seriously depleted his strength and he was only too ready to go to sleep.

They were in their saddles and riding by the time the sun had cleared the eastern horizon the next day and covered nearly thirty miles before coming to another suitable campsite. They had ridden slowly, taking plenty of time to spy out the trail ahead and to be on the lookout for signs of riders. They spent the entire day, however, without seeing any sign of a human being.

'Just because we didn't see anybody don't start to -Hunking that it'll always be that way,' Logan advised Gloria. 'We're probably pretty safe from Apaches; they wouldn't likely attack unless they were close and if they were that close they'd see Lita. But there's a fair number of bandits and tough nuts that hang out in these hills and we'd sure better not run into any of them; they'd chew us up n spit us out for the dogs!'

'What if we met the band that threw Lita out.-'' Gloria suggested.

'Well, now, that just might make the cheese a little more binding,' he admitted. 'Let's just hope they decide to stay up in the Sierra Madres!'

They dined that evening on cold strips of roasted antelope, left over from the night before, and pinole. Lita gathered some berries from bushes growing beside the creek running by their campsite. As soon as the meal was over, the girls looked at each other and then at Logan. He interpreted their look correctly and began undressing.

'Seems to me that you two haven't quite had your fill,' he said with a grin. 'Maybe you need something a little more substantial, huh.''

'Since we gave the special treatment to Lita the last time,' Gloria said, 'I think it's my turn to have the goodies, don't you.'''

'That sounds good to me,' Logan agreed. 'What have you got in mind.''

'Something I've been thinking about ever since noon,' she told him. 'I'd like to prove to Lita that a woman can take a man's prick in her asshole. But I'd also like for her to fuck me with that tamer of hers. I think I've figured out a way where I can have both at the same time. Are you willing to go along with that.''

'Good Lord, you'll fuck yourself into a greasy spot!' Logan said with a low chuckle. 'But if you think you can stand it, I'm game enough. Sure, let's try it out and see what happens. Have you figured out how you want to get, so we can both screw you at the same time:''

'I've thought of a way,' she said. 'I'm not entirely sure it'll work but I'd certainly like to try it and find out.'

Lita had been watching them during this conversation. She had already removed her smock and leggings and was fingering her pussy as they talked. When Logan explained Gloria's plan her dark eyes lighted up with an unholy glee and she scurried away to dig her woman tamer out of her saddlebag. She returned, threading the leather thongs into its base as she approached, and fitted it around her waist. When she had it cinched up tight even Logan had to admit that she had an amazingly masculine appearance.

'All except them titties of hers,' he pointed out. 'She is built a little like a skinny kid, you know, all except for them boobies-hot damn, they're just as cute as a set of twin puppies!'

'The first thing,' Gloria explained, 'is for us to get ourselves ready for the real thing-for putting your cock up my asshole. If I kneel over you, would you spread some of my pussy's drip over my ass/ You know, you could finger me a little while I'm getting your cock wet enough to slide in!'

'Haw, you just mount up there,' Logan told her. 'I'll do the rest, don't you worry your pretty little twat none about that!'

She knelt over his loins, facing his feet, and spread her thighs as wide as possible. Logan reached Under her and cupped his hand over her pussy. The slit, already as hot as fire and extremely wet, exuded a thin but steady flow of the clear, slippery substance which so facilitated his prick's path up her cunt. Lita squatted on the blanket at his feet, her finger under the thongs holding the dildo in place over her lovemound, and fingered her pussy as she watched them prepare for the beginning phase.

'You keep that pussy of yours on the boil,' Logan said in Apache, 'and as soon as I get her asshole fixed around my prick good, then you can start boring into her cunt. You 'n me together, Lita, we'll make her sing a song she'll never forget!'

The Indian girl excitedly muttered her agreement with this promise. Logan slipped his fingers into Gloria's cunt, thoroughly saturated them with the hot oils he found there and then spread the substance over her anus.

