⁠—in the matter of wine and suchlike⁠—and, as I told you, we don’t have comp’ny no more.”

“Is that all?” asked John, with some relief.

“Well, sir,” was the reply, “perhaps it’s because Mr. Lenox is getting older and don’t care so much about such things, but I have noticed that he hasn’t had anything new from the tailor in a long time, and really, sir, though perhaps I oughtn’t to say it, his things is getting a bit shabby, sir, and he used to be always so partic’lar.”

John got up and walked over to the window which looked out at the rear of the house. The words of the old servant disquieted him, notwithstanding that there was nothing so far that could not be accounted for without alarm. Jeffrey waited for a moment and then asked:

“Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. John? Will you be having luncheon here, sir?”

“No, thank you, Jeff,” said John; “nothing more now, and I will lunch here. I’ll come down and see Ann presently.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Jeffrey, and withdrew.

The view from the back windows of most city houses is not calculated to arouse enthusiasm at the best of times, and the day was singularly dispiriting: a sky of lead and a drizzling rain, which emphasized the squalor of the back yards in view. It was all very depressing. Jeffrey’s talk, though inconclusive, had stirred in John’s mind an uneasiness which was near to apprehension. He turned and walked about the familiar room, recognizing the well-known furniture, his mother’s picture over the mantel, the bookshelves filled with his boyhood’s accumulations, the well-remembered pattern of the carpet, and the wallpaper⁠—nothing was changed. It was all as he had left it two years ago, and for the time it seemed as if he had merely dreamed the life and experiences of those years. Indeed, it was with difficulty that he recalled any of them for the moment. And then suddenly there came into his mind the thought that he was at the beginning of a new epoch⁠—that on this day his boyhood ended, for up to then he had been but a boy. The thought was very vivid. It had come, the time when he must take upon himself the responsibilities of his own life, and make it for himself; the time which he had looked forward to as to come some day, but not hitherto at any particular moment, and so not to be very seriously considered.

It has been said that life had always been made easy for him, and that he had accepted the situation without protest. To easygoing natures the thought of any radical change in the current of affairs is usually unwelcome, but he was too young to find it really repugnant; and then, too, as he walked about the room with his hands in his pockets, it was further revealed to him that he had recently found a motive and impulse such as he had never had before. He recalled the talk that he had had with the companion of his voyage. He thought of her as one who could be tender to misfortune and charitable to incapacity, but who would have nothing but scorn for shiftlessness and malingering; and he realized that he had never cared for anything as for the good opinion of that young woman. No, there should be for him no more sauntering in the vales and groves, no more of loitering or dallying. He would take his place in the working world, and perhaps⁠—some day⁠—

A thought came to him with the impact of a blow: What could he do? What work was there for him? How could he pull his weight in the boat? All his life he had depended upon someone else, with easygoing thoughtlessness. Hardly had it ever really occurred to him that he might have to make a career for himself. Of business he had thought as something which he should undertake some time, but it was always a business ready made to his hand, with plenty of capital not of his own acquiring⁠—something for occupation, not of necessity. It came home to him that his father was his only resource, and that of his father’s affairs he knew next to nothing.

In addition to his affection for him, he had always had an unquestioning confidence in his father. It was his earliest recollection, and he still retained it to almost a childish extent. There had always been plenty. His own allowance, from time to time increased, though never extravagant, had always been ample, and on the one occasion when he had grievously exceeded it the excess had been paid with no more protest than a gentle “I think you ought not to have done this.” The two had lived together when John was at home without ostentation or any appearance of style, but with every essential of luxury. The house and its furnishings were old-fashioned, but everything was of the best, and when three or four of the elder man’s friends would come to dine, as happened occasionally, the contents of the cellar made them look at each other over their glasses. Mr. Lenox was very reticent in all matters relating to himself, and in his talks with his son, which were mostly at the table, rarely spoke of business matters in general, and almost never of his own. He had read well, and was fond of talking of his reading when he felt in the vein of talking, which was not always; but John had invariably found

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