
'It'll be slick and wet,' she whispered, licking her lips with anticipation. 'I'll grab you hard and my hand will slide back and forth almost like you were still in my cunt! Oh, Dick, this is going to be so wonderful!'

He slowly pulled his cock from her cunt. As she had guessed, the tool emerged almost dripping with her cunt oils. She gasped with delight when she saw the thick rod and eagerly reached down to grasp it. Her strong, capable fingers closed over the juicy prong and she began pumping slowly. Logan came up her body slightly, bringing the tool closer until the head was only a few inches from her big breasts.

'You're sure doing it the right way,' he muttered tensely. 'You've got the touch, no doubt about that!'

'Am I doing it exactly right?' she whispered, intently watching her hand slide up and down the shaft of his cock. 'I want it to be the best ever for you; I want it to be so good you'll come and come and come!'

'You've got it just right,' he assured her. 'You just keep stretching that skin back tight and working over the head-that's the tenderest part, the rim of the head- and it won't be very long. Damn, I was almost ready to shoot off a load when I was in your cunt! You were so hot, so tight, and when I felt you coming so strong I nearly let go with it!'

'Mmm, I'm so glad you didn't come then,' she panted. 'I love to feel your cock shooting the come into my cunt, you know, but just this once I wanted you to save it so I could have it this way. You're a dear, you really are, to keep it back just for me!'

'It wasn't just for you,' he told her. 'I thought I'd like for you to jack me off too! I'm gonna get some fun outta this too, don't forget!'

'I hope you are,' she whispered. 'I'll certainly try to see to it!'

She fistfucked him with one hand and masturbated with the other, using her left hand to dig two fingers into the juicy mouth of her cunt. Logan's knees were now outside her hips and she closed her thighs over her hand so that she could force her fingers even deeper and bring her clitoris into closer contact with the palm of her hand.

'I can't help it,' she panted hoarsely. 'I'm so hot, I've just got to do it to myself! Oh, Dick, I feel so excited; this is making me want to come all over again! Mmm, I love the feel of your big hot cock in my hand; it's almost as good as when it was in my cunt!'

'Just keep it up like that,' he told her. 'It won't be long, honey, and I'll be shooting come all over you!'

She fistfucked him faster now, feeling that his come was closer, and he grunted his approval. Her hips worked convulsively as her fingers dug and clawed within her cunt. Suddenly Logan stiffened his entire body and growled out an incoherent oath. Gloria's hand pumped even faster and suddenly it happened: the first jet of steaming sperm rocketed up and spattered high up on her throat, almost gushing into her face.

'You're coming!' she gasped in awed delight. 'Ahh, you're shooting come now! It's shooting all over me; it's on my tits, my throat! Ooohh, shoot it, Dick, shoot it all! Empty your balls, give it all to me!'

'Aurrgghh! Fuck me!' he groaned. 'Don't stop; keep on jacking me off! Your hand's pulling it out of me; it's making me come so much! Unngghh! Ooohh!'

She continued to work her fist up and down his prick and directed the steady flow of sperm over her body. Logan surged forward and she touched the head of his cock to her nipples whenever she could; the spurting semen bathed the burgundy-hued cones with creamy gruel. When the peak of his climax had passed she continued jacking him off and the last dribbles of come oozed out the tip of his cock and onto her knuckles. Some of the sticky goo went into her palm and she used it to lubricate the shaft and glans, which had dried off, so that she could continue pumping.

'Great Godamighty!' Logan groaned at last. 'Girl, for somebody who never jerked a man off before, you've sure picked up the knack in a hurry!'

'Here, let me rub the head of your cock into your own come,' she whispered. 'I'll bathe your prick in that sweet stuff and then I'll suck you! I still haven't made myself come but I'll bet I can make it happen with your dick in my mouth! Especially if it's covered with your cream!'

