on a level spot and sat down to await his return. He did not take long and he had a broad grin on his face when he arrived.

'We must have been living right,' he exclaimed. 'A family up there's barbecuing a couple of goats. And here's you a bar of soap too.'

He brought out a yellow slab of homemade laundry soap. Gloria inwardly winced at the thought of subjecting her skin to its harshness but laundry soap, she told herself, was far better than no soap. She accepted it and set off for the river, where she stripped and waded out into a kneedeep pool. She took her time and lathered herself thoroughly, even including her hair; when she emerged from the pool she felt immensely cleaner.

'I should have asked him if he couldn't find me a dress,' she thought when she looked down at her skirt and blouse, now dusty and grimy from travel and hard usage. 'Oh well, perhaps tomorrow.'

'I'm going down and try some of that myself,' he announced when she returned. 'Ain't likely there'll be anybody to bother you so you can rest easy. I won't be gone too long.'

Gloria lay back on her bedroll and tried to relax. She almost dropped off to sleep when a sound aroused her, bringing her quickly to her feet. Taking up the pistol she had put beside her bedroll, she looked about, but saw nothing. Far from being reassured, she became even more alarmed, and ran from the camp, heading toward the river. She made her way down the faint path she had earlier taken and approached the pool where she had bathed. Coming to a halt just before bursting out into the open, she peered through the willows.

Logan stood in the same pool, lathering himself briskly. His clothes lay in a pile near her. Startled to see him naked, she could not help taking in the beauty of his body. He was thickly muscled but the feature which most attracted her attention was the mammoth prick dangling from the base of his belly. It seemed that the tool stretched halfway to his knees, though she knew that this was absurd. Regardless, it was far and away the largest such instrument she had ever seen; it far surpassed Henry's cock, which had seemed enormous to her, and it also dwarfed the dead Indian's prick. As she watched, Logan took the prick in his hand and skinned it back, revealing the lavender-hued tip.

Gloria sucked in a quick breath of air; she could not help but remember doing the same thing to her late Henry and recalling the vast pleasure it had given them both. Logan lathered the prick thoroughly, rubbed the thick suds into the space behind the prick's head and worked more lather into the hair surrounding the huge tool. She saw that his balls were of a size to match the cock; she shuddered inwardly when she imagined the store of sperm they must contain.

'Oh, God, he's a stallion!' she murmured softly. 'Mrnm, what a man!'

She dared not burst in upon his bath and, after pausing in place, decided that she could risk going back to the camp. The sight of Logan's cock had struck a deeply responsive chord in her own body, however, and she could feel her thighs rubbing against her sensitive pussy as she trudged up the path. Finally, when she could stand the pressure no longer, she stepped off the path and wandered into a small, open space.

'I can't be doing this!' she thought as her hands pressed in upon her pussy, rubbing the inflamed slit through the thick cloth. 'Just seeing him, it's made me want it so badly! Oohh, that's good, so blessed good!'

Her fingers further aroused her and before she well knew what she was u:,g she had seated herself upon the grass and had pulled her skirt up around her waist. Her pussy was thus exposed-she still had no underclothing -and she attacked it with both hands. Her fingers pressed in upon the thick, puffy lips and squeezed them together, bringing a gasp of strangled delight to her throat. She spread the lips apart, rubbed the tip of one finger over her clitoris-it had already swollen up to an alarming size and had all the hard consistency of a pebble-and again sighed joyously.

'I don't know what's happening to me!' she thought. 'Even with that dreadful savage I felt like this! And I know that if Logan were to point to his blankets I would share them with him! Mmm, that's so good, that's what I've been needing all day!'

She thrust two fingers into the mouth of her cunt, which was already coated with a thick, warm oil, and quivered strongly. The fingers probed deep and struck a responsive nerve; she arched her broad, powerful hips upward and groaned with delight. Again she pushed the fingers hard with a quick fucking motion; again her cunt answered with a powerful thrill of utter abandon.

