she can have some real fun in 'Frisco.

A whine of pleasure from Susi drew Tamra back to the vivid 'now' program. The young mulatto was about ready to get her trigger pulled. Lana was eating that dainty cunt with all her skill-and she had oodles of it. Mari had missed a. real feast, not making it with the limber-assed maid!

'Ohhhhhh-ohh!' Susi gasped, her face twisting, her hands pressing into her swollen titties. 'Come on, Lana- get me off!'

Tamra stopped hunching for a moment, letting the dildo rest in Lana's cunt. The maid's responses to a rear fuck with an eight-inch fake prick indicated she had been there before, although not necessarily with a male. There were times when Tamra wished she could turn into a stud for a while, so she could feel a hot cunt in deep with more than fingers or tongue. She could understand why men got so excited about pussy, and how a smart girl could use her cunt to get what she wanted, like a big home and cars and lots of goodies.

If I could actually find a stud I liked, who could fuck me the way I fuck myself with q stroking dildo, I might enjoy it, she thought. But it's the other shit I can't stand, just having one around. No, my thing is pussy! And lots of it.

She drew out and humped the dildo in hard again, feeling Lana shudder. Lana worked her tongue and mouth with more abandon, and Susi whined eagerly. Lana was not going to drag it out this time; she was sucking Susi to the finish. Most chicks just could not wait long for the orgasm; it took practice. Teasing around and building up the erotic suspense was one of the best things about sex.

'Come on her tongue, baby!' Tamra encouraged, giving Lana a few more quick jabs of the dildo.

'Ughhh!' Lana moaned, the sounds muffled by the closeness of Susi's cunt.

Susi's plump thighs pulled back farther, her body shook.

Ohhhhh, Jeeeesus, I'm coming! Susi thought wildly. Seems like an hour since I had it with Tamra! She really got me hard, but this is almost better! Lana's tongue is longer and thicker! She sucks deeper! She's pulling the fun right out of my cunt! I wish she'd a finger up in my anus! Ohhhh, damn! Ohhhhh, this is where it's AT! They both do it different, and I don't need a finger this time!

Her clit stiffened and began to pulse against Lana's lips, her inner cunt twitched, her anus tightened, with the sweet, hot spasms of her come-shot!

'Ohhhh-ohhh-ohhh-oh, oh, ohhhh!' she shouted. Each punch of Lana's tongue brought the throbbing goodies; her loins erupted, she flipped back on the pillows at the head of the bed and felt the honeyed lances of relief foam in her cunt, feeling Lana draw the girl-flow from-her shivery vagina…

Lana raised her pussy-wet mouth from Susi's swollen, pink-flowered cunt, loving the way the young mulatto shuddered and shook in her thrill of triumph. Very delicious! The cute little rosebud of her sex tightened with the pulses of her climax; she was a hot box, sure enough! The view along her heaving belly up to her arched-out, hand-fondled titties, enriched Lana's own excitement.

Now it was her turn for fun! Tamra was starting into the short strokes, her titties rubbing Lana's shoulders, her hands reaching under to hold Lana's breasts, her hips-thrusts almost tipping Lana from her crouched position. She loved the doggy fashion. When she let a man fuck her she always asked for the rear approach; that way she didn't have to look at him and get involved. It touched the basic animal in her being. Somehow a prick fit better.

'You ready to bust one, baby?' Tamra breathed, pausing in her exercise.

'Mmmmmmm-fuck, yes!' Lana cried, staring down at Susi's still-exposed crotch, her pussy leaking more girl-juice. She was afraid to lap it up now, because when she went off she might bite that tender, dainty cunt!

'Okay,' Tamra breathed, starting to fuck again. Her humps were so damned quick and expert, Lana could almost believe some guy actually was fucking her. That knob was hitting her inner tender zone at the mouth of her womb just right! That hot 'Frisco sister was better with her fake prick than most men were with a real one. Ohhhh, yes!

'Mmmmmmm-ohhhhhhh, shiiit!' Lana cried. 'Pour the cock to me, honey!'

