black hair framing the lusciously moist slit.

'She's turning into a real cocksucker!' Logan announced when the Indian girl's lips and tongue had succeeded in bringing his prick to the same consistency as the barrel of his pistol. 'She's taking to it like a duck takes to water, damned if she ain't!'

'Any woman who's a woman at all would take to sucking that big cock of yours,' Gloria told him. 'Maybe I'd better get her on me-she might decide that she likes it so well she'd forego getting fucked in the ass!'

'Good idea,' Logan agreed, pulling away from her. 'Get down on your back and let her get astraddle of you - I'll get around to her ass and moisten my dick a little.'

'I certainly won't have to suck her to get her pussy wet,' Gloria announced. 'I can see it now, and smell it too, and she's ready for a real fucking!'

Lita scrambled into place, lying over Gloria in a reversed position that placed her pussy directly above her. mouth. At the same time she pulled Gloria's thighs up and spread them wide, cupping her hands under the woman's full buttocks so that she could tease her asshole with a finger while she ran her hot little tongue up and down the full-lipped slit and probed her cunt.

'You know how to get her asshole ready for a fucking, don't you?' Logan asked, receiving a fervent nod of agreement for a reply. 'Then go ahead and get her slick -I'll set back here and watch.'

'I'm going to use my tongue first,' Gloria announced. 'Maybe that'll make her extra ready to feel your prick!'

She did exactly that, scraping the hot oils from Lita's pussy with her tongue and smearing them over the girl's asshole. Lita grunted excitedly and sucked even harder at Gloria's pussy. After a moment Gloria used her finger to run another dollop of the cunt-warmed lubricant into the interior of the girl's asshole; Lita grunted loudly and shoved her tongue far up Gloria's cunt in response.

'Now I'll just dip my wick into her cunt,' Logan said, 'and then we'll be ready. You want to run it up into the hole, honey.'''

'Mmm, do I ever!' Gloria murmured. 'This is going to be the best part of it, almost!'

She seized Logan's cock when it came near and aimed it into the lips of Lita's pussy. She was using the fingers of one hand to spread the tiny flaps wide and to expose the small, crescent-shaped opening; her other hand guided the huge, swollen rod squarely into that slit. Logan surged forward and forced his way into her cunt. Lita let out a long, shuddering wail of joy upon feeling the thick meat penetrate her tenderest part. Gloria ran her fingers over the girl's clitoris while he plunged deeper and deeper; Lita's wails turned into cries of delighted pleasure as the prick speared the very mouth of her womb.

'Ahh, she's hot for you,' Gloria heatedly exclaimed.

'She's so hot for a fuck, so ready for it! Ohh, take it out, darling, take it out and shove it up her asshole! She's going to love this, I know she will!'

Logan did not let his prick remain in the girl's pussy for very long. He knew that she might easily get so excited about a cuntal fuck that she would forget about her desire to have her asshole penetrated and that was something he did not want to happen. She muttered a short, sharp phrase in Apache when he pulled his cock out but he was not to be denied.

'Yeah, she'd just as soon settle for a straight cunt fuck,' he grunted. 'But once I get it going in her ass, you'll have a lot more room to lick on her pussy-you'll be able to make her come from both holes at once!'

'That's exactly what I want,' Gloria muttered as she took his cock into her fingers and lifted it up to aim it into the tiny brown eye marking the entrance to the girl's ass. 'I want to make her come so much she'll never forget it! I'll shove my tongue up that sweet little cunt of hers till she begs for mercy!'

Lita stopped sucking on Gloria's pussy when she felt Logan's prick being brought into contact with her asshole; she wanted to enjoy the feeling, to be fully aware of it, and so she temporarily gave up the pleasure of licking her friend's pussy. Logan reached down to grasp her flanks for the penetrating stroke. Her knew that her virginal ass would stoutly resist his cock, even though the opening had already been probed by his finger and Gloria's, and he wanted to be in as solid a position as possible.

'I'm going in,' he muttered. 'You keep it in place till it starts opening her ass up!'

'Give it to her!' Gloria gasped, almost overcome by the rampant sensuality of the moment. 'Oh, fuck her in the ass, Dick; I want to see you shove it all the way home! Just like you did with me, darling, give her all of your lovely hot cock!'

