into prominent display. She jigged back and forth, making the dildo slip in and out of Gloria's cunt, and Logan began flexing his own hips and making his cock work back and forth in her asshole insofar as this was possible. By having Gloria's full weight resting on his torso his mobility had become somewhat restricted but still he could move his cock back and forth in her ass for a couple of inches.

That was sufficient, as the experiment soon proved. Gloria shuddered, a powerful wave of sensual feeling, and then exploded into a long paroxysm of sexual triumph. Heavy tremors ran outward from her asshole and cunt, spread over her entire body, and she moaned deep in her throat as the sensations rapidly mounted to a powerful climax.

'Unnngghhh! Aiiieee!' she wailed, pressing her breasts into Lita's mouth and moving her rump from side to side. 'You're fucking me to death! Annngghh-owwwww! It's killing me; I'm coming in my ass! In my cunt! In my tits! Ahhh, I'm coming all over! Oooohh, she's fucking my cunt off; that thing is tearing me in two! Ugghh! Ahhhh!'

Lita worked hard at making her rawhide prick into the real article and fucked with quick, jerky little motions. One of the thongs holding the dildo in place caught against Gloria's clitoris, scraping it harshly, and she screamed aloud at the savage thrill which the leather string delivered. Logan fucked harder. He felt Lita's tool pressing against his cock-only a tissue-thin membrane separated the two passages which they were simultaneously fucking-and the massive sensual spasms which wracked Gloria's entire midsection were of course transmitted to his cock.

'I can't come yet,' he gasped. 'I'm gonna have to fuck it up you some more!'

'No, no! Please don't fuck me any more!' Gloria cried out deliriously. 'You've already made me come too much; I can't stand it any more! Ahhh, Dick, I can't come any more!'

She had misjudged her own sensual capacities, however. Logan had the bit between his teeth and he was not to be headed away from his goal of shooting the contents of his balls up into her asshole. He ignored her frantic pleas and continued to fuck as hard as he could. Lita too was fully inflamed and determined to pound away at her cunt as long as possible, and she continued to work the dildo into Gloria's pussy. She sucked up Gloria's nipples and held them between her teeth as she caressed the fiery tips with her tongue.

Gloria felt her body being turned into an inferno. The first storm of orgasmic power passed, only to be replaced by another of even greater intensity. Even though she felt a vast, all-pervading limpness sweep over her body when the first climax had ebbed away, somewhere she found the strength to meet the second rising tide of sensuality and to convert it into an even more violent climax. She was somewhat more relaxed now and some of the tightness in her ass had dissipated, washed away in the floods of 'orgiastic feeling which had overwhelmed her. This new feeling of freedom allowed her to rub her pussy against Lita's lovemound and the penetrating dildo; the same movements caused Logan's prick to move about in her asshole and to deliver even more incredibly stimulating strokes to that tender tunnel.

'Ugghh! Ooohh!' she grunted. 'I'm going to come again! I can't believe it; you're fucking another come out of me! Ooohh, shoot it, Dick, shoot the come up my ass! Ahh, Lita, you fuck like a dream! Unngghh, get that thing up my cunt; come, darling, let your come drip over my pussy! I want to feel everything; I want us all to come together!'

'It won't be long,' Logan grated. 'My God, that asshole of yours is gripping me like it was your hand! Aurrghhh! Shake it, honey, shake that ass and milk my cock down! I'll irrigate your ass with come!'

Knowing that his climax was not far away, he fucked her all the harder. His frantic efforts signalled to Lita and Gloria that he was near and they worked in near-perfect unison to hasten their own climaxes. Lita's lips flew from one of Gloria's taut nipples to the other, tonguing and caressing in a feverish display of erotic zeal, and Gloria strained against the leather prong spearing into her cunt.

'Ugghh! Fuck me, Lita, fuck me with your cock!' Gloria moaned. 'Screw me in the cunt! Ahh, his cock's killing me; it's all over my asshole! I can't stop coming; I'm doing it again!'

'Eee-kah-tset!' Lita panted hoarsely.

