David. “Of course I got the best nurse I could, an’ Mis’ Jones ’d run in two three times ev’ry day an’ see ’t things was goin’ on as right ’s they could; but it come on that I had to be away f’m home a good deal, an’ fin’ly, come fall, I got the Joneses to move into a bigger house, where I could have a room, an’ fixed it up with Mis’ Jones to take charge o’ the little feller right along. She hadn’t but one child, a girl of about thirteen, an’ had lost two little ones, an’ so between havin’ took to my little mite of a thing f’m the fust, an’ my makin’ it wuth her while, she was willin’, an’ we went on that way till⁠—the’ wa’n’t no further occasion fur ’s he was concerned, though I lived with them a spell longer when I was at home, which wa’n’t very often, an’ after he died I was gone fer a good while. But before that time, when I was at home, I had him with me all the time I could manage. With good care he’d growed up nice an’ bright, an’ as big as the average, an’ smarter ’n a steel trap. He liked bein’ with me better ’n anybody else, and when I c’d manage to have him I couldn’t bear to have him out o’ my sight. Wa’al, as I told you, he got to be most seven year old. I’d had to go out to Chicago, an’ one day I got a telegraph sayin’ he was putty sick⁠—an’ I took the fust train East. It was ’long in March, an’ we had a breakdown, an’ run into an awful snowstorm, an’ one thing another, an’ I lost twelve or fifteen hours. It seemed to me that them two days was longer ’n my hull life, but I fin’ly did git home about nine o’clock in the mornin’. When I got to the house Mis’ Jones was on the lookout fer me, an’ the door opened as I run up the stoop, an’ I see by her face that I was too late. ‘Oh, David, David!’ she says (she’d never called me David before), puttin’ her hands on my shoulders.

“ ‘When?’ I says.

“ ‘ ’Bout midnight,’ she says.

“ ‘Did he suffer much?’ I says.

“ ‘No,’ she says, ‘I don’t think so; but he was out of his head most of the time after the fust day, an’ I guess all the time the last twenty-four hours.’

“ ‘Do you think he’d ’a’ knowed me?’ I says. ‘Did he say anythin’?’ an’ at that,” said David, “she looked at me. She wa’n’t cryin’ when I come in, though she had ben; but at that her face all broke up. ‘I don’t know,’ she says. ‘He kept sayin’ things, an’ ’bout all we could understand was “Daddy, daddy,” ’ an’ then she throwed her apern over her face, an’⁠—”

David tipped his hat a little farther over his eyes, though, like many if not most “horsey” men, he usually wore it rather far down, and leaning over, twirled the whip in the socket between his two fingers and thumb. John studied the stitched ornamentation of the dashboard until the reins were pushed into his hands. But it was not for long. David straightened himself, and, without turning his head, resumed them as if that were a matter of course.

“Day after the fun’ral,” he went on, “I says to Mis’ Jones, ‘I’m goin’ back out West,’ I says, ‘an’ I can’t say how long I shall be gone⁠—long enough, anyway,’ I says, ‘to git it into my head that when I come back the’ won’t be no little feller to jump up an’ ’round my neck when I come into the house; but, long or short, I’ll come back some time, an’ meanwhile, as fur ’s things between you an’ me air, they’re to go on jest the same, an’ more ’n that, do you think you’ll remember him some?’ I says.

“ ‘As long as I live,’ she says, ‘jes’ like my own.’

“ ‘Wa’al,’ I says, ‘long ’s you remember him, he’ll be, in a way, livin’ to ye, an’ as long ’s that I allow to pay fer his keep an’ tendin’ jes’ the same as I have, an’,’ I says, ‘if you don’t let me you ain’t no friend o’ mine, an’ you ben a good one.’ Wa’al, she squimmidged some, but I wouldn’t let her say ‘No.’ ‘I’ve ’ranged it all with my pardner an’ other ways,’ I says, ‘an’ more ’n that, if you git into any kind of a scrape an’ I don’t happen to be got at, you go to him an’ git what you want.’ ”

“I hope she lived and prospered,” said John fervently.

“She lived twenty year,” said David, “an’ I wish she was livin’ now. I never drawed a check on her account without feelin’ ’t I was doin’ somethin’ for my little boy.

“The’s a good many diff’rent sorts an’ kinds o’ sorro’,” he said, after a moment, “that’s in some ways kind o’ kin to each other, but I guess losin’ a child ’s a specie by itself. Of course I passed the achin’, smartin’ point years ago, but it’s somethin’ you can’t fergit⁠—that is, you can’t help feelin’ about it, because it ain’t only what the child was to you, but what you keep thinkin’ he’d ’a’ ben growin’ more an’ more to be to you. When I lost my little boy I didn’t only lose him as he was, but I ben losin’ him over an’ agin all these years. What he’d ’a’ ben when he was so old; an’ what when he’d got to be a big boy; an’ what he’d ’a’ ben when he went mebbe to collidge; an’ what he’d ’a’ ben afterward, an’ up to now. Of course the times when a man stuffs his face down into the pillers nights, passes, after a while; but while the’s some sorro’s

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