storm clouds but as they covered mile after mile across the rolling prairie the sharp, jagged outline became clearer. They shortly altered course again, heading back to the west, and dropped down into a broad sink. A clump of green bushes in the center of the bowl indicated water and they rode toward it. The Indian approached cautiously but, once he had assured himself that no one else was nearby he rode up boldly. He dismounted and filled the canteens he had taken from the wagon train; Gloria's stomach turned when she saw the green slime covering the pool of water in the center of the bushes. Once the canteens were full the Indian led the horses up and let them drink their fill.

'Pa-yah!' the Indian grunted, motioning to the big Morgan and jerking his hand further to the south.

Gloria sighed heavily at the signal but obediently climbed back into the saddle. She had taken advantage of the respite to squat in the shallow part of the pool, with her skirt hiked around her waist, and to splash up hand- fuls of water onto her pussy and thighs. The warm water eased the burning sensations somewhat, but as soon as they were mounted and riding again she found that the relief had only been temporary.

They rode until almost sundown. The Indian signalled her to a halt, gathered up the horses and mules and began hobbling them for the night. He twisted short lengths of rawhide around their forefeet with a few dexterous turns of his fingers and unsaddled his own animal. Gloria tugged at the saddle on the big Morgan, finally getting it off; the horse whinnied his pleasure at being relieved of the burden.

'Ko-may,' the Indian grunted, reaching into a saddlebag and bringing out a greasy buckskin pouch.

He reached into it and brought out a strip of dried meat, covered with corn meal, then tossed the bag to Gloria. She nearly retched again when she beheld the greasy, filthy condition of their food sack, but her hunger was strong enough to overcome her repugnance. The meat was surprisingly good, though stringy and tough, and the meal, she found, was pinole-a mixture of corn meal, pinon nuts and sugar. Alternately chewing and sipping water from her canteen, she ate until the Indian reclaimed the food sack and put it away in his saddlebag.

'Doh-mit-ka!' the Indian muttered.

Gloria looked blankly at him but when he began unfastening the thong holding the flaps of his breechclout she understood the meaning of his words. He dropped the garment aside and seized his prick, working the foreskin back and forth over the turnip-shaped head. She shuddered, but one scowl from his evil face was enough to set her fingers to work unfastening the front of her blouse and the tastenings of her skirt. The Indian's face creased into something resembling a smile when she had disrobed and stood before him meekly.

He came toward her and nodded approvingly as he reached out to run a hand over her full, red-tipped breasts. Gloria shuddered and could not disguise the feeling of revulsion which swept over her at that moment, but he paid no attention. He continued to feel her breasts, cupping them and squeezing the big nipples; despite her disgust, the contact sent tiny darts of sensual feeling racing through her body. The Indian caught her right hand and moved it down, to his cock; he grinned and nodded happily when she grasped it.

The feeling of the man's cock in her hands worked a slow but definite change in Gloria. Even though she hated herself for feeling anything but disgust and hatred for the one who had killed her husband, or who had certainly helped to do so, his rapidly stiffening cock caused her pussy to grow warmer and wetter. It was almost as though she had no control at all over her body's responses in sexual matters. Perhaps, she thought, as she fingered the Indian's prick, Henry had taught her all too well! Perhaps he had unleashed forces in her animal nature which even she could not now control!

The Indian grunted out another guttural phrase and pointed to the pile of blankets. She understood what he meant and spread one upon the thick grass; as soon as she had done so she fell upon it and lay on her back. The Indian pounced upon her and hurried to stuff his cock into her pussy. Gloria closed her eyes and shuddered when she caught a whiff of his strong scent, but the feeling of sickness soon passed, leaving her with a definite hunger located between her spreading thighs. She grunted aloud with pleasure when she felt the man's thick cock scrape against the lips of her pussy.

'Oohh! My God, it can't be happening again!' she moaned.

It was happening again, there could be no doubt of that. The feel of the Indian's cock sent strong thrills of unearthly joy pulsing through her body and she tilted her hips upward as he burrowed into her cunt. His cock spread the tender orifice wide, forming it into a perfect circle; she quivered excitedly when he pushed inward and sent the head of his prick slithering into the opening of her cunt.