The achy, pounding ride to her peak on the slip and slide of the cock sucked a cry from her throat! And just as she hit it, the very best part of the climax, Tamra bucked even faster! Lana felt the honeyed throbs rack her whole pelvis, her clit was spurting its girl-fun, her inner vagina was clenching the driving phallus. That lithe, soft body above her flattened and wiggling on her ass and shoulders, the hold of those hands on her swollen tits, brought the last luscious throbs of her come-joy, deep and hard!

The after-twinges of her delight were so good, she felt herself sinking downward, her face nestled on Susi's cunt, with Tamra still stroking and. bucking, making sure that Lana had all of her cunt-thrills. Beautiful! That sexy blonde was just terrific; it took another dame to know just how a girl liked those fade-away quivers of relief.

Finally it was over, and the girls untangled.

'Boy, that was funnnn!' Susi giggled, staggering to the love seat, dropping her ass down. She watched that fake penis emerge from Lana's cunt, all slick and wet, and she knew she wanted some of it, too. She had to learn how to go off good around a prick if she ever expected to nail some wealthy man.

Sure, a few broads did marry; it was happening in California, but this Tamra would never tie herself down with one pussy. She had money to buy all the hot cunt she wanted. Security would lie with a man, and she would feel normal having a guy around to pat her on the ass and buy her presents. A smart chick could always catch some pussy-rubbing on the side.

On the bed, Lana and Tamra were kissing and fooling around. Tamra's strapped-on prick was gone, her blonde-framed cunt was really swollen, and Lana had a finger in it, jazzing around slowly.

'Ohh, I'd rather have your tongue in there, baby,' Tamra breathed, rolling over and breaking the finger- pussy contact. Lana nodded eagerly. Susi watched Tamra turn around, spreading her thighs above Lana's face, while Tamra started kissing Lana's belly, heading toward the upcurved cunt. A girlish sixty-nine.

Susi shivered. She had heard of it; one of the broads she had fucked for a fee had wanted to try it, but Susi had refused. Now that she knew what a tongue could do for her pussy, she wondered why she had not experimented before. Well, she was young yet, she had faked her ID to get a job, and the boss at the lounge had been glad to hire her. One thing about that, the owner was an old queen; he sold pussy, he didn't enjoy it. The girls were glad not to have an ass-patting boss.

'I really need one, baby,' Tamra breathed, her mouth only inches from Lana's uptilted cunt, completely hairless. It was an idea Susi intended to use; there was one doctor in Reno who specialized in things like snugging up flaccid vaginas with surgery and depilation of cunts. He was very busy. It was said that for a big price he could even install a new maidenhead.

'You're gonna get a biggy, honey!' Lana murmured, catching Tamra's ass and drawing her crotch downward.

Susi did not mind watching; she was pretty pooped after that last climax! Maybe she could learn something about eating cunt. The next time some broad with money asked her for a date, she could earn a large fee. Living here a while with Tamra would be fun, but she had to look out for number one. She would also buy a vibrating dildo of her very own.

Shivering, she left the love seat and moved around so she could watch Lana take Tamra's tongue. That blonde really loved eating pussy! Her pose above the maid prevented any close viewing of Lana's mouth on Tamra's cunt.

Damn it, I wish I had a partner now, Susi thought, her passion rising again. Three girls is neat, but four would be better.

The wiggle of Tamra's tongue along Lana's cunt-crevice, the spread of Lana's long, olive thighs, her mons curved high for attentions, a faint sucking noise from between the blond's opened thighs, brought Susi's clit into tingling hardness again. Watching those attractive go-go girls at the lounge, their covered breasts and cunts almost touching, was not in it with this!

New wetness formed between Susi's puffy cunt lips; her nipples stiffened. She glanced over at the discarded, strap-on dildo. Lana had gone off on it; she was sure she could, too! She would not be afraid to enjoy the slides, as she was with a real prick. One little bug could foul a girl up real good.

Shuddering, she reached down and grabbed the object. The shaft-disconnected from the harness with a twist of the wrist. There was still enough of a handle to* grip in her fingers. In fact, the handle was designed to be embedded in the cunt of the aggressor girl! Tamra had enjoyed herself while fucking Lana. Very neat design!

She sank backward into a chair that faced the action on the bed, and aimed the pink, plastic knob at her

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