Parliament, and having directed the form of that for witnesses, as follows, the Court was opened.

I, A. B. solemnly promise and swear on the Holy Evangelists, to bear true and faithful witness between the King and prisoner, or prisoners, in relation to the fact, or facts, of piracy and robbery, he or they do now stand accused of. So help me God.

The court consisted of

  • Captain Mungo Heardman, President

  • Captain James Phips, Esq.; General of the Coast

  • Mr. Edward Hyde, Secretary to the Company

  • Mr. H. Dodson, Mer.

  • Mr. F. Boye, Mer.

  • Lieut. John Barnsley

  • Lieut. Ch. Fanshaw

The following prisoners, out of the pirate ship Ranger, having been commanded before them, the charge, or indictment, was exhibited.

Prisoners Taken in the Ranger
Men’s names Ships from Time when
* James Skyrm Greyhound sloop
* Rich. Hardy Pirate with Davis
* Wm. Main Brigantine Capt. Peet
* Henry Dennis Pirates with
Capt. Davis
* Val. Ashplant
* Rob. Birdson
* Rich. Harris Phoenix of Bristol,
Capt. Richards
* D. Littlejohn
* Thomas How at Newfoundland
Her. Hunkins Success Sloop
* Hugh Harris Willing Mind
* W. Mackintosh
Thomas Wills Richard of Biddiford
† John Wilden Mary and Martha
* Ja. Greenham Little York, Phillips Mr.
* John Jaynson Love of Lancaster
Chri. Lang Thomas Brigantine
* John Mitchel Norman Galley
T. Withstandenot
Peter la Fever Jeremiah and Ann
* Wm. Shurin
* Wm. Wats Sierra
of Mr. Glyn
* Wm. Davis of Seig. Jossee
† James Barrow Martha Snow
Capt. Lady
* Joshua Lee
Rob. Hartley (1) Robinson of Liverpool
Capt. Kanning
† James Crane
George Smithson Stanwich Galley
Captain Tarlton
Roger Pye
† Rob. Fletcher
* Ro. Hartley (2)
† Andrew Rance A Dutch Ship
* Cuthbert Goss Mercy Galley
of Bristol
at Calabar
* Tho. Giles
* Israel Hynde
William Church Gertruycht of Holland
Philip Haak Flushingham of Ditto
William Smith Elizabeth
Capt. Sharp
Adam Comry
William Graves King Solomon
Capt. Trahern
off Cape Apollonia
* Peter de Vine
John Johnson
John Stodgill
Henry Dawson Whydah sloop
at Jaquin
William Glass
Josiah Robinson Tarlton
Capt. Tho. Tarlton
John Arnaught
John Davis
† Henry Graves
Tho. Howard
† John Rimer
Thomas Clephen
Wm. Guineys Porcupine Capt. Fletcher
† James Cosins
Tho. Stretton Onslow
Gee at Cestos
* William Petty
Mic. Lemmon
* Wm. Wood
* Ed. Watts
* John Horn
Pierre Ravon From the French
ship in Whydah Road
John Dugan
James Ardeon
Ettrien Gilliot
Ren. Marraud
John Gittin
Jo. Richardeau
John Lavogue
John Duplaissey
Peter Grossey
Rence Frogier
Lewis Arnaut
Rence Thoby
Meth Roulac
John Gumar
John Paquete
Allan Pigan
Pierce Shillot

You, James Skyrm, Michael Lemmon, Robert Hartley, etc.

Ye, and every one of you, are in the name, and by the authority, of our dread Sovereign Lord, George, King of Great Britain, indicted as follows;

Forasmuch as in open contempt of the laws of your country, ye have all of you been wickedly united, and articled together, for the annoyance and disturbance of His Majesty’s trading subjects by sea. And have in conformity to the most evil and mischievous intentions, been twice down the coast of Africa, with two ships; once in the beginning of August, and a second time, in January last, sinking, burning, or robbing such ships, and vessels, as then happened in your way.

Particularly, ye stand charged at the instance, and information of Captain Chaloner Ogle, as traitors and pirates, for the unlawful opposition ye made to His Majesty’s ship, the Swallow, under his command.

For that on the last past, upon sight of the aforesaid King’s ship, ye did immediately weigh anchor from under Cape Lopez, on the southern coast of Africa, in a French built ship of 32 guns, called the Ranger, and did pursue and chase the aforesaid King’s ship, with such dispatch and precipitancy, as declared ye common robbers and pirates.

That about the same morning, drawing within gunshot of His Majesty’s aforesaid ship the Swallow, ye hoisted a piratical black flag, and fired several chase guns, to deter, as much as ye were able, His Majesty’s servants from their duty.

That an hour after this, being very nigh to the aforesaid King’s ship, ye did audaciously continue in a hostile defence and assault, for about two hours more, in open violation of the laws, and in defiance to the King’s colours and commission.

And lastly, that in the acting, and compassing of all this, ye were all, and every one of you, in a wicked combination, voluntarily to exert, and actually did, in your several stations, use your utmost endeavours to distress the said King’s ship, and murder His Majesty’s good subjects.

To which they severally pleaded, Not Guilty.

Then the court called for the officers of the Swallow, Mr. Isaac Sun, Lieutenant, Ralph Baldrick, Boatswain, Daniel Maclaughlin, Mate, desiring them to view the prisoners, whether they knew them? And to give an account in what manner they had attack’d and fought the King’s ship; and they agreed as follows.

That they had viewed all the prisoners, as they stood now before the court, and were assured they were the same taken out of one, or other, of the pirate ships, Royal Fortune, or Ranger; but verily believe them to be taken out of the Ranger.

That they did in the King’s ship, at break of day, on Monday, the , discover three ships at anchor, under Cape Lopez, on the southern coast of Africa; the cape bearing then W. S. W. about three leagues, and perceiving one of them to have a pendant flying, and having heard their morning-gun before, they immediately suspected them to be Roberts the pirate, his consort, and a French ship, they knew had been lately carried out of Whydah Road.

The King’s ship was obliged to

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