
'Christ,' he moaned. 'You are one hot bitch. One fucking, hot bitch. I'm going to blow it in your cunt. Jesus, I'm going to blow it in your cunt! Christ, baby, here I come. Here I fucking come! AGHGHGHGHGH!'

She kept milking his cock until the first spasms of hot delight racked her own body. Her arms went around his neck and her mouth pound hungrily down on his again.

'MMMMMMM,' she moaned.

She fell against him and kept him tightly against her until she felt his cock grow limp and slip out of her. His cock had filled up her cunt so nicely.

It had been so much better than she'd expected.

'You may be a little plump,' she said softly. 'But you know how to use your cock.'

'Do you really think so?' James asked proudly. She could tell that she had really pleased him. It was so easy to please men.

'Sure,' she said. 'Your wife just doesn't know what she's been missing.'

His hand stroked her titty and she pulled away before he would start to get any more ideas. It had been nice but it wasn't so nice that she was ready to go again. There were plenty of good-looking men to have sex with.

'I've got to get dressed,' she said.

'You'll get dressed when hay so,' he said.

His voice had gotten ugly but he couldn't match the fierce look she gave him. Diane may not have known much about men before, but she was beginning to know a lot about them now. She knew she could make them beg for what was between her legs. She really didn't want to make anyone beg, but she wasn't going to be walked on any more.

She gave him a savage smile.

'You got what you wanted,' she said. 'I'm leaving now and you may go to hell if you don't like it.'

His mouth dropped open as she started to get dressed. His mouth was still open when she left, but he didn't try to stop her.

Diane was surprised to see Debbie on her front doorstep that Saturday morning. The two girls hadn't been talking much lately. Diane wasn't sure how much Debbie knew about what had happened, but there had been an uncomfortable feeling between them.

'Can I come in?' Debbie asked.

'Sure,' Diane said. 'Come in. Mother and Dad haw gone to the lake today. I was just cleaning the kitchen.'

'So I see,' Debbie said.

Diane wiped a smudge away from her check.

'I guess I do look a mess,' Diane admitted. 'But come on in. I'll find something cool to drink.'

The two girls went into the kitchen and Debbie sat don at the table. Diane opened two Cokes and brought them to the table.

'I guess you're wondering why I haven't been around lately,' Debbie said.

'I wondered,' Diane admitted, sipping at her drink. 'I just thought you were angry about something.'

'Oh, no,' Debbie said. 'I wasn't angry, just nervous.'

'Nervous about what?' Diane asked. Debbie looked pale. Diane waited while Debbie found the right words.

'I saw you,' Debbie finally blurted out. 'I saw you and Mr. Kinkaid.'

'Oh,' Diane said.

Diane found that she wasn't as upset as she'd thought she would be. So, Debbie knew all about it. Hell, half the school knew about it by now.

So far nothing had been said about Mr. Wailer, but Diane knew it would not be long before that story started going around. Somehow these things always got out.

'You're not mad, are you?' Debbie asked. 'I mean, about my watching.'

'No,' Diane said truthfully. 'I hope you got your eyes full.'

Debbie giggled. 'I did,' she admitted. 'In fact, I got a little turned on myself.'

'You did?' Diane asked.

Diane began to get interested. 'I did,' Debbie said.

'It's a shame you didn't have a boy of our own,' Diane said.

'I did,' she said. 'A boy named Tod'

'And?' Diane asked.

'And he gave me what Mr. Kinkaid was giving you,' Debbie said.

'Oh, my God,' Diane said.

Diane took a closer look at her friend. It was true that Debbie had been open about sex, but Diane had never really believed that Debbie had done it. Now she knew that her friend had also allowed a man between her legs, maybe many men.

'Ummnm,' Diane said. 'I guess we're more alike than I thought we were.'

Debbie smiled and stretched her long legs out in front of her. Diane felt her eyes drawn to the strip of tanned flesh revealed by her short skirt.

'Did you like it?' Debbie asked.

'Ummmm, yes,' Diane said. 'I get goose pimply just thinking about it. I never knew it could be like that. All Daddy ever told me was that it hurt and I should be careful because all boys wanted to do it.'

'Yeah,' Debbie agreed. 'My father told me the same thing. And I believed sex was like that until I got into his private collection one day.'

'His private collection?' Diane asked. 'What's that?'

'His pictures and films,' Debbie explained. 'Pretty raunchy stuff.'

'You mean your father has dirty pictures,' Diane said.

'Lots of them,' Debbie said. 'All hidden away in one of his drawers. I bet your father has some too.'

'Not my father,' Diane said.

Diane remembered how she'd awakened at night and heard the film projector going and she'd wondered what films her parents were watching that time of night.

It seemed a little foolish for her parents to be watching family films in the dark privacy of their bedroom.

'We could look,' Debbie suggested. 'You said your parents won't be back for hours.'

'Okay,' Diane said. 'We'll look. But I don't expect us to find anything.'

Diane felt her heart pounding as they made their way up the stairs.

'Oh, this is nice,' Debbie said, as they entered the plushly-carpeted bedroom.

'Where should we look?' Diane asked.

'In the closets first,' Debbie said. They found the film projector easily but they found no films in the room. They searched it twice and there was nothing to be found.

'Damn,' Debbie said disgustedly. 'I guess your father isn't like mine.'

'No,' Diane said. 'I guess he isn't.'

'But why does he keep the projector in here if he doesn't have any films?' Debbie asked.

'I don't know,' Diane admitted. 'But I've heard it going at night.'

'Then there must be some films here somewhere,' Debbie said. 'We just haven't found them.'

Diane sat down on the edge of the big, comfortable bed. She looked around but she couldn't think of any place where they hadn't looked.

'Under the bed,' Debbie said. 'But we looked under the bed,' Diane said. 'Not under the mattress,' Debbie said. 'But there couldn't possibly be anything…' Diane began saying.

But Debbie had already pulled up a portion of the mattress to expose the cavity beneath the springs. The hollow portion was filled with books, magazines, films, and devices that Diane had only heard dirty stories about.

'There,' Debbie said gleefully.

Debbie reached in and got a handful of the magazines and pulled them out.

'We should be able to learn something from these,' Debbie said.

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