Chapter 4

Norton Concort was a slender, athletic man in his middle thirties. The fact that he was impeccably dressed in a tailored business suit did not hide the fact that his body was in perfect shape. Despite his duties as President of the Board of Directors of Northrup Academy, Concort always found at least one or two hours in every day to devote to exercise.

Glendora had met Mr. Concort on several occasions over the years she had worked at Northrup, yet when she saw him the Saturday after telephoning him for an appointment, she felt more than anything else that he was not only a perfect stranger, but, somehow, an enemy as well.

Concort answered the front door of his house personally and ushered Glendora down a long, beautifully furnished hail to his book-lined study at the rear. He apologized for not offering her any refreshments. The maid, he said, had the day off, and his wife had driven into Huntingford to do some shopping. He sat down behind a cluttered desk and indicated a leather-covered wing-backed chair.

Glen sat down, not quite knowing how to approach the issue. She crossed her long, well-formed legs and pulled the hem of her skirt down so that it barely covered her knees.

While she was still trying to think of how to begin, Mr. Concort broke the silence.

'I haven't seen you for some time, Miss Adams,' he said.

She noticed that his dark eyes were exploring her body. Their gaze held her own for a moment, then seemed actually to roll over her shoulders, breasts, and hips to her nylon-clad legs, and then up again until they again met hers.

'I must say you're looking quite-how shall I say it-fit.'

'Thank you.' Her voice sounded as if it was coming from the bottom of a long pipe.

'Well,' he said at length, again letting his eyes explore her body, 'you seemed somewhat mysterious on the telephone the other night. What can I do for you?'

She cleared her throat, swallowed and determined to meet the issue head on. 'Mr. Concort,' she said, 'I hear there are plans to make the academy coeducational.'

'Yes,' he agreed, 'that's true.'

'But-' She couldn't finish. It was as though her brain had suddenly departed from her body. She could not offer an argument, a reason, an excuse-even a word. The room remained silent for some moments before Concort spoke.

'But what, Miss Adams?' His deep voice was almost melodious. There was a thoroughly sensual, very soothing quality to it.

'But, it mustn't,' she managed to say. 'It would destroy everything-'


'Why-' she stammered, 'why yes. The total tradition of the academy has always been feminine. Something like this could absolutely ruin everything… I mean everything the academy has always stood for.'

Norton Concort leaned back in his swivel chair. Again, he let his dark eyes roam freely over Glendora's well-proportioned body. This time when he spoke his voice was still sensuous, but, in addition to its soothing quality, there was something of a teacher trying to explain a particularly complicated point to a pupil.

'I know Dean Lydecker spoke to all of you individually,' he said. 'Perhaps he didn't mention the pure economics of the matter. Northrup is simply not so far into the black as it could be, Miss Adams. These days, people are simply not sending their daughters to finishing school the way they used to. By becoming coeducational, the academy will, in fact, double its income. Why, we estimate that the pre-enrollment fees alone will be sufficient to contract for construction of a new, all-male dormitory.'

'It's wrong!' Glen snapped. 'It's a violation of-' She couldn't go on.

'You seem very-how shall I put it-very emotionally involved in the issue.'

'I am,' she said. 'I've always loved the academy. I'd just hate to see it ruined by a lot of unruly boys making a mess of everything that has been established over the years.'

'I hardly think-'

'They'll destroy everything I've worked for!' she snapped. 'They'll ruin every one of the academy's traditions!'

'Miss Adams, the issue is hardly-'

'Mister Concort,' she said as she rose from the wing-backed chair, 'the idea is horrible to me. There's nothing I wouldn't do to stop it.'

Again, a long pause settled over the room. Norton Concort's eyes again seemed to roll like caressing hands over Glendora's raven hair, over her wide shoulders and firm breasts, over her sensuous hips, where they stopped momentarily before proceeding to her long legs and her sensible, low-heeled shoes, and then crawling up again.

'Are you sure?' he said finally.

'Of course I'm sure!' she snapped. 'My whole life has been dedicated to the academy. I'd sacrifice any-'

Suddenly, she understood the expression in his dark eyes and realized what she had talked herself into. Norton Concort was actually implying that he could be bribed-that given certain sexual privileges with her body, he might use his power and influence with the board of directors to reverse their decision to make the academy coeducational.

It seemed an eternity during which she stood there letting her conflicting emotions fight themselves.

Part of her was, in fact, willing to risk anything-undergo any ordeal-to preserve her unlimited sexual contacts, which could only remain if the academy remained an all-girl school. But another part of her was afraid. She had, in fact, never had any sort of an affair with a man other than one time in high school when she had manipulated a boyfriend's penis into rigid erection. But then, when she had felt the hard- length of his member, she had been completely terrified of having him thrust the instrument deep within her tender body.

Glendora Adams was, technically at any rate, a virgin. She was also a woman dedicated to the enjoyment of abandoned Lesbian pleasure with the many young girls under her care and tutelage. Would it be worth it, she wondered, to sacrifice her virginity to Norton Concort for the sake of continuing with what she thought were her real sensuous pleasures?

His hot brown eyes seemed to be drilling a message of passion into her as his soft, melodious voice again broke the silence of the room. 'Anything?' he insinuated.

'Well… I-'

He rose from behind his desk and circled it. He leaned back against the finely carved mahogany and crossed his arms over his slender, yet powerful chest. 'I believe I mentioned that this is the maid's day off.'


'And I did tell you that Mrs. Concort will be in Huntingford all day?'

'Yes, but-'

'Mrs. Concort is, I might say, a singularly peculiar woman.'


'Yes. She has absolutely no imagination.' Glen stared at him. He was looking from her breasts to her hips and then to her breasts again.

'None at all.' He lifted his eyes to hers, paused a moment, then spoke in an unmistakably significant tone. 'Particularly when it comes to sex.'

Involuntarily, Glen took a pace backward and almost collapsed into the wing-backed chair. She could not help gasping.

'Yes,' Concort said. 'She doesn't know how to fuck and probably never will.'

'Mr. Concort,' Glen gasped. 'I couldn't. I mean-'

'What's worse, perhaps, is she thinks sucking cock is dirty.'

'But… '

'I like my cock sucked,' Concort said. 'Do you like to suck cock?'


'No matter, Miss Adams; You've already agreed.'

'Agreed? But-'

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