'All right, come out of them bushes with your hands up!' she suddenly heard a gruff, masculine voice order. 'Or I'll come in and throw enough lead to make you wish you'd never been born!'

Before she could pull her hands away from her pussy and bring her skirt back down to a respectable level Logan burst into the clearing, his pistol levelled before him.

'What the…!' he blurted out. 'It's you!'

Gloria struggled up to a sitting position, blushing fiercely and averting her eyes.

'I… I couldn't help it,' she whispered. 'I thought I heard someone at the camp and… and I ran down to the river. I saw you bathing and… well, it just came over me! I didn't mean to spy on you, or to startle you, honest I didn't!'

'Why, that's all right, ma'am,' he replied. 'I heard a noise in the bushes and I thought that maybe somebody was nosing around and seeing what he could steal. So I just grabbed up my clothes and came arunning!'

Gloria realized that he had not bothered to dress; he held his clothes and boots in one hand and the pistol in the other. Otherwise he was as naked as he had been when she had seen him in the pool. He realized his nudity at the same instant and started to cover his prick with the bundle of clothes. Then, seeing something in her eyes- she was gazing at that huge tool with fascination-he put the clothes down beside him.

'You don't have to use your fingers, you know,' he murmured. 'I mean, I ain't going to force it on you but… well, if you're willing I sure am!'

He read the assent in her dark eyes and extended a hand after stuffing his pistol back into its holster. She took the hand, pulled herself up and followed him back up to the camp. He walked before her, barefooted and naked; she watched the action of his buttocks as he walked and felt her pussy growing hotter and more sensitive by the second. Even though she scolded herself for succumbing so easily to him, when her husband had not been dead a week, she knew that no power on earth could prevent her from taking him between her legs and stuffing that prick into her cunt.

'Please be gentle with me,' she whispered as she removed her clothing and sat down on her bedroll. 'I've never had a man as large as you-I don't know how much damage that thing will do to me but I can't help it, I've got to have you inside me!'

'It won't be no trouble,' he assured her, running his eyes over her lush, voluptuously curved body with high interest. 'You'll see; it'll go in as easy as pie!'

His cock quickly rose to the horizontal, becoming even larger as the sight of her nakedness aroused him. Logan knelt between her opened thighs and she reached down to grasp him; her fingers quickly exposed the head and pulled the foreskin back taut. She groaned with happiness when she felt his warm, hard cock but the groans turned into gasps of pleasure when she rubbed the shiny, purple tip over the lips of her pussy.

'Omigod, it's so good!' she gasped. 'Ooohh, it's so good!''

'You just get it planted and then we'll see if it won't slip in easy enough,' he murmured. 'I bet you're gonna be surprised at how easy it is!'

As he had promised, she managed to get the mouth of her cunt around the huge shaft with surprising ease. She felt herself being stretched tremendously, to be sure, but the sensations were not painful. In truth, she felt only a tremendous joy surging through her overheated loins when his cock spread the cuntal opening wide and eased inside.

'Ooohh, I'm so full!' she gasped, locking her heels together behind his thighs and lifting her hips slightly to meet his gentle but persistent thrust. 'You're filling me so full of it! Mmm, it's wonderful, I never knew it could be so good!'

'Sure, you're taking it just fine,' he said, reaching down to massage her right breast. 'A woman built like you, she could take any kind of a cock and get a lot of good out of it!'

'Mmm, it makes me feel good to hear you say that,' Gloria muttered. 'I want to make it good for you; I want it to be as good for you as it is for me!'

'You'll make it plenty good,' he answered. 'Just relax and let your ass do the talking for you!'

Logan had a peculiar way of fucking, she quickly discovered. Instead of leaping upon her and attempting to sink the whole of his prick into her cunt at once he kept himself slightly above her, supporting all his weight on his hands and knees. Their bellies touched lightly but she had plenty of room in which to swing her hips. She held

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