back for a moment but when he did not attempt to drive his meaty rod home she lifted her hips up to him and forced more of her cunt around his prick.

'You…. you're making me do it to you!' she panted hoarsely. 'You want me to do all the work!'

'It's the kind of work nobody minds doing,' he replied. 'There, don't you like to reach out and grab it? Yeah, that's some kind of hip action you've got down there!'

It was true, she quickly realized. He was offering her his cock but not forcing it upon her; by keeping his unusual position and maintaining his distance, he afforded her plenty of room in which to maneuver her hips and loins and to rub her pussy against the big tool. She soon discovered that she could press the head of his cock into every corner of her tender cunt and that doing so gave her more pleasure than she had ever known before with any man.

'Oh! It's all over me inside!' she gasped. 'Mmmm! It's making me want to come! Unngghh, it's tearing me up!'

'Let it come,' he grunted. 'Do it, honey, let your cunt go!'

Gloria fucked even harder, bearing down with all her might and gripping him as tightly as she could. His hand continued to massage her breast, working its nipple between his fingers; she quivered with delight at the multiple sensations which surged over her body. When Logan bent down and touched his lips to the nipple she felt a powerful blast of emotion loose itself deep in her cunt and cascade throughout the rest of her body.

'Agghh! Owwww!' she howled, bucking up and down. 'I'm coming! You're making me come! Ooohh! Aurrgghh!'

Logan concentrated on the nipple and still refused to shove his prick deep into her cunt. He sucked the ripe, red tip up into his mouth, caressed it with his tongue, gnashed it with his teeth; Gloria's sensual spasms multiplied rapidly. Every beat of her heart, it seemed, caused another blinding flash of sexual joy to roar outward from her cunt. She continued to work her hips up and down and to shake them from side to side; by doing so, she learned, she could make the orgasmic convulsions even stronger and more violent.

'Ooohh, you're fucking me to death!' she whimpered. 'My tit, you're sucking my tit off! Mmm, don't stop, don't stop doing it; I want to come forever! I want to fuck forever!'

Her climax soon ran its course, however, and nothing she could do would prolong it beyond a certain point. When she finally fell back onto the blanket, gasping and panting feverishly, she had fucked herself through a tremendous climax and had very nearly exhausted herself in the process.

'Omigod, it was never so good!' she whispered in surprised delight.

'There's still a lot more,' he told her, grinning happily. 'I sure do like the way you throw that ass around; it's been a long time since I've had a woman like you!'

'I'm so awful!' she blurted out. 'I don't know what's come over me, honest I don't! Here I am a widow for not even a week and I'm behaving like a… like a common whore!'

'Lady, I've run across a few of them in my time and there ain't nothing common about you,' Logan grunted. 'Hell, just because you're a widow that don't mean that you dry up inside, does it? I mean, you got to keep on living, keep on wanting the good things out of life.'

'Mmm, this is one of the best things,' she whispered happily, rubbing her cunt up and down the shaft of his prick. 'And you didn't even come! Good heavens, what were you waiting for.''

'I was just enjoying the way you did it,' he told her. 'I always like to feel a woman come; that's one of the best parts of it. And you sure did!'

'Oohh, did I ever!' she exclaimed. 'I thought it would never end! But don't you want to come?'

'Of course I do,' he assured her. 'And I'm gonna do it in a little while, don't you worry none about that! Unless you want me to get off you, that is.'

'No! Don't you dare!' she muttered, throwing her arms around him and holding him tightly. 'I want to feel you come! I love to feel a man shooting his come into me; that's one of the best parts! Oh no, I want to feel it!'

'You're gonna feel it,' he promised. 'Just as soon as I get some more of my cock into you, I'm gonna drill that tight little cunt of yours out and irrigate you with come!'

'My God!' she exclaimed when she had reached between them and felt his prick. 'There's at least a handful of your prick outside me! I've got all that much more of it to go!'

Logan lifted himself up slightly and looked between their bodies. As she had said, there were a good four or five inches of his cock still outside her cunt's grasp. The sight of the thick, pink rod spearing into the whiskered lips of her pussy filled her with new enthusiasm and she lifted her head up to get a better view.

'I never saw anything like that before in my life!' she muttered, licking her lips with excitement. 'Oohh, it's so exciting to look down there and see that big thing going in me!'

'Here, lift your butt up higher and you can see it better,' he told her. 'Yeah, that's the way, just bring them knees back till they're right beside your titties-see there? How's that for a fine sight?'

By drawing her legs far back she managed to bring her pussy into clearer view. She saw the broad, flaring lips, now maroon and flushed with passion, encircling his cock. He worked the tool in and out of her for a moment, pulling it almost all the way out and then driving it deeper. She gasped with surprise when she saw the way the in-and-out action made the lips of her pussy sink and then pull out as they followed his prick's driving action.

'I always wondered what it would look like, a man going into me,' she muttered. 'And now I know! Mmm, it makes me hot all over!'

'I've got a mirror over in my saddlebags,' he said. 'Maybe sometime we can get it out so you can have a better look. I'm beginning to think you might really like that!'

'It makes me shiver all over,' she whispered. 'But not now, I want to keep you in me. Mmm, it feels a lot different this way!'

'Yeah, it seems to go in deeper,' he agreed. 'And that's what you want, isn't it? To get all of it inside you?'

'That's exactly what I want! Hurry, give it all to me!'

She pulled him closer and grunted with savage, animal-like pleasure as he sank deeper into her hot, tight cunt.

'Oohh, God, it's good!' she moaned. 'Am I really good for you? Do I do it right? Am I as good as other women?'

'You're as good as any woman I ever had,' he told her. 'And that cunt of yours, it's as tight as any I ever felt! Whooo-eee, it gets better all the time! It's not gonna be long, I can tell you that!'

'Just let it come!' she pleaded. 'I'll come again when I feel your cock going off, I know I will! Mmm, that's what I want to feel, your big, hard cock shooting me full of hot come! I love it, I love it!'

Her mounting excitement transferred itself to Logan and soon he was fucking her at a furious pace. Each brutal thrust of his cock brought a whimper of agonized pleasure to her throat and an answering flurry of movement from her hips. His cock speared deep, sinking to the hilt and nosing into the mouth of her womb; she shrieked with joy when she felt the big tool nudge into the tenderest parts of her cunt. Logan pressed down upon her and ground the wiry, bristly fur surrounding the base of his prick into the lips of her pussy and her clitoris- she whipped and jerked about in agony at the contact and scraped her clitoris against the base of his belly.

'Ooohh! Owwww! Unngghhh! ' she screamed. 'Fuck me, fuck me harder! Oh, my cunt, my pussy! You're fucking me to death; I'll never be able to do it again! Ugghh! Owww! You're fucking me all the way! I'm coming, I'm coming again! Shove your cock in deep and come!'

She completely lost control of herself and let her primitive, animal nature speak. Gripped by emotions and forces far more powerful than any she had ever felt before, she gave herself completely to them and threw her loins up to Logan with total, uninhibited abandon. He accepted the gift gratefully and plowed deep into her tingling cunt. His balls, heavy and packed with hot sperm, rubbed against her asshole, delivering an additional morsel of pleasure.

'Yeah, you're gonna make me shoot my nuts off!' he grunted. 'Get ready, honey! Uhhh! Ahhh!

The first spurt of scalding semen took her by surprise.

It gushed into her cunt and washed over the tender tissue. She gasped with delight and gripped him even harder in an effort to get his cock deeper into her cunt. The long, swelling gusts of passion spat into her cunt and filled her with joy of a sort she had not even known existed.

'There it is!' she panted hoarsely. 'You're coming now, you're making me come even more! Ooohh, it's so

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