It had a fresh, clean taste, with a slight residue of soap flavor still clinging to its warm hardness. I sucked his rod playfully, not wishing to make this the whole focus of our lovemaking, but I sucked forcefully enough to let him know that he'd picked up on a break in a million.

He appreciated it. I could tell from the contented groans he made from the way his fingers curled and twined in my hair. From the way he balled himself up into my mouth every few strokes, as if the pressure of my suckling had suddenly become too much for his young manhood to bear.

I sucked his prick as long as I could, but the water was pouring and I had to keep from swallowing the shower spray, and I suppose it was like giving head underwater. After a certain length of time, drowning seems like a viable alternative. I let go of Eric's pole and rose to my full height, facing him. He put his hands on my tits immediately and leaned against me, letting my stomach feel what my mouth had just been gobbling. Our mouths came together and my tongue stabbed inside his. He stiffened for a moment, but when he felt the playful wandering, he grew easy. His hands left my tits and moved around me, once more taking hold of my ass.

I was slippery with soap and water, and so was he. We wiggled and squiggled, providing one another with delightfully uncertain handholds, and then Eric was lifting me again, his fingertips at the same time assaulting the lips of my cunt. I'd been so busy seducing him I hadn't had time to notice how sexed-up I was myself. Not until his finger slid into my hole and began to worm around.

It was like receiving a mild shock. I squealed 'OOOH!' and tried to wrap myself around him where we stood, almost knocking the poor boy flat. He held on for dear life as I climbed him like a tree, and he pushed me towards the far wall so that his wiry young body wasn't the only thing supporting my 104 pounds. I had my legs wrapped round his waist and my tummy rubbed his, the big hard spear of his cock bouncing on my bottom as we rocked and staggered together. His hands were firmly gripping my ass, and that finger continued its exploration of my pussy while I tried my Goddamnedest to suck his tongue out of his mouth by the roots.

There was a rushing in my ears that was only partially caused by the flowing water. Everything was happening at a breakneck pace and I wanted to fuck. Right now! I pulled my lips from his and told him so.

He looked happy and he steadied me while I climbed down from my stork perch on his body. We turned off the water and dried ourselves perfunctorily, and then it was a race to my bedroom. I won, because he didn't know his way in the house. Yet. He'd have no trouble next time, I was sure.

Still half-wet from the shower, I flung myself onto the bed and rolled to meet his plunge after me. We came together like crawling snakes, and his tongue was a crawling snake, too, crawling across my face and neck and tits as he fingered my cunt some more. I put my hand over his, urging it to investigate a little more thoroughly, and I kept bumping his cock with my knee to make sure it stayed big and hard long enough to do its manly duty by me.

'You're a wild chick,' he said, between nibbles at my tits, the tips of my nipples were erected a full inch, an inch of hot, wet, rubbery flesh that ached whenever his teeth rolled upon it. I reached for his prick and found it ready.

Opening my legs, I beckoned him with my pink gash. 'Show you how wild,' I promised in that husky, Lauren Bacall type voice I save for beddy-bye.

He didn't have to be asked twice. He was on me like a satyr, plying my thighs with his own, letting me aim the point of his fucker straight towards my fuckee. The flesh of him touched the flesh of me, rubbing, tickling, and my cunt throbbed inside me. For the sweetest second imaginable, and then I stuffed his cock in and up and our bodies came together with a musical thumping sound that was nearly but not quite drowned by a soft groan from him and an acceptant moaning noise from my own lips.

How big was Eric's cock? I don't know. I don't carry a tape measure in my snatch. A cock is big enough when it's big enough, and his was big enough to fill me deliciously. There was no pain, nor was there a trace of void. We were like a hand and a glove. My cunt might have been created to be a home for his pocket [missing text].

I took it fully to the hilt on that first long thrust, and I felt every inch of his prick going in my cunt. My eyes opened wider, just as my hole was opening wider, and I started to giggle and chatter at him, but he was concentrating so hard on his fucking that he didn't hear me. At least he didn't reply. He just kept ramming against me, even though his cock was already fully inserted, and the protracted shudders of his meat inside my pussy were what it was all about.

