something else to look at!'

He inserted his prick between her thighs and laid it along the slit she had been examining. Gloria immediately exclaimed delightedly and began pressing the tool against the lips of her pussy. She forced the skin off the head, peeling it all the way back, and rubbed the head over her tortured clitoris.

'Ahh. it's wonderful!' she sighed. 'My God, this makes me want to do everything with you!'

'You feel like you've got a forest fire burning in your cunt,' he muttered. 'I guess I'm going to have to put a hose in and wet it down for you!'

'I was hoping that we could have some time to do each other with our mouths,' she said, 'but now I don't want to do anything but get that prick of yours up my cunt! Dick? Can you put it in me like this? I mean, so I could hold the mirror and see it going into my pussy? I think I'd nearly die with pleasure if I could see it happening at the same time that I was feeling it!'

'Sure, it'll go in this way,' he told her. 'You feel slick enough; it ought not to be any trouble.'

'When I get like this,' she said, 'I simply gush that wet, slick stuff! It runs down my legs and ruins my underclothes if I'm dressed. Are all women that way?'

'No, just the best ones,' he told her. 'It's a sign that you're extra ready for a good fuck and that you're wanting it special!'

'Huh! I don't have to touch my pussy to know that!' she grunted.

Logan moved down the blanket slightly to give himself a better angle to penetrate her cuntal opening. He moved the massive rod up and down her well-oiled furrow a few times, generously lubricating the broad head; Gloria's heart pounded even faster when she saw the way the tool forced her pussy's lips apart and homed into the inner opening.

'Unngghh! I can already feel myself getting ready to come!' she moaned when he settled the head of the tool in the mouth of her cunt. 'Oohh, hurry, darling, I knovV I can't wait long!'

'Do it to yourself!' he urged. 'Reach down there and tickle your love-button a little; you can make yourself come while I'm right outside!'

Impelled by the demons working within her hot, hungry loins, she capitulated and brought her free hand down. The sight of Logan's cock nestled within the lips of her pussy inflamed her senses with sexual feeling and the warm, big presence of the tool aroused her even more. Her finger sought out the taut, swollen tip of her clitoris, closed upon it; she grunted audibly and quivered mightily when she touched the most tender part of her being.

'Agghh! Ooohh! It's here!' she cried out. 'I can't help it; I can't stop it! Unngghh! I'm coming! Ooohh! Oww! Mmm, I'm coming all over!'

Fingering her clitoris and watching intently, she trembled and groaned as the climax burst within her cunt and poured out in long, spasmodic waves of sensual pleasure. The come oozed from her cunt, bathing the head of Logan's cock and the lips of her pussy with a clear, musky oil before it dribbled down onto her lower thigh. Once Logan nearly succumbed to temptation and started to thrust his immense, swollen prick into her waiting cunt. She sensed the move and hunched down with her hips, welcoming the stroke, but he gained control of his impulses and conquered the feeling. When Gloria's climax had ebbed away his cock was still poised in the mouth of her cunt.

'Mmm, why didn't you fuck it up me.'' she whispered when at last she could speak. 'I was ready for it; I'd have come even more if only I'd had your cock going up me!'

'I guess you would,' he admitted, 'but I was holding back for something better. I got some more ideas about how you might like it and I wanted to try one of them.'

'I can't wait!' she purred, twisting slightly and rubbing her cuntal opening against his waiting prick. 'What kind of goodies do you have waiting for me.''

'I thought I'd show you how we could have us a little combination,' he said. 'You know, a half-fuck and half- hand job. How's that sound to you?'

'It sounds like the sexiest thing in the world!' she murmured. 'I can't imagine how we're going to do it but I'm certainly willing to try. And I guess you won't mind teaching me, will your1'

'Not a bit,' he said with a soft chuckle. 'A woman with a cunt like yours, it's a pleasure to do anything!'

They lay together for a few minutes more, enjoying their closeness and allowing Gloria to gather her strength for the next session of sensuality. Logan continued to work his prick up and down her pussy and to bathe it in the warm, sweet oils which continued to pour from her cunt.

