had no idea who had worn what, being much more interested in bodies than in clothes.

Laura came forward grinning. 'You for me, darling,' she leered, taking Jack's arm and leading him over to a blanket.

'Hot dawg!' laughed Jack. 'I always wanted to fuck a famous movie star!'

'Television, darling, not movies,' corrected Laura, reaching for his swaying, limp cock.

Harold Witherspoon closed his eyes, reached into the basket, and drew out a pink bikini bottom.

'Oooooh, goodie!' squealed Bonnie. 'That's mine, Harold! How exciting, making it with a real poet.'

'You'll find my prick quite poetic, I'm sure,' Harold said gallantly, while bowing. 'Shall we get at it?'

They found a beach towel to lie on, and Jonathan took his turn at drawing. Suddenly Jennifer hoped he would pick her bathing suit; even if he was her brother, at least he was familiar. But to her disappointment, he pulled a tiny, yellow garment out of the basket. Ouida did not come forward to meet him, bat called languidly from her blanket, 'Over here, lover! My, lucky me, I get the big one!'

Jonathan joined her, obviously delighted to have drawn the lovely black girl. Kip stood by the basket, grinning at Jennifer.

'Well,' he laughed. 'I guess this is what you'd call a mere formality! But just to do things properly…' He reached into the basket and plucked out Jennifer's blue bikini panties. 'Yours, I presume?' he leered.

Jennifer's knees felt weak. She began to tremble.

How had she gotten herself into such a repulsive mess, obligated to fuck a stranger? When she did not move but only looked at him in panic, Kip strode to her, picked her up, and carried her over to the remaining blanket.

'Hey, look,' he whispered soothingly. 'Don't be afraid! I'm not a monster, after all! We're gonna make out just fine together, I know it! After all, it's kinda like my profession. You just take it easy, and I'll make it good for you, okay?'

Jennifer nodded weakly, and he set her down on the blanket. There was no point in getting into an argument, and Kip seemed pleasant enough. She would just let it happen, get through it mechanically like she'd sucked Jonathan's cock, and then she would be free to leave. Kip lay down beside her and began to kiss her and fondle her breasts. He used his tongue when he kissed, reminding her of Ben. But with Ben it had always been awkward, slobbery, and rather disgusting. Kip made it clean, expert, and wickedly exciting. Jennifer enjoyed his kisses, the pleasant touch of his firm hands on her breasts, but did not look forward to the more intimate things that were to follow. Eventually Kip began to suck her nipples, giving her a chance to see what everybody else was doing.

Jennifer blushed at herself for being disappointed. All she saw was three blow jobs in progress, the object being to get the men hard again. How dull, she thought crazily. Then it occurred to her that Kip might require help, too. She didn't have to eat his come, just suck him a little; it seemed almost rude not to do it, when all the other men were getting it. She gently pushed him off her, knelt beside him, and dipped her face toward his flaccid, white cock. But he caught her hair and stopped her.

'Hey, no,' he said gently. 'You don't have to. I know you don't dig it – I saw your face when you were eating your brother. You just relax and let me turn you on, okay? I'll get hard when I need to.'

'No, let me.' Jennifer felt a rush of gratitude for his kindness and was determined, to repay him, even if she had to do something she didn't relish. Just a little bit, at least, to show that she wasn't ungrateful. She bent again, took his flabby prick in her hand, and directed it to her mouth. On some wild impulse she stuck out her tongue and wriggled it under the wrinkled foreskin, swiftly circling the moist glans beneath. Kip sighed, and she continued licking him that way for a minute or so, not really minding it, when she saw his cock suddenly swell and bloom before her eyes. It lengthened, fattened, and jerked erect in her hand.

'Hey, thanks,' Kip murmured. 'That was sweet. But now it's my turn.'

He eased her onto her back and took a moment to look her over, then to run his hands down her firm, smooth body. 'Christ, it's nice having somebody young for a change,' he said softly. 'Not that I'd tell the boss!' They both glanced automatically at Laura, but found her preoccupied with sucking Jack's balls. Jennifer was still looking when she abruptly felt Kip's tongue wriggling into her cunt. Oh, God, it felt nice! It looked as if he night make her enjoy this fuck after all! She sighed and opened her legs wider.