She laid her head back and watched with pleasure. Logan pressed against the Indian's rump. His cock bowed slightly, though it had seemed iron-hard, as he increased the pressure. A low, keening gasp of agonized pleasure escaped fro'm Lita's lips as she felt her asshole being breached. Logan's cock, slippery and bright with her cuntal oils, continued to press against the exquisitely tender flesh. It slowly bulged the girl's anus into a larger opening and gradually the head penetrated the inner sanctum.

'Aiiieee!' Lita groaned, almost split in two by the tremendous rod. 'Agghh-owwww!'

'It's going in!' Gloria breathlessly reported. 'Omi-god, Dick, you're fucking her now; you've got your prick up her asshole! Ooohh, do it to her, honey, do it to her good! Fuck her hard and make sure she remembers how good it is to be fucked in the asshole!'

She reached up with her lips to plant them firmly upon the throbbing, scarlet slit running down the base of Lita's belly. The pussy, fiery hot and literally dripping with the oils of abandoned excitement, felt like a piece of boiling hot meat, but she extended her tongue to explore its inner caverns. At the same time Lita bent her own head down and attacked Gloria's frantically aching pussy. She sucked up the big lips, gnashed them with her teeth and then plunged her tongue deep into Glorias cunt. Her fingers tore at her asshole and slid inside, delivering additional powerful jolts of sexual energy to the woman's nervous system.

'Great day in the morning!' Logan grunted out. 'She's got an ass like I never felt on anybody! Ugghh!

She's hotter'n fire and twice as good! Unngghh, suck her, honey, suck that little pussy and I'll fuck her like I never fucked before! Aurrgghh! I won't last long at this rate!'

He was overcome with his own lusty excitement and shoved his cock deep. The big tool, bulging with passionate life and hotter than it had ever been, sliced the girl's rectum and slid deep. Lita soon forgot about the sheet of searing, blinding pain which had swept through her midsection when he had first pierced her; she was only conscious of the delicious joy his prick was giving her and she did everything in her power to intensify those sensations. She tightened her abdominal muscles, making her bowel clutch even more strongly at his prick as he worked it back and forth in her ass.

Gloria tilted her lips upward and gave herself over completely to her enjoyment of Lita's hot, twitching pussy. She ran her tongue over the girl's clitoris, bringing an answering jerk from her loins, and then extended her tongue to lap at the tiny lips guarding the entrance to her cunt. Because of Logan's prick, spearing into the girl just above the cuntal mouth, she could not drive her tongue deep into that jellied opening but she found that she could lick its rim and probe deepei with her fingers. Once, leaning back for a breath of air, she felt Logan's heavy balls brush her forehead, and she twisted about to plant a hot, steamy kiss upon them. She loved the big, egg-filled sack with tongue-darting kisses and then returned to her work.

Lita, meanwhile, had gone wild with sensual glee. She had a finger shoved deep into Gloria's asshole and was licking her clitoris with long, curling strokes; alternately she bent down to send her hot, stiff tongue shooting deep into her friend's cunt. She clutched hard at Gloria's buttock with her free hand. Gloria heaved her loins upward and scrubbed her pussy over the girl's mouth, shuddering with delight as she pressed hard against the welcoming tongue.

Both Lita and Gloria were in the throes of forceful orgasmic tremors but neither slowed her activity for a moment. Gloria found that the more violently she kissed and sucked at the girl's pussy, the more her own loins hummed and vibrated with orgiastic fervor, and she intensified her attack. Logan could feel the Indian girl's asshole clutching spasmodically at his prick and knew that she too was coming. He worked harder, sending his massive prick shooting deep at every stroke; the taut rim of Lita's anus gripped him hard and even pressed the foreskin over the flange of his prick's head when he withdrew to the utmost.

'Hunnhh!' he snorted'as his balls suddenly twitched and began jerking about in their big, hairy sack. 'Yeah, I feel it down there! I feel it now! Get ready, you two, I'm gonna shoot a stream of come so far up your ass it'll never get through dripping out!'

• His piston-like strokes multiplied until he was fucking like a madman. Lita howled and whimpered against Gloria's pussy as his prodigiously inflated tool whipped in and out of her asshole. Gloria attempted to keep her

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