Together they worked themselves into a frenzy of lusty joy. When Logan's big cock began spurting out another limitless stream of hot sperm Gloria felt it as she had never before felt a man's orgasm. It seemed that every nerve in her strong, lively body was perfectly attuned to his cock's action and she felt every drop of come as it burst forth into her bowel. Her wailing, incoherent cries of lusty satisfaction soon infected Lita with a similar response and the Indian girl pressed her loins even closer to her pussy, working the rawhide dildo a fraction deeper as she began to come.

'Anngjhh! You're both coming!' Gloria gasped as her own cunt began to unfold in a long series of dramatically pleasing contractions of pure joy. 'I know you're coming, Lita; I feel the come dripping out of your pussy!

Ooohh, Dick, you're shooting it all over my asshole; I'll be dripping come for a month! Ahhh, my cunt! My pussy! Owwww!'

They continued to work against each other until they had exhausted every vestige of sensual feeling. When Lita finally lifted herself off Gloria's body neither of them had any sensitivity at all in their midsections. Gloria fell off Logan weakly; his prick, rapidly losing all its power, weakly slipped from her asshole and flopped against his thigh with a tired 'smack!' She lay on her side and ignored the thick stream of sperm which leaked from her red, raw anus, dripping down over the cheek of her ass and falling onto the blanket. Lita lay on the other side of Logan and slept. After a time Logan reached down to pull a blanket over them and he too drifted off to sleep. They lay quietly, hardly moving, until dawn began to break the next morning.

'It couldn't have been much better even if she'd been a man,' Gloria said when Logan asked her opinion of doublefucking. 'Well, I guess it would have been a little better if she'd been able to shoot a big load of hot come up my cunt; that would have been nice, except I don't know if perhaps it wouldn't have been a bit too much. I might have fainted dead away and died on the spot.'

'But you don't think that you're going to want to give up on that way of doing it, though?' Logan asked.

'Heavens no!' she blurted out. 'Under no circumstances! Well, I probably couldn't manage to do it again like that this morning, for example; I'm sure I'd have to have a day or two to rest up. And my ass is really rather sore-your prick is so damned big, I'm not certain I'll ever get used to it. But one of these days I'm going to want to try something like that again, you may be sure of that!'

They trooped down to the pool in the creek and washed themselves thoroughly. Then they dressed and got their gear assembled for the day's ride. Later that morning, when they came in sight of a prominent and unusually eroded cliff, Lita pointed toward it and said something to Logan.

'Two days from Tinajas Alias,' he said to Gloria. 'That means we're about three or four days from Tombstone. It won't be long now. If we're going to see any Apaches, it'll probably be today or tomorrow-we're getting right into the middle of their territory.'

They watched very closely for signs but could see no trace of any recent travellers. Lita led them to a lovely campsite, a high meadow watered by a small spring, and they dismounted with loud sighs of pleasure at midafter-noon. Logan had continued their education in Spanish and, as soon as he had watered and hobbled their horses, she marched up to Logan and displayed her command of the rudimentary Spanish he had taught her.

'I want suck-fuck,' she boldly announced. 'Want fuck in asshole!'

'By God, it looks like I've done learned her too much,' he said with a broad grin. 'What do you think of that, Gloria.'''

'I like it!' she responded. 'When I got up this morning I thought sure I'd be three or four days before I wanted any more sex but I'm damned if I don't think I could almost repeat yesterday's performance!'

Lita's Spanish was not up to a full, detailed explanation of exactly how she wanted to 'suck-fuck,' but she made several gestures which, together with her elementary words, sufficed to demonstrate exactly how she wanted her pleasure.

'Ahh, she wants us to suck each other,' Gloria said when she understood the girl's intentions. 'And then you'll come over her from the rear and shove it up her ass! Mmm, that sounds marvellous to me!'

Lita had already begun undressing and was now lying flat on the blanket, fingering her pussy with uninhibited zeal as she watched Logan and Gloria disrobe. Logan's prick hung down at halfmast, not yet fully erect, and Lita signalled that she wanted to suck him up to a full hard-on. He willing acceded to that request and knelt over her, dangling his meaty rod in front of her lips. Gloria finished removing her clothing and lay beside the girl; she began covering Lita's thighs and lower belly with kisses and working her lips ever closer to the tiny patch of

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