She blushed. 'Salty. Good.'

'All right. Now take the whole thing in your mouth.' Again she hesitated, but finally she did as he instructed, opening her lips wide and going down on the fat meat. It stuffed her mouth, and she could not take in the whole shaft. 'Now suck,' Ciardi whispered. 'Just suck and decide how you feel about doing it.'

Jennifer worked the penis stiffly in her mouth, letting it nudge her velvety cheek, her slick palate, the ticklish surface of her tongue. She was certain now that she was getting to like the taste of cock, and that was a step in the right direction. When Jonathan made her suck him, she always felt panicked, as if she would choke or be sick, but somehow she did not feel these things with Ciardi. He was gentle, he sat still and did not feed her his prick, but let her guide it. She sucked him contentedly for a few minutes, enjoying the slick silky flesh. Then Ciardi sighed and lifted her head away.

'I could have gone on,' Jennifer protested. 'I was actually getting to enjoy it.'

'That's good,' he said, smiling faintly. 'But I must repeat, I'm only human. I would have come in your mouth in another second.'

'Oh!' Jennifer blushed. She was deeply grateful for his consideration. Even if she was coming to enjoy sucking on a prick, she still abhorred the idea of letting a man ejaculate into her mouth and throat. 'Well,' she smiled. 'What now? Is that the end of our lesson? Did I pass?'

'Jennifer.' His voice was suddenly lower, rather raspy. He put his arms around her, applied his weight, and they sank onto the bed. He kissed her, more roughly than before, and spread her legs with his. She felt his hard, fat cock butting blindly against her vulva. She tensed in his arms, but he didn't notice. 'Jennifer, let me fuck you.'

She pushed him away and burst into angry tears. 'Damn you!' she shrieked. 'You liar, you-you cad! You pretended to help me, to give me medical advice, and all the time you just wanted to screw!'

Ciardi guffawed. 'And what's wrong with that? My God, we did everything else! The whole point was to enjoy, and what could be more enjoyable than to finish with a grand climax? Pun intended.'

'Oh, get out!' she sobbed. 'You're terrible! Everything is a big joke to you! I don't think you even take my problem seriously!'

'Oh, but I do!' he exclaimed still laughing. 'Look at all the trouble I went to, trying to help you!'

'Trouble, my ass!' bawled Jennifer. 'Get out!'

Ciardi zipped up and, to her great annoyance, exited laughing. She felt completely devastated and friendless. She had trusted him, believed him, and had even begun to be fond of him – and now all his efforts turned out to be nothing more than an elaborate attempt to get laid. Well, she thought wearily, just one more reason to get out of this God-forsaken place, fast!

She slipped on a robe and was just continuing with her packing, when Jonathan walked in. Jennifer started and blushed.

'You could have knocked!' she snapped.

He ignored her anger. Grinning, he circled her, looking her over. 'Why, Jennifer, darling, you're all flushed and hot! Your hair's rumpled, you're practically undressed, and you're trembling! I just passed Ciardi in the hall, and he looked rather peculiar, too. Tell me! Tell Brother! I love secrets! Did the good doctor score?'

'Oh, shut up!' she shouted.

He only laughed. Everybody seemed to be laughing at her today. 'Come on, Jen, did he ball you?'

'Certainly not!'

'No, knowing you, I suppose you wouldn't let him,' Jonathan grinned. 'But I can tell he got you horny. Lucky I happened by. You don't have to be modest with me, and I can take care of you right now.'

'I'm afraid not,' she said coldly. 'I'm leaving.'

'Hmmm, yes, I noticed the suitcases. But of course you're not serious. You couldn't give up the hotel.'

'I don't want to, Jonathan, but I have to. I can't live this way, like we've been doing, being part of a perpetual orgy. You seem to like it, so you can have it. I expect you to buy out my half eventually, but I can wait a few years for my money. I can't wait to leave.'

He studied her carefully and saw that she was deeply serious and determined. He spoke without smiling now. 'Very well, Jen, if that's the way you feel, I have no right to stop you. I'm sorry things didn't work out as we planned. But I would like you to do me one more favor, one more thing for the business, before you go. It won't take long, and there's nothing in it to distress you. Just a little publicity thing.'

It seemed the least she could do. 'What is it?'

'A miracle, for one thing Kip Kovak has accepted Laura Langley's offer of marriage. He must really be hard up for money, poor devil. Anyhow, they're going to announce their en nut to the press this afternoon, aboard Jack Harlan's yacht. And since the whole thing happened at our hotel, we can cash in on the publicity. Laura and Kip even suggested it. We can be there, pose with them for the photographers, and Laura will give the reporters some romantic little story about falling in love at the Granada Hotel – she's so good at that, everyone will forget it's her sixth marriage. Anyhow, it seems too good to pass up. What do you say?'

Jennifer sighed. She desperately wanted to be on her way, but she knew she should cooperate. Jonathan needed all the help he could get, now that the whole management of the hotel was on his shoulders. And this was one meeting of the bunch that couldn't possibly turn into an orgy – not unless they wanted their antics photographed and described in every major newspaper in America! She had to smile at that.

'Oh, very well, Jonathan,' she said. 'When do we go?'

'Around five. I'll stop by for you. Wear something really gala, okay? Laura wants everyone dressed to the teeth.'

'Right. Around five, ten.'

Jonathan smiled and left, silently applauding himself on inventing such a plausible and convincing story on such short notice.


While her brother guided his small power boat through the busy harbor, Jennifer admired Jack Harlan's yacht at a distance, and the was even more impressed when they came aboard. It had more than all the comforts of home – it was luxurious, a floating palace. Jonathan led her to a large main room which featured a bar, a high ceiling with heavy beams, and large windows which afforded a fine view of the hotel on one side and a panorama of the sunset on the other. In the room Jennifer saw only the group she was already familiar with – Jack and Bonnie Harlan, Laura Langley and Kip Kovak, Harold Witherspoon and Ouida – but she assumed that the press would be along shortly.

'Here's our twin.' Jack boomed. 'Hi, there, Jonathan – I see you persuaded her to come after all!'

'Well,' Jennifer smiled, 'I could hardly stay away on such an important occasion. Laura, congratulations!'

Laura gawked. 'Congratulations on what? Jonathan, what did you tell this girl to get her out here?'

Suddenly Jennifer understood. She reddened and turned to her brother. 'You rat,' she said coldly. 'It was all a lie, wasn't it, to get me to another party?'

Jonathan smiled blandly. 'Oh, tell!' chirped Laura. 'What fantastic tale did you invent, you clever boy?'

Briefly he explained, and while Jennifer fumed, everyone else laughed and applauded. Kip remarked in an aside, which no one but Jennifer heard, 'Me engaged to that old barracuda? That'll be the day!'

'I somehow fail to be amused, Jonathan,' Jennifer interrupted. 'I would like to be taken back to the hotel. The sooner I leave this place, the better.'

'Now, now!' Jonathan put an arm around her shoulder and led her to a sofa. 'It's too late to go anywhere tonight, Jen. Why don't you just relax, have a few drinks, and enjoy Jack's yacht?'

'That's right, little lady!' thundered their host. 'Anything you want, you just name it! You just stick around and enjoy yourself, hear?'

'Yes, darling,' Laura added. 'We'd be devastated if you left!'

Jennifer shrugged and accepted a drink. Her brother was right. She could not get a plane, even a bus, at this time of night, and she might as well spend her last evening being amused by the antics of the group. She had

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