'Unngghh! You're tearing me apart!' she muttered.

Despite all she could do Gloria could not prevent her thighs from reaching out to grip the Indian's muscular flanks and gather him closer. She clawed at the blanket beneath her in an effort to keep her hands from encircling his back but nothing she could do was enough to prevent her pussy from throbbing joyously when his cock bored deep inside.

'Mmmm, not so deep!' she gasped when he tried to sheathe all his prick at the first stroke. 'Omigod, you're fucking me too fast! Don't give it all to me at once! Unngghh, you're fucking me to death!'

The Indian continued to hump and drive his cock into her waiting cunt. He pressed her shoulders to the blanket and worked his prick further and further into her body. The suddenness of his climax took her by surprise; within a minute she felt his distended, swollen tool begin spurting a thick stream of hot sperm.

'Ooohh, don't come yet!' she wailed. 'You can't come now; I want to make it last longer! Ooohh, don't let it come!'

Her words had no effect, of course; the Indian continued to pump his cock in and out of her cunt and to shoot his come into her body. Finally he tired of the sport and rolled off her. She was still highly aroused, however, and could not prevent her hands from reaching down over her pussy. Her fingers snaked into the brimming mouth of her cunt, hooked into the rim and spread the opening wide once more. She ignored the flood of sticky sperm which gushed out and concentrated on fin-gerfucking herself to completion.

'Mmmm! Ahhh!' she moaned, writhing and twisting as her fingers carried her closer to release. 'Come! Come! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck!'

The words seemed to help and she continued working her fingers in and out of her frothy cuntal opening. When she felt the orgasmic explosion surge outward from her womb she cried aloud with joy and lifted her hips high in the air. The Indian watched, amused by her frantic need, and chuckled heartily at her energetic gyrations. Gloria fucked herself through the climax until finally she fell back onto the blanket, whimpering and panting as the last flickers of sexual joy passed out through her cunt.

The Indian took her once more before going to sleep that night. This time he managed to bring her to an orgasm before his balls exploded with furious energy. Gloria could no more restrain her lustful impulses on this occasion than on the former ones, when the Indian had taken her so brutally, and she shrieked with pleasure as her cunt contracted with powerful spasms of sensual agony. When he rolled off her with a hearty grunt of approval she collapsed against the blanket. Overwhelmed by a sense of self-disgust after the shameful way she had allowed her body to welcome his brutal thrusts, she began to sob quietly. The Indian paid her no attention. Rolling into a blanket, he dropped off to sleep and ignored her. She did not dare to try leaving; the unknown terrors of the wilderness around their rude camp were even more frightening than her captivity.

They were riding again the next morning when the sun came up over the low range of hills to the east. The Indian halted several times during the morning's ride to look behind him. Gloria searched the terrain too but could see no sign of life or movement of any kind. The country they travelled was covered with a thick stand of buffalo grass, with a few low bushes growing here and there. The mountains in front of them grew larger and gradually she began to make out a notch between two of them. They appeared to be making for that notch.

After another hard day's ride they camped beside a low, swampy patch of ground just north of the notch, which had now taken on the appearance of a pass. When the Indian passed her his buckskin food pouch this time she paid less attention to its greasy condition; her attention was rivetted only upon the dried meat and pinole it contained. Her body ached all over, due to the new strains which riding astride had put upon her, and she could barely find the strength to chew the tough strands of meat.

As soon as the Indian had finished his meal he took back the sack and stuffed it away in his saddlebag. He motioned for her to unroll a blanket and spread it upon the ground. When she straightened up from this task he had removed his breech clout and was again fondling his heavy prick. He made another gesture with his hand, which she took to mean a command to undress; she haltingly lifted a hand to her blouse and he nodded happily. She took off her blouse and skirt and lay down on the blanket she had spread.

'Hah-Io-pay!' the Indian grunted, gesturing for her to rise.

Gloria struggled back to her knees, uncertain of his intention. He seized her by her long, matted hair and

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