'Ahhh! That's already as good as anything ever was!' she gasped when his thick finger probed the mouth of her asshole and dipped inside. 'Now let me get your prick up my cunt-I'll get it so slippery I won't even know when it goes up my ass!

She grasped his thick, swollen cock and guided it up into the mouth of her cunt. Lita gasped out an oath in Apache and fingered herself more diligently as she saw the enormous prick rise up and pierce the lips of Gloria's pussy. Gloria lowered herself upon the tool, impaling herself with hearty sighs and grunts of pleasure, and ran her cunt far down its length. When virtually all the big tool was buried inside her body she twisted her hips from side to side and ground her cunt around the big pole.

'God, I'm going to have to get you out of there in a hurry!' she gasped. 'If you stay in there much longer I know I'll never be able to let you take it out! Ooohh, Dick, I've been wanting your prick all day, ever since we left camp this morning! Mmmm, I can almost taste your come, I want it so badly! Tell her to guide it up into my asshole, will you.'' I can't see down there to get it placed properly.'

She reluctantly lifted herself off his cock and leaned far back. The prick fell onto Logan's belly with a wet plopping sound. She reached back with her hands, to support herself, and Lita came forward to insert his cock. Logan reached under her ass and took the big, plump cheeks into his hands; he spread them wide to expose the tiny, puckered eye. Lita aimed his prick directly into that eye. When he lifted his hips, the head of his cock touched the rim of Gloria's anus. She quivered uncontrollably at the contact.

'Oohh, Dick, I feel it against my asshole!' she moaned. 'You're so hot, so hard! Mmmm, go ahead and put it in me; fuck me in the ass! I want to get it all the way in and then let her put her tool in my cunt; I want to fuck both of you at the same time!'

Logan responded with a driving thrust which breached the anal sphincter. The head and a couple of inches of the shaft of his dick speared her ass, bringing a wailing cry of joy to her lips; Lita exclaimed heartily upon seeing the big tool disappear into the girl's ass. Gloria held herself as still as possible as Logan shoved more of the hard rod into her body and soon nearly six inches of cock had been sheathed in her rectum.

'Omigod, you're bigger than ever!' she panted breathlessly. 'You're filling me so full of cock I'll never get over it!'

'Sure you will,' he told her. 'Now you just lay back on my belly here; I can hold you easy, don't worry about that. We'll let that little asshole of yours get used to having my dick inside it and then we'll get Lita on you and she can start fucking your cunt. Don't you worry none, girl, we're both gonna fuck you silly!'

Lita was not content to sit back and watch as Logan worked his cock deeper into Gloria's asshole. She was fingerfucking her own hot little pussy but she wanted stronger stimulation than that. Scrambling over their intertwined bodies, she brought her lips down to Gloria's pussy and began kissing and sucking the hot slit. She moved her lips down and planted hot kisses on Logan's balls; he shuddered and surged further into Gloria's ass.

'Ugghh! She's licking my balls!' he grunted.

'And she's sucking my pussy!' Gloria answered. 'My God, I feel like I'm getting ready to explode inside!'

'I reckon she'd better hurry up and get that tamer of her rammed up your cunt,' Logan said. 'Between the two of us, we're gonna give you a fucking you'll remember for a mighty long time!'

'Tell her to be careful,' Gloria urged. 'I feel as though I were already so full I couldn't even get a broomstraw up my cunt!'

Logan gave Lita the message and the Indian girl scrambled over their bodies. She reached down to guide the tip of her dildo into Gloria's waiting pussy. The slit was generously lubricated and the small knob of the rawhide gadget easily slipped between the lips. The actual entrance, the penetration of the mouth of Gloria's cunt, was somewhat more difficult, but Lita accomplished the feat and soon had her tool spearing up her friend's cunt. She gently inserted the tool as far as it would go and then looked down at Gloria with a tender, loving smile.

'We're fixed,' Logan announced. 'Now for the fucking! Get ready, honey; we're gonna give it all to you!'

Lita bent over and lavished a series of kisses on Gloria's nipples, which her awkward position had brought

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