Logan laughed indulgently but allowed her to do exactly as she wished. She touched his prick to her nippies, smearing the come over them and coating the tool's head with the sticky cream. Then she dipped it into the puddle which had formed at her navel. When she had thoroughly inundated the tool with semen Logan moved forward and shoved it into her mouth. Her left hand remained locked in place over her pussy and she humped herself into it harder than ever. The taste of Logan's cock gave her immense pleasure and she sucked at it tenderly, running her tongue over every part of the big tool as she continued masturbating. It was not long before she uttered a muffled groan and twisted about on the blanket, as if in the grip of a powerful emotion; she sucked even harder as her cunt churned out a long, fluttering orgasm.

'Ooohh, that was even better than I'd dare hope,' she panted when at last he removed his cock from her mouth and fell back limply. 'Tasting my cunt on it, that made it ever so much more tasty, and when you started letting go with your balls, well! Oh, Dick, I love to fuck; I wish we could stay here and fuck and suck each other forever!''

They lay together in the fading sunlight and munched on food from the sacks beside them. From time to time Gloria reached over to him and ran her fingers over the limp prick that lay sprawled across his belly, as if to reassure herself that it had not disappeared. Once, acting on Logan's whispered suggestion, she stuffed a piece of jerked venison into her pussy and left it there for several minutes.

'If anything can make that dried stuff tender and chewy, that cunt of yours'll do it,' he said with a chuckle. 'Hell. I'll bet it's gonna taste almost good by the time you let it set down there a while!'

'Are you going to help me eat it?' she asked, writhing with anticipation. 'Mmm, the spices in it are acting up! They're making my pussy itch and burn! You're really going to have to fuck me after this; I won't be able to go to sleep without another long come!'

'You'll have it,' he told her. 'I'll get my prick in your cunt and a finger in your asshole-that'll make you lift right up off'n this blanket!'

'My God, the very thought's enough to make me start coming almost,' she murmured. 'And speaking of my asshole, when are you going to fuck me there? I've been thinking about it and the more I consider it, the more I like the idea of having your prick in my ass!'

'I figured I'd work on you a time or two more with my finger,' he said. 'You know, just to exercise it and loosen it up a little more, that's all. Lord knows, I'd love to shove it up you today!'

'I'll wait if you really think I should,' she told him. 'Frankly, I'm a little scared to try letting you put that big dick of yours in my ass-I don't know what it's going to do to me.'

'It won't do nothing but make you feel real good,' he assured her. 'Here, let's try that piece of jerky now.'

He pulled the long finger of dark, dried meat from her cunt. Upon testing it, they found that her cunt's abundant juices had given it an excellent musky flavor, but had done nothing whatever to soften it. The spices and seasoning with which it had been laced, however, had left her cunt fh a deplorable condition and Logan fell to work making it feel better. First he thoroughly tongued her, lapping deep and sucking the lips of her pussy up into his mouth. Gloria fucked herself against his face and tongue with avidity and succeeded in bringing herself to yet another climax. Even so, she was still in a very horny mood when he removed his face from between her thighs.

'By sucking my cunt you got yourself all hard again,' she said, taking his stiff prick into her hands and rolling it between them. 'Looks as though I'm going to have to give you another fucking!'

She did just that, mounting him and riding him to a furious orgasm. He heaved, strained and humped, finally shooting another generous load of come far into her cunt and making her howl with sensual ecstasy. She stayed in place, riding him until his prick had shrunk to such an extent that it would no longer stay in her cunt. Then she slipped off him and lay at his side, fingering her cunt and spreading the oozing semen over her pussy and lower belly. Just before dropping off to sleep she slipped her spermy fingers into her mouth and sighed with pleasure; Logan's come was as tasty as ever and gave her the final satisfaction of the day.

That day set the pattern for the next two, during which they covered the hundred miles to Presidio and its sister town on the Mexico side of the river, Ojinaga. They left early, taking advantage of the cool mornings to cover as much ground as possible, and then dawdled until making an early camp. Each time, when they stopped at noOn or thereabouts to water the horses, Gloria would lower her trousers and wait for Logan to penetrate her from the rear.

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