who told me that she had cried out upon seeing her mother’s ghost (and well might she cry, poor soul! Had I been in her place, I should have cried ten times louder) it directly came into my head, that if anyone had power to quiet this spectre, it must be your reverence. So hither I came in all diligence, to beg that you will sprinkle my house with holy water, and lay the apparition in the Red Sea.”

Ambrosio stared at this strange story, which he could not credit.

“Did Donna Antonia also see the ghost?” said he.

“As plain as I see you, reverend father!”

Ambrosio paused for a moment. Here was an opportunity offered him of gaining access to Antonia, but he hesitated to employ it. The reputation which he enjoyed in Madrid was still dear to him; and since he had lost the reality of virtue, it appeared as if its semblance was become more valuable. He was conscious that publicly to break through the rule never to quit the abbey precincts, would derogate much from his supposed austerity. In visiting Elvira, he had always taken care to keep his features concealed from the domestics. Except by the lady, her daughter, and the faithful Flora, he was known in the family by no other name than that of Father Jerome. Should he comply with Jacintha’s request, and accompany her to her house, he knew that the violation of his rule could not be kept a secret. However, his eagerness to see Antonia obtained the victory: he even hoped, that the singularity of this adventure would justify him in the eyes of Madrid: but whatever might be the consequences, he resolved to profit by the opportunity which chance had presented to him. An expressive look from Matilda confirmed him in this resolution.

“Good woman,” said he to Jacintha, “what you tell me is so extraordinary that I can scarcely credit your assertions. However, I will comply with your request. Tomorrow after matins you may expect me at your house: I will then examine into what I can do for you, and if it is in my power, will free you from this unwelcome visitor. Now then go home, and peace be with you!”

“Home?” exclaimed Jacintha; “I go home? Not I by my troth! except under your protection, I set no foot of mine within the threshold. God help me, the ghost may meet me upon the stairs, and whisk me away with her to the devil! Oh! That I had accepted young Melchior Basco’s offer! Then I should have had somebody to protect me; but now I am a lone woman, and meet with nothing but crosses and misfortunes! Thank heaven, it is not yet too late to repent! There is Simon Gonzalez will have me any day of the week, and if I live till daybreak, I will marry him out of hand: an husband I will have, that is determined, for now this ghost is once in my house, I shall be frightened out of my wits to sleep alone. But for God’s sake, reverend father, come with me now. I shall have no rest till the house is purified, or the poor young lady either. The dear girl! She is in a piteous taking: I left her in strong convulsions, and I doubt, she will not easily recover her fright.”

The friar started, and interrupted her hastily.

“In convulsions, say you? Antonia in convulsions? Lead on, good woman! I follow you this moment!”

Jacintha insisted upon his stopping to furnish himself with the vessel of holy water: with this request he complied. Thinking herself safe under his protection should a legion of ghosts attack her, the old woman returned the monk a profusion of thanks, and they departed together for the Strada di San Iago.

So strong an impression had the spectre made upon Antonia, that for the first two or three hours the physician declared her life to be in danger. The fits at length becoming less frequent induced him to alter his opinion. He said that to keep her quiet was all that was necessary; and he ordered a medicine to be prepared which would tranquillize her nerves, and procure her that repose which at present she much wanted. The sight of Ambrosio, who now appeared with Jacintha at her bedside, contributed essentially to compose her ruffled spirits. Elvira had not sufficiently explained herself upon the nature of his designs, to make a girl so ignorant of the world as her daughter aware how dangerous was his acquaintance. At this moment, when penetrated with horror at the scene which had just past, and dreading to contemplate the ghost’s prediction, her mind had need of all the succours of friendship and religion, Antonia regarded the abbot with an eye doubly partial. That strong prepossession in his favour still existed which she had felt for him at first sight: she fancied, yet knew not wherefore, that his presence was a safeguard to her from every danger, insult, or misfortune.

She thanked him gratefully for his visit, and related to him the adventure, which had alarmed her so seriously.

The abbot strove to reassure her, and convince her that the whole had been a deception of her overheated fancy. The solitude in which she had passed the evening, the gloom of night, the book which she had been reading, and the room in which she sat, were all calculated to place before her such a vision. He treated the idea of ghosts with ridicule, and produced strong arguments to prove the fallacy of such a system. His conversation tranquillized and comforted her, but did not convince her. She could not believe that the spectre had been a mere creature of her imagination; every circumstance was impressed upon her mind too forcibly, to permit her flattering herself with such an idea. She persisted in asserting that she had really seen her mother’s ghost, had heard the period of her dissolution announced and declared that she never should

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