and bit at his prick in time with the climactic spasms. He withdrew his cock until 'only the head remained lodged in her ass, then lurched from side to side. Gloria gasped with additional delight as the twisting motions forced the head of his cock to dig deep into the walls of the anal canal; he skewered her with a slow, driving thrust that turned her gasps into incoherent grunts of pure animal joy.

'Hunnhh!' he grunted savagely. 'Fuck yourself, honey, fuck your cunt and I'll fuck your asshole! Ugghh! I'll shoot come so far up you you'll taste it; you're building me up for a big one! Ahhh! You feel that, don't you? You feel it now; you like a cock up your asshole! You buttfucker, shake your ass! Milk my cock, milk it with your asshole! Oh, shit, honey, I'm coming too; I can't hold it back any more!'

His prick, swollen and bulging with passionate arousal, pumped furiously as his balls spat forth their entire load of sperm. Gloria stiffened from head to foot when she felt the huge rod begin spurting come into her bowel; the sensations were exquisitely acute and the hot sperm gushed over her tender membranes like liquid fire.

'Owww, do I ever feel it!' she muttered hoarsely. 'My God, you're flooding me with come; you've never come this much before! Mmm, Dick, you're shooting hot come all over my asshole! Ahhh, it's heaven, it's heaven! Fuck me, darling, fuck me in the asshole some more! I'll never get enough of it!'

Neither of them could maintain that high peak of exertion for very long. Logan soon collapsed on her with a long sigh of exhaustion; Gloria locked her legs around him and, removing her hand from her cunt, rubbed her pussy and clitoris into his belly.

'Mmmm, darling, you've made a believer out of me,' she moaned as the last waves of orgasmic pleasure ran through her loins. 'I thought I'd been fucked before but that was child's play compared to this! Oooohh, I thought I would die when I felt your big dick begin shooting that hot cream up my ass! It wasn't like anything I'd ever felt, not ever in my whole life!'

'I figured you'd like it that way,' he told her. 'Damn, I've fucked some tight, hot little assholes in my time but I'll swear I never had anything like yours! Gloria, you're a caution, you are-you'll be the death of me yet!'

'Ooohh, it's getting soft,' she cried out in despair. 'It's slipping out of my asshole! Oh well, I guess a thing that good ought not to last very long or else I'd surely fuck myself to death with it!'

'There ain't many women that could whip my cock down from a stiff with just one fuck,' he muttered as he pressed his loins into her waiting pussy, 'but you sure did it. Honey, I don't think I'll ever be able to get it hard again! You just might have given me my last fuck!'

'I don't believe it,' she scoffed. 'We'll just curl up here and have ourselves a little nap and after a while, when we've both got all our strength back, then I'll bet we can get that love pole hard again! Oh, Dick, I'm so happy you showed me how to fuck this way! I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't come along that day!''

She overestimated their recuperative powers, however, and they slept until sunrise the next morning. Gloria awoke with a very tender ass but had as compensation an exceedingly vivid and fond memory of the night before. Logan grinned happily when she reached out to caress his prick as they were getting dressed.

'There'll be some more of that for you tonight,' he told her.

'Yes, but not in the ass, I'm afraid; it feels as though someone had branded me square on the asshole,' she told him. 'How long will it be before I've recovered enough to try it again like that/ You know, you just might have fucked my cunt for the last time!'

'I don't know how long it'll take to get you back in shape to try it again,' he said, 'but whenever you feel up to it we'll give it a good go.'

They ate a hearty breakfast and gathered their horse herd before them. The next four days saw them angling across a barren, hot wasteland, heading always to the southwest and making fairly good time. Waterholes were few but they managed to get through without serious difficulty. On the fifth day they encountered a fellow American driving a big string of horses to the Chihuahua market. He had two vaqueros helping him control the big herd and a supply wagon; Logan and Gloria took advantage of his hospitality to have a cooked meal, which was salt pork and beans. Before leaving the horse dealer, they sold him all but two of their horses, which they intended keeping for pack animals, and all of the extra rifles left from the Indian's booty. When they left the horse trader they had an extra two hundred dollars.

