her eyes on him, Sam offered the bottle. 'Got tired of waitin' so we decided to go on a little treasure hunt of our own. Seems your daddy got a little furry treasure too,' he chuckled lewdly.
'Yeah, with that slut friend of yours,' blurted out the distraught girl.
'Hey, now wait a minute,' sneered Pete. 'You think yer snotty pussy's any better?' With that, Pete rose from the stump and grabbed Sally from behind, his hands cupping her tits. She strained and twisted but couldn't wrench him off and when she tried to scream he just mockingly laughed at her. What had she done to deserve this she wondered, her huge tits throbbing in fear.
Her instincts at their height now, Sally knew they would strip her naked and something awful would happen to her. The obscene glinting look in Sam's eyes assured her of that and she wrenched her shoulders and kicked at Pete's ankles, but nothing loosened the hold.
'Real snappy little cunt we got here, Sam… whatcha say ya give me a hand.' Pete gestured with a nod of his head. Another long pull on the moonshine and the older man was on his feet, leaping greedily for her ankles and lifting them. They had her now from both sides and though she fought them with all her remaining strength, they were carrying heir over to a stack of blankets outside the camper-truck where they dumped her onto them and leered at her, rape obvious in their eyes.
'Don't it seem to you, Sam, that since her old man got little Sissy's pussy that we get a little of this one's hot little twat?'
Sam's grin answered for him.
As Sally cowered on the blankets, their lewd glances increased as they seemed to grow more restless. She could still not believe that she was trapped here alone out in this forsaken swamp with two men who'd proved themselves to be no better than a couple of pussy-hungry animals. It seemed like a practical joke… a mystery novel. It had been her father's fucking of that no-good swamp girl. The shock of seeing him actually fucking that foul-mouthed female had swept away all illusions that she might have had about her father's protective attitude toward her.
'Why are you doing this to me?' stammered Sally. 'I haven't done anything to you. Please… please,' she sobbed.
Pete unclasped his arms and turned smiling to Sam. 'Give the little lady a drink, Sam,' he said, gazing back at her long gently tapering legs.
'I… I don't want anything to drink,' she said and shuddered with cold. 'Just let me go to sleep.'
With a tenderness she couldn't understand, Sam reached down and handed her the bottle. 'Look, you gonna catch one hell of a cold if you don't warm up them insides.' She didn't notice him winking at Pete who couldn't seem to unlock his gaze from Sally's fearfully shivering tits.
Not caring what had caused this sudden change of heart, Sally gratefully accepted the bottle, raising it to her lips and wincing at the acrid taste as it burned a trail down her throat. Her eyes lifting from the rim of the bottle, she tensed as she saw Pete studying her as though she were a whore already stripped naked, evaluating her pussy for its worth.
His eyes moved from the smooth curve of her calves to her tiny waist, then burned a slow path upwards to her hotly swelling tits pressed inside her sweat shirt. He'd felt those huge tits before and planned to feel them, stripped naked this time, again.
An intuitive flash of survival swept through her chilled body again. 'W-What do you want from me? Why are you standing over me?' her voice faltered with each word.
'Hear that?' mocked Pete. 'She thinks we're a couple of fuckers…'
'Look… we're not a couple of raping brutes,' voiced Sam with a hint of smile in his voice. 'We ain't gonna do anything to your pussy that won't feel good.'
At this, Pete threw back his head and let the moonshine gurgle in his throat.
'Then go away… just go away and leave me alone,' Sally sobbed, tears of fear welling up in her eyes.
'Hey,' Pete nudged Sam. 'What ya say we flip a coin and find out who gets to fuck her hot little cunt first.'
Sally wished she hadn't heard that. Clenching her eyes tight, hearing only the lapping of the swamp water, she tried to shut out all sensation, desperately hoping that her father would come back and save her from their hungry cocks. God, why wasn't he ever there when she needed him? These men would fuck her crazy.