'I think I'm ready now,' she said after another moment. 'What do you want me to do.'''

'About what you're doing now,' he said. 'I'll run it up your pussy on one stroke and you can rub it all over, wherever you want to feel it. And on the next stroke, after I draw back, you can guide it in your hole and I'll fuck it up your cunt. How's that sound to you?'

'It sounds like nothing I'd ever heard about or imagined!' she muttered hoarsely. 'It sounds like something that I'm going to remember for the rest of my life!'

'Then let's get to it,' he said. 'Here, I'll shove it up your cunt first and get it good 'n wet-that'll make it slide back and forth in your hands nice 'n easy. I think you're going to like this.'

'I'm going to love it, I know it!' she corrected him. 'But wait-let me get this mirror fixed just so; I want to see it going in me!'

She held the mirror at the proper angle and watched closely. She saw his huge prick settle into place, neatly framed by the big lips of her pussy; the sight was already bringing her to a high degree of sexual tension. When he tensed his muscles and started the inward drive she gasped with pleasure and trembled heavily.

'My God, it's incredible!' she greathed. 'Mmm, it's forcing all of me inward; it's caving my pussy in! Ahh, I feel it going in, though, it's heading up my cunt! Unngghh, Dick, it's filling me up; it's making me want to come all over again!'

He thrust half his immense prick into her cunt and left it there for'a moment. Gloria's body quickly adjusted to its big presence and she thrilled at the sight of a man's cock stuck into her cunt. She trembled with awed delight when she felt the huge rod spreading the cuntal tunnel wider and forcing it into a perfect tubular pattern.

'Now for the second part,' he muttered.

He withdrew his cock, taking it all the way out, and it emerged thickly coated with her cunt's abundant oils. The huge shaft glistened wetly in the fading sunlight. When the head had popped free from her cunt he surged forward; the well-oiled tool easily slipped along her pussy and rubbed against the lips and clitoris. Gloria immediately clapped a hand over it and held it against her body.

'Mmm, I love this!' she cried out. 'It's like nothing I ever felt! Oohh, do it again, Dick; I love to feel it going into my cunt! You make it so good!'

The short interval during which he had run his cock up arid down her pussy's furrow had been enough to let her cunt recede to nearly the normal size and thus she felt him with acute pleasure when he again speared the big rod up into her body. This time he drove even deeper; Gloria's fingers roamed over her pussy and rubbed the tender, aching lips against the hard, unyielding shaft as it split her meat. When he pulled out this time she was waiting and, cupping her hand, made a little pocket so that the tool was caught between her fingers and pussy as he pressed it forward.

'Ooohh, I know what's going to happen!' she muttered tensely. 'When you come you're going to shoot it all over my hands and my pussy! I'll be able to feel it shooting out! Ahh, I'm going to love this; it's going to make me want to come more than ever!'

Her agile fingers pressed firmly against the cunt-smeared prick as it slithered back and forth against her pussy, alternately spearing into her cunt and then scraping the lips and clitoris. Each lunging thrust up her cunt brought a gasp of anguished joy to her throat; Logan soon heightened these delightful sensations by reaching up to caress her right breast. She twisted around slightly, bringing her shoulders about, and shuddered as his strong fingers manipulated the full globe and scraped over her taut, dark nipple.

'Suck it!' she muttered feverishly. 'Suck my nipple; it'll make me feel it all the more! It's making me feel it like never before! Ahh, fuck me, Dick, fuck me all the way! I love your cock! Mmm, come on me, come on my pussy! I want to feel it shooting over my pussy!'

'Rub it harder!' he gasped, taking his mouth off her nipple for a moment. 'Jack me off! That's the way; you'll get the come outta my balls yet! I'm gonna shoot it up your cunt and over your pussy; you'll have come down to your knees! Ugghh! Your cunt's as hot as fire! Ahh, that's the way, honey; you've got it now! Just keep it up and

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