'Glorious! Glorious!' Harold Witherspoon was proclaiming. 'What a talented little lady you are!'

Bonnie was unable to answer his compliment, for her tongue was busy and noisy in the depths of his anus, while her little hands worked playfully on his cock and balls. He stood, arms folded, while she knelt behind him, and although he already had an erection that threatened to burst, the poet seemed content for the moment to remain in a passive role and enjoy Bonnie's expertise.

Jonathan was not so inactive. He seemed to be detouring Ouida's body inch by inch, beginning with her mouth and working down to her small, pretty breasts, the tight-curled black patch of her, mons, and all the creamy parts between her legs. The slender black girl lay limp, puffing as he kissed, tongued and sucked, but there was evidence, in Jonathan's hugely swollen cock, that her blow job had been energetic enough.

Theirs was a relatively quiet and placid scene compared to what was taking place on the next blanket. Her buxom body arched over Jack Harlan, Laura was snarling, gurgling and growling as she licked feverishly all over the surface of his penis and testicles, her lovely, long tits swaying and brushing his belly. Jack was equally noisy and hungry as he attacked her pussy with his tongue, lips and fingers.

Watching all this, while Kip's tongue worked deliciously in her cunt, Jennifer felt it was all unreal. It couldn't be happening, not to her, not to anyone! Eight naked human beings, loudly and greedily eating each other on a public beach, like so many dogs feasting on meat, oblivious of all rules of decency and modesty – no, she could not really be part of this! It was only a week ago, after all, that bet prim aunt had seen her off in London with a final admonition to stay away from men. They were filthy-minded creatures, her aunt warned, who wanted only one thing from a woman. At the time, Jennifer had tended to agree with her. But how much she had learned since then! Far from just wanting a quick fuck, a swift release, men knew a thousand different ways to enjoy a woman's body and to make her enjoy theirs. Jennifer felt bewildered, very much uncertain of what was the right thing to do.

Kip was crawling up over her, wiping her cream from his mouth before he kissed her. 'Feeling better now?' he whispered.

'Ummmm,' Jennifer replied vaguely, smiling and curling her arms around his neck. No purpose would be served by telling him her doubts, nothing gained by hurting him. She would play along, get it over with. She wrapped her legs around his slim ass, pumped it, making his steel-hard cock nudge her vulva, in an ancient female signal that required no words.

He licked her neck, then whispered in a husky, excited voice, 'You want it now?'

'Ummm,' she repeated, pumping his hips again. His oozing glans raked over her labia and snuggled into the indented mouth of her creamy cunt.

'You're a sweet kid,' he whispered. He kissed her, forcing his tongue far into her mouth, and at the same time, in a twin motion, his stiff, long cock eased gently into her. She held her breath during the whole delicious penetration, feeling his fat meat stuffing, stretching, and crawling the length of her narrow cunt, till it nudged her womb.

'Good?' he sighed. 'Is that good?'

'Ahhhh!' Jennifer moaned, much more sincerely this time. It did feel good, very good. Her legs were still wrapped around his ass, putting her in control of their motions, and she squeezed and pumped him to show how she wanted him to fuck her, in long, slow, easy thrusts. He grunted acknowledgment, too exhausted to speak, and she let her legs fall to the blanket. Kip took over, serving her just as obediently and skillfully as he did Laura. Jennifer thought wildly, crazily, that she was being fucked by a cock that had been into the famous actress, that had filled her cunt many times. It gave her an odd feeling, seemed somehow to make them sisters. I'm being fucked by Laura Langley's stud, she thought – and giggled.

'What?' Kip raised his head and grinned at her. 'Nothing.' She grinned back, then deliberately tightened her cunt muscles around his deep thrusting cock. His eyes rolled, he moaned and buried his face in her hair. Come on, stud, she thought, get it over with. I have to get out of here, out of this insane dream.

She looked around and saw that the others were watching them with glazed, hungry eyes. Well, they must look good together, she supposed. They had the best bodies of the group, they seemed to melt into each other perfectly. She didn't care if they watched now; she was beyond that. She returned their looks blandly, lazily.

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