She was willing. She opened her mouth wide and she sucked him completely into her throat. His thick cock pulsated in her throat and again she was tasting his thick, creamy lubricating fluid.

'God,' he said softly. 'God, I love it. It's nice. It's so fucking nice.'

She began to bob her head up and down on his cock. For a few minutes, she thought he was going to allow her to suck him off, and she started wondering just how much cum he could pour into her throat.

It was a nice thought, but it wasn't what he had in mind.

'Shit, no, baby,' he said. 'I don't have time and I want to give you a good fucking.'

'Yes,' she agreed. 'That's what I want too. A good fucking. Hurry and take my panties off.'

He grabbed the edge of her panties and peeled them quickly down her legs. Immediately his hand went between her legs. He began fingering her pussy until she was sopping wet and soft little sobs were being torn from her throat.

'Oh,' she groaned. 'Fuck me now, Roger. I'm ready far you now.'

'Sure, baby,' he groaned. 'Sure.'

He stretched out on top of her and his big cock slammed into her savagely. He didn't wait for her to get ready. He knew she would be able to catch up with him.

He began fucking her with deep, savage thrusts that brought more moans from her throat.

Never had it been so nice. He was so big, so filling, and he knew how to use his cock. He kept slamming it so deep within her.

'Lift your legs,' he commanded.

She quickly lifted her legs and wrapped them around his buttocks. He seemed to get deeper in her. The pulsating cock began to grow and she realized he was getting ready to come. At the same time she felt her nipples harden and her juices flow hotly against his cock.

'I'm coming!' she screamed. 'I'm coming and you're coming with me! Yes, you are! I can feel you growing. I know you're going to come. God, yes, you're going to come. God, yes, I can feel you squirting. Squirting in me. In meeee!'

They finished barely in time, for they both heard the car pull into the driveway.

'Goddamn,' he said.

'They're home early,' Diane said.

They got dressed in no time at all and were downstairs drinking coffee when Diane's parents came in. Everything looked so natural that Diane almost laughed out loud.

She wondered what her parents would say if they knew what had happened just a few minutes earlier. With that thought, she giggled and her mother gave her a curious look.

Debbie was tired and sore, and she missed Diane in church that morning. Debbie wished her own parents had been as understanding and left her at home that morning.

Of course, she really couldn't tell them that the reason she was tired was that she and Diane had really went through a workout the day before. Somehow she didn't feel as if her father would ever understand that.

'I'm going home early,' she told her mother, as they walked from Sunday School to the church building.

'But why?' her mother asked.

'I'm tired and sleepy,' Debbie said. 'And I thought about stopping to see Diane.'

'But you'd have to walk,' her mother protested, 'and we were going out to eat after.'

'I can walk,' Debbie said. 'And I can find something in the house to eat.'

Her mother was reluctant but she finally consented for Debbie to walk home.

'But you be careful crossing the streets,' her mother had said.

'I'll be careful,' Debbie promised.

Debbie was a little amused by her mother's concern as she started walking home. Her mother still so obviously thought of her as a child.

She wondered what her mother would say if she knew what her sweet, young daughter had been doing lately. God, would she have been shocked to know that her darling daughter Debbie actually spread her legs for anyone who asked.

Debbie giggled and almost turned her foot because she wasn't watching where she was going.

'Damn shoes,' she said.

She reached down and took them off. So what if her stockings were ruined, she didn't like to wear them anyway. She had to admit, though, that her sheer stockings did look good combined with her short blue Sunday dress.

Someone else was admiring her too, and it wasn't just her dress.

She felt hot eyes burning the tops of her thighs and she looked up quickly.

'Hello, Debbie,' a man said.

She didn't recognize him, at first. He was wearing a suit and tie and he never wore that to school, at least not so fancy-looking.

She blinked her eyes.

'Why, Mr. Kinkaid,' she said. 'I didn't know you lived around here.'

'I don't,' he said. 'I was just driving around.'

'Looking for anyone special,' she said.

'No,' he said. He grinned at her. 'You'll do. Would you like a lift? You look like you're having a few problems.'

His lust-filled eyes left no doubt as to why he wanted her in the car.

'Well,' she said. 'I was just going home.'

'Have you eaten yet?' he asked. 'I know a place where we can get some hamburgers.'

'Where?' she asked.

'My apartment, of course,' he said. 'Where else?'

She wanted to get into his car more than anything, but she was afraid. Then she remembered the pleasure he had given Diane. She remembered how Diane had begged him to fuck her harder and he could probably do her the same way.

Debbie nodded.

'Good,' he said. He reached over and opened the car door for her. She slid into the seat beside him and tugged down her dress.

'Now don't do that,' he said, pained. 'I like a little view when I'm driving.'

Even his words could make her feel a warmth that others could not.

She stretched out and allowed her dress to slip almost to the edge of her panties. In fact, he could probably see her blue panties if he looked hard enough.

He was looking hard enough. His eyes swept up her firm, tanned legs to where her pointy tits pushed at her frilly, white blouse.

'That better?' she asked him.

'Much better.'

He drove her to his apartment in a seedy section of the city. Debbie began to regret coming.

'It's better on the inside,' he assured her. It was. The carpets were plush and clean. His apartment was large and well-furnished. She sank down into one of his big, comfortable chairs. Again she allowed her dress to slip up her thighs to her panties.

He licked his dry lips.

'Would you like a drink?' he asked. 'While I put the burgers on?'

'You don't really have to cook anything,' she said. 'But a drink would be nice.'

He grinned at her. 'I like a girl who gets right to the point. What would you like?'

'Anything,' she purred. 'But not too strong.' He left the room to make the drinks. She sank down on her knees in the plush carpet right beside his stereo. She searched through his albums until she found one she liked. She put it on and soft music floated through the room.

Matt came back in with two full glasses.

He couldn't believe his luck at finding Debbie walking home. He'd always been as attracted to Debbie as he'd been to Diane. He wondered what his luck would be like if he tried to get them both together. Now that would be a treat-blonde, beautiful Debbie and dark Diane together at the same time. It made his cock hard just thinking about

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