breasts seemed even fuller and she could easily we the heavy black bush beneath her panties. She went back into her bedroom and found a robe to wrap around herself.

The doorbell rang this time.

'I'm coming,' she said. 'Hold your horses.'

She hurried downstairs as she tied the robe securely around her waist. She stopped again at the mirror just at the end of the stairs. She ran a comb quickly through her long, tangled black hair but there was little she could do about her bruised and puffy features.

Debbie had really given her a workout the day before. Of course, she would be willing to bet that Debbie would look little better.

'Danm,' Diane said again. 'I hope she feels better than I do.'

She opened the door and immediately felt her anger leave her. It was hard to feel angry with a man in a blue uniform and a gun on his hip.

'Are you Miss Christopher?' he asked.

'Yes,' she said. 'I am. What's the trouble, Officer?'

'No trouble, ma'm,' he said. 'Some practical joker messed up your yard last night. Usually when it's a young girl, it's a boyfriend or something.'

'Messed up our yard?' Diane asked groggily.

She looked past the officer's shoulder and saw where the trash had been dumped.

'Oh, no,' Diane said.

'It's a mess, all right,' the young officer smiled. 'I talked to your parents this morning and they told me to wait until ten before I talked to you. So here I am.'

She realized he wanted to come in.

'Come in,' she said. 'I can put some coffee on. But I don't think I can help you.'

'No?' he questioned.

'No,' she said. 'I don't know who would do a thing like this.'

The officer followed her into the kitchen and he watched her make coffee. She saw the name on his badge – Officer Roger Davies. She liked his name. She also noticed that he wore no wedding ring, and that his sharp eyes watched her every movement.

'You haven't had any arguments with your boyfriend lately?' Officer Davies asked.

'No,' Diane said. 'That is, I don't have a regular boyfriend.'

'No regular boyfriend,' he said, astonished. 'I'd figure the boys would beat your door down trying get to you. A girl as pretty as you.'

Diane took the coffee off and poured two steaming cups.

'Here,' Diane said. 'Enjoy. And I'm not really that pretty.'

He sipped his coffee. 'I'd have to argue with that,' he said. 'I think you're fantastic-looking. That hair really does something to me.'

A month before and Diane would have blushed. Now she only gave him a steady look.

'It does,' she said.

'Yeah,' he said. 'It makes me want to forget about duty, for a little while.'

Diane smiled. She studied the young officer's face. He was strong-looking, and she wondered what he would be like in bed. She knew he would be good.

She thought herself crazy thinking about sex so soon after the good workout yesterday, but she couldn't help it. She bent her head to sip her coffee and she knew he was looking down the front of her gown.

When she looked back at him he made no pretense of hiding where he was looking.

'Why don't you forget about duty?' she asked him. 'Just for a little while.'

Officer Davies started to look a little uncomfortable.

'How old are you?' he asked.

'Old enough,' she said softly.

'When are your parents due home?'

'They won't be home for hours,' Diane said. 'They make a day out of it.'

'Well,' he said softly. 'Why don't we go upstairs and find your bedroom.'

'It's not hard to find,' she said.

He wasn't as impatient as a younger man might have been. He waited until she had led him into her lush bedroom before she felt his hand pressed against her ass.

She turned quickly and folded into his strong arms. He pulled open the sash of her robe and her robe fell apart. His arms pressed her close to him.

She could feel his brass buttons against her titties, and it turned her on.

'Ummm,' she said softly. 'You have very nice arms. Very strong.'

'I'm nice all over,' he said.

'I hope you are as good as you say,' she whispered. 'I'm ready for a good fucking.'

If he was shocked by her language, he didn't show it. He pulled her tighter against him while his fingers explored the soft curves of her ass.

She felt him lifting up the hem of her gown, up past the curves of her ass to her waist. Both his hands cupped her soft asschecks and tugged her his groin.

She kit his prick jumping against then he was already very hard. She allowed herself to be pulled tighter so that her cunt was against his prick.

'God,' she said softly. 'You are big and strong all over. At least I can feel a nice, strong pert.'

He laughed and she felt herself being picked up. His hands still caressed her asscheeks as he carried her to the bed and dropped her on her back.

'Nice stuff,' he said. 'Very nice stuff. I like it, sweet thing, I like it.'

He bent over the bed and began to knead her titties. His hands weren't gentle and there was something very exciting about them. She felt her nipples grow hard against his caressing fingers.

'Christ,' she groaned. 'Oh, Christ.'

He didn't waste any time getting undressed. He left her only a moment and when he returned, he was naked. His chest was well-developed and covered with thick black hairs. She found that she was strongly attracted to his ape-like look.

What really attracted her was the huge cock sticking ramrod straight between his lap and his huge balls.

She licked her lips as she stared nervously at the hanging sac. Two such balls looked as if they could really beat her to death if he fucked her.

'Like it, baby?' he asked.

'Yes,' she admitted. 'Yes, I like it!'

'Feel it,' he commanded.

She reached for him. Her hot fingers wrapped around his staff and she moved her hand up and down gently. She was watching the huge slit and she saw the drop of white that appeared there.

He moved closer to the bed so that his prick was just inches from her mouth.

'Kiss it a little,' he said. 'Haven't you ever kissed a cock before?'

'Yes,' she said. 'I've kissed them. I'll show you how good I am at kissing cocks.'

He grunted as her tongue touched him. She licked away the drop of cum. He tasted very salty. She opened her lips and captured the head of his cock between her teeth.

'Jesus, baby,' he groaned. 'Jesus, you are good at kissing cocks.'

'I haven't started yet,' she said.

Again she sucked his crown into her mouth and she began to use her tongue and teeth on him. He was very sensitive there and in moments, he was groaning loudly. She had a mouth full of cum, but she knew it was only the beginning of his heavy load. This was only his lubricating fluid. What else did he have in those big balls of his?

'Umm,' she said, releasing him. 'Have you been saving your load for me?'

'That's the way all the girls act,' he said. 'But I promise you a lot more. I can go all day.'

'We can't go all day,' she said. 'Maybe some other time we will.'

'Sure, baby,' he said. 'But kiss it little more right now. Take my whole Goddamned prick into your mouth.'

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