'He rooked us a little,' Logan said when they rode away from the horse herd. 'We might have gotten closer to four-hundred dollars for all that stuff in Chihuahua. But we'd have had to ride there to get it, so I reckon we're ahead. Now we've got to do some figuring about what to do with you.'

'I've been thinking about that too,' Gloria said. 'I know, I could wait at one of those way stations and get a stage to El Paso, or maybe take up with a wagon train. But why can't we simply head to the northwest and ride to Tombstone? If we've made it this far, aren't the chances pretty good that we could make it the rest of the way?'

'Yep, pretty good,' he agreed. 'But not real good.

See, out there, that's Apache country. They spend a lot of time ranging down south into the Sierra Madres and we just might run into something bad. But then again we might not. Let's head northwest for a few days and feel it out, see what the situation looks like. We don't have to make up our minds right away.'

'And meanwhile we can keep on having each other to ourselves,' she added. 'I think my asshole is completely well now; I've been wondering if it isn't time I took you again that way!'

'We'll see about it when we make camp tonight,' he promised. 'But for right now, let's make some tracks!'

'Hey, the trail's going this way!' Logan called out as he rode up beside Gloria.

They had left the horse trader three hours before and Gloria had fallen into something approaching a trance, a deep study which completely absorbed her. The horse had sensed that her attention was wandering and had taken it upon himself to angle off toward a distant patch of grass that looked especially promising.

'What.'' Oh, I was daydreaming!' Gloria said when she realized that Logan had called out to her.

'It must have been powerful interesting to get you that wrapped up in it,' he suggested.

'It was-I was thinking about you and me!'


'Yes, I was thinking about how much I love feeling your lips and tongue on my pussy,' she said, 'and also how I love the feel of your cock sliding up my cunt. I was thinking, what a shame that I can't have both feelings at the same time! I'll bet that would be ai.ost unbearably good.'

'Hey, you're wanting a two-on-one party!' Logan exclaimed. 'We need to have somebody else here for that.'

'One woman and two men,' Gloria mused. 'It seems… well, sort of extra lewd and sensual.'

'Wouldn't have to be a second man,' he told her. 'A woman could do the sucking part of it just as well.'

'I don't know what's coming over me,' Gloria said, shaking her head in wonder. 'Two weeks ago I'd have been shocked to hear myself saying the things I say all the time now but the very thought of doing anything with another woman, that would never have entered my mind!'

'And now, when you set down and think about it, you've decided that maybe it wouldn't be very bad at all,' he suggested.

'You're right,' she said with a rueful smile. 'Tell me, Dick, am I really losing my mind:' Am I turning into some kind of monster.-1 I honestly believe that I could make love with another woman! And the thought of having two men at once, that's positively hair raising! What all could one woman and two men do together;1'

'All the things that we've done by ourselves,' he said. 'You think about it a while and see what kind of combinations you can come up with.'

'I've already thought about it,' she told him. 'As soon as you mentioned a third person do you know what flashed into my mind.'' I saw myself-I felt myself! – getting fucked by one and sucking another one! I actually felt the prick in my cunt and another in my mouth!'

'Or you could get one feller in your cunt and another up your ass,' he said, deliberately testing her and watching for her reaction. 'How's that sound to you.1' Or maybe you could get one in your ass and the other in your mouth; that'd work too. Or, if we had a woman with us, you might could suck my cock while she was eating your pussy. Or I could fuck your cunt, or your asshole, while you ate her pussy. How about that, Gloria.-' Think you might like to try licking out a ripe, hot pussy.' Feeling a woman come in your mouth.'''

'Oh, God, it's so exciting!' she groaned, shaking her head in despair. 'Oh, Dick, let's get off the horses and

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