fortunes, and stem off the ruin originated in the Crimea, but all in vain; and at last defeated by fortune, but not I think disgraced, we were obliged to capitulate on very honourable conditions. In plain truth, the old Crimean firm of Seacole and Day was dissolved finally, and its partners had to recommence the world anew. And so ended our campaign. One of us started only the other day for the Antipodes, while the other is ready to take any journey to any place where a stout heart and two experienced hands may be of use.

Perhaps it would be right if I were to express more shame and annoyance than I really feel at the pecuniarily disastrous issue of my Crimean adventures, but I cannot⁠—I really cannot. When I would try and feel ashamed of myself for being poor and helpless, I only experience a glow of pride at the other and more pleasing events of my career; when I think of the few whom I failed to pay in full (and so far from blaming me some of them are now my firmest friends), I cannot help remembering also the many who profess themselves indebted to me.

Let me, in as few words as possible, state the results of my Crimean campaign. To be sure, I returned from it shaken in health. I came home wounded, as many others did. Few constitutions, indeed, were the better for those winters before Sebastopol, and I was too hard worked not to feel their effects; for a little labour fatigues me now⁠—I cannot watch by sickbeds as I could⁠—a week’s want of rest quite knocks me up now. Then I returned bankrupt in fortune. Whereas others in my position may have come back to England rich and prosperous, I found myself poor⁠—beggared. So few words can tell what I have lost.

But what have I gained? I should need a volume to describe that fairly; so much is it, and so cheaply purchased by suffering ten times worse than what I have experienced. I have more than once heard people say that they would gladly suffer illness to enjoy the delights of convalescence, and so, by enduring a few days’ pain, gain the tender love of relatives and sympathy of friends. And on this principle I rejoice in the trials which have borne me such pleasures as those I now enjoy, for wherever I go I am sure to meet some smiling face; every step I take in the crowded London streets may bring me in contact with some friend, forgotten by me, perhaps, but who soon reminds me of our old life before Sebastopol; it seems very long ago now, when I was of use to him and he to me.

Where, indeed, do I not find friends. In omnibuses, in river steamboats, in places of public amusement, in quiet streets and courts, where taking shortcuts I lose my way ofttimes, spring up old familiar faces to remind me of the months spent on Spring Hill. The sentries at Whitehall relax from the discharge of their important duty of guarding nothing to give me a smile of recognition; the very newspaper offices look friendly as I pass them by; busy Printing-house Yard puts on a cheering smile, and the Punch office in Fleet Street sometimes laughs outright. Now, would all this have happened if I had returned to England a rich woman? Surely not.

A few words more ere I bring these egotistical remarks to a close. It is naturally with feelings of pride and pleasure that I allude to the committee recently organized to aid me; and if I indulge in the vanity of placing their names before my readers, it is simply because every one of the following noblemen and gentlemen knew me in the Crimea, and by consenting to assist me now record publicly their opinion of my services there. And yet I may reasonably on other grounds be proud of the fact, that it has been stated publicly that my present embarrassments originated in my charities and incessant labours among the army, by

  • Major-General Lord Rokeby, K.C.B.

  • H.S.H. Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, C.B.

  • His Grace the Duke of Wellington.

  • His Grace the Duke of Newcastle.

  • The Right Hon. Lord Ward.

  • General Sir John Burgoyne, K.C.B.

  • Major-General Sir Richard Airey, K.C.B.

  • Rear-Admiral Sir Stephen Lushington, K.C.B.

  • Colonel M’Murdo, C.B.

  • Colonel Chapman, C.B.

  • Lieutenant-Colonel Ridley, C.B.

  • Major the Hon. F. Keane.

  • W. H. Russell, Esq. (Times Correspondent).

  • W. T. Doyne, Esq.


  1. Mrs. Seacole very likely refers to Macbeth. But it was the witches he abused. —⁠Ed.

  2. Subsequently I saw much of Miss Nightingale, at Balaclava.


The Standard Ebooks logo.

Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
was published in 1857 by
Mary Seacole.

This ebook was produced for
Standard Ebooks
David Reimer,
and is based on a transcription produced in 2007 by
Suzanne Shell, Sam W., and The Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Project Gutenberg
and on digital scans from the
Internet Archive.

The cover page is adapted from
The Conflict at the Guns, Balaclava,
a painting completed in 1854 by
George Jones.
The cover and title pages feature the
League Spartan and Sorts Mill Goudy
typefaces created in 2014 and 2009 by
The League of Moveable Type.

The first edition of this ebook was released on
January 7, 2024, 3:07 a.m.
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