But then it had been that way her whole life! Nobody was ever there when she had to have someone close to share her miseries. With a pang of dread she remembered him leaving her with these thugs to go off and let that awful woman suck his cock and then liking it! With a chest heaving sob, she wished he was dead. Then opening her eyes at the sudden feel of someone touching her, she wished she could escape.
'Do you like it when I move my hand up and down your arm and across your big tits like this?' Pete said softly and slid his lightly coursing fingers up to the soft tanned skin of her neck.
Sobbing, she turned her face toward the water. 'Of course not,' she hissed.
'Okay, got a coin brother?' chortled Sam, delving into his dirty and frayed pocket. 'Penny do?'
'I take heads,' snickered the stubble-bearded man.
The coin flipped through the air, a whir of copper as it landed on Sam's wrist.
'Looks as if the little lady is mine to fuck, pal,' snorted Sam, surreptitiously eyeing the coin then holding it out for the dim-witted man to see.
'Guess I gotta, take sloppy seconds,' grunted the loser. 'Don't cum too much and git it too mushy!'
The blatant lewdness of the remark about fucking her and cumming in her sent an electric shiver of fear down the length of Sally's already stiffened spine. Unconsciously, she looked out over the dark, reflective expanse of the night swamp. It seemed incredible that she was going to get the cherry fucked away in one of the most beautiful places she'd ever been in her life. A prisoner in beauty.
Sally lay back on the blanket and let the words cut through her like a metallic edge. Pulling her matted blonde hair away from her face, she took another long gulp of the moonshine. Sam was closer, his hand resting on her jean-covered knee, his finger playing gently with the bottom of her sweat shirt. She thrust her knees against the blanket, but his hands thrust her more firmly with a slight digging pressure on her skin. Then his other hand slipped under her damp sweat shirt. She could feel his fingers on her naked flesh and then sensed his soft caress on the sensitive skin of her stomach.
'You are one of the damnedest lookin' kids I seen in this swamp for a long time, honey,' he said, the leering tone in his voice giving weight to his words. 'Nice big tits.'
'I-I-oh, please,' she cried out. 'Don't touch me! Let go of me!'
'It's all going to feel so damned good fuckin' into your pussy, doll. Bet you're a cherry. Can tell those things. You never felt a good hard cock fucking up between them legs?'
She tried to stand up but his arm jackknifed around her waist, pulling her struggling tits toward his chest as he kneeled down beside her. The smell of moonshine was heavy in the air.
She felt his hand slipping between the tightly fitting material of her bra, cupping the smoothly resilient nakedness of her tits between his fingers and she wrenched her body to the side, setting him off balance for a moment.
The sight of the rough, seventy year old stranger sent a shudder of revulsion through Sally's tight little cunt. How could she possibly have gotten into this situation where she wits going to get fucked by him. Looking at it objectively, it was completely absurd, but cool detachment was something her pussy didn't possess right now. The older man's hand increased his grip around her shoulder, while his other hand moved again to her stomach, worming its way again up to the deeply plunging cleavage between her tits, touching the smoothly uplifting area just above the cloth, then probing his fingers beneath her exposed bra to pinch her naked nipple.
'God,' she cried out, and tried desperately to squirm away. 'You can't touch my titties like that! When my father comes back he'll…'
'Honey, your daddy ain't comin' back from nowhere.'
'What-what do you mean?' she cried out.
'See that stream over there? Ain't nobody gonna be able to get back to this part of the swamp until mornin'.' He angled himself up on the heaped up blanket opposite her and crossed his feet comfortably on a nearby log. Studying her, she thought. What was so interesting about her that he liked to toy with her titties in this way? Yes, she reasoned, he was playing a game, teasing her and obtaining his perverse satisfaction by watching her squirm with each of his lewd advances.
'You know what I think?' he smiled widely and toyed with a handful of moss. 'I think a good cunt-fuck will get