began to respond! The stings of pleasure were as sharp as erotic blades in her flesh. She remembered •how one of the go-go girls had described being eaten by an experienced broad.
'Honey, it's like my clit was a foot long and shooting jism!'
The only thing was, her own clit was not ready to shoot.
'Ohhhh-ohhhh-OHH!' Susi panted, feeling Tamra's lips begin to suck the pussy juice. The tongue slides were so much like prick she could not believe it! She had not been man-fucked for over two years; she had been so afraid of getting knocked up she hadn't enjoyed it, but this was groovy! Maybe she needed a dildo. One of the older waitresses at the lounge admitted she had two sizes, and her boyfriend liked to use them on her when he pooped out. He was honest enough to admit he could not give her enough prick.
Suddenly, even in her rising excitement, she heard Lana whisper in her ear again. 'Wait till I eat you, honey!'
'Ohhh-I'd love to eat you, too!' Susi gasped. Her hands and legs wanted to be free of the ropes, but she was nearly ready to come! She had never sipped a cunt, but she was sure she could do a good job of it…
Tamra shuddered as she tasted the fresh cunt flow from the young mulatto. Every pussy was different, and Susi's was no exception-but it was delicious! Great potential here. That snug little anus was thick with muscles; they were twitching on her finger, and a few flutters of the cunt-mouth fueled her lust higher. More practice and this chickie would be a real hotpiece!
I can't wait much longer for my own go off, Tamra thought, watching Lana work on Susi's pretty, cone- shaped titties. Ohhhhh, shit! My clit is ready to pop! I've made Susi wait long enough. I just gotta fuck her! The way she goes for tongue, I bet she'd like a dildo sliding in her cunt! Now now! I'm ready to blow!
Swiftly she drew her hands and mouth from Susi's cute ass and pussy; she reared upward, and swept her achy, leaking cunt in on Susi's uptilted cunt. Lana backed away, and then Tamra had the dainty, hot, colored girl all to herself. As Tamra embedded her clit into the luscious, swollen cunt mouth and began to hunch, Susi's quick upthrusts, the squish of their cunts together, Susi's whimpers of erotic delight, drove Tamra into her short strokes!
Ohhhhh, I'm coming off for the blonde! Susi thought wildly. I wish I could hold her real dose, these ropes make it different-but I'm making the second scene! The finger in my anus really charged my batteries! I figured I was gonna come on her mouth, but I adore this! Ohhhhh, jeeeeeeeesus-here it commmmmmmes!
The sweet rush of her passion, the climb to her peak, the hard driving of Tamra's cunt, the blonde's sudden shudder and loud cry brought the throbbing goodies from Susi's loins!
'Ohhh-ohhhh!' Susi wailed, feeling her anus pucker and twitch. Her own clit felt a foot long too! It was shooting honey up into the blonde's busy cunt! Tamra was not as violent at the finish as Lana, but she was really humping! That long girlie prick of Tamra's was stabbing and jamming at her own pulsing clit! It was like shooting to the moon!
'Ohhhhh-fuuuuuuuuck!' came Tamra's throaty cry. 'That's-gooood-cunt!'
The love seat rocked and creaked. The achy waves of cunt delight shook' Susi's thighs and arms; her titties curved out, her whole crotch exploded with sugary throbs, she felt a very definite craving to have something sliding deep in her cunt…
Lana watched enviously as Tamra finished her fuck; her lips taking a dark, tender nipple, her pretty ass gradually slowing its playful flexing. The expression of thrall and satisfaction on Susi's face said she was having some beautiful after twinges. Tamra's exquisite loveliness of face and body did it for these chicks, and of course the money helped, too.
Finally Tamra lifted up, breaking the cunt-on-cunt togetherness, and looked over at Lana, her wide smile showing her pleasure.
'You do know how to pick 'em, baby!'
'I just knew you'd like her pussy,' Lana giggled. She, had a fierce ache in the crotch that had to be satisfied, and soon. Watching two girls fuck was horribly stimulating! But what was going to happen on the fun scene next was up to the boss girl, Tamra.
'Untie our chickie, will you, honey?' Tamra smiled, gazing down at Susi's spread-apart, dripping cunt, the whole pink interior of the mouth exposed.
'Ohhh, yes!' Susi breathed. 'It kind of hurts to come with my legs tied way out this way.'
Lana moved to the love seat and unfastened the soft, binding cords. Susi sighed and closed her legs, stretching her arms above her head. She giggled.
'Ohhhh, that was funnnnn!'
'Good!' Tamra laughed. 'Now, let's freshen up a little and try some new stuff, huh?' She moved over and caught Susi's hand, lifting her from the love seat, patting her ass. 'How would you like to live out here a while, baby? You could still work and save apartment rent… '
'Ohhhh, groovy!' Susi bubbled.
'You might keep your eye open for a real fancy ' chick like yourself who might like to party with us.'
'Jeeeeesus, how many girls do you want, Tamra?'
'Shit, I might have a whole harem here before I'm through,' Tamra laughed. 'Ah, I'm only kidding, sweet: You two get me off real hard!'
All three joined hi the laughter. Lana felt a wave of relief. Susi was not going to be a replacement maid; she was just going to be an addition to the girl stable.
Taking her handbag along, Susi entered the luxurious, tiled bathroom, shivery with excitement. She could give up that high-rent apartment and be one of Tamra's chicks. What Lana had whispered in her ear was happening. She removed the gold, sequin-decorated panties at last and began to freshen her cunt. What a blast! Her anus still tingled from the new kind of invasion.
She could stop taking on those older, half-lesbian, tourist cunts for extra money. There was a big swimming pool here; she could start to live in style. When she finished a shift at the Pussycat Lounge with half a hard-on, she could drive out to her new home and be assured of some nice, hot pussy. Then she would have herself sterilized and start looking around for a good looking stud with enough money to support her. After all, she had a lot going for her; more than one empire had been won by a hot, provocative body and a good snug cunt!
When she finally stepped out into the big, posh bedroom, she shivered and gasped. Evidently Tamra and Lana had used another restroom. Their makeup was all repaired; they looked their best. But what startled her was a thing Tamra wore around her hips, a kind of harness with a long, thick dildo slanted up from her crotch! It was realistically colored and knobbed, like the real flesh of a penis.
'Ohhhh, wow!' Susi giggled.
'Isn't that a dandy?' Tamra laughed, reaching down and fondling the dildo shaft, arching her hips forward. She wore only her black boots now, and Lana was completely nude. Susi was glad she was naked herself.
'Oh, you know it!' Susi exclaimed. It might be no novelty for these two older gals, but the idea was still rather dirty and stimulating for her.
'Well, get your pussy over here and let Lana suck it,' Tamra smiled. I'm going to give her a good prick fuck.'
Susi felt a little weak in the knees. She remembered vividly how Lana's tongue had worked in her mouth and throat on their big date, and just why the sultry maid had not gone down on her then was still a mystery. Well, she would soon find out; her cunt was tingling with lewd anticipation.'
Chapter 9
'I've been looking forward to this, honey,' Lana breathed, fitting her hands beneath Susi's ass, staring at Susi's uptilted cunt.
All three were on the wide bed: Susi perched at the headboard on her back, her thighs opened wide; Lana crouched on her elbows, her ass tipped high while Tamra prepared to mount from the rear with her strapped-on dildo.
'Ohhhh, me, too!' Susi gasped. Lana's thick lips were only inches from Susi's cunt; she had that ferocious animal look on her face, her tongue tip was flirting between her lips. She seemed to be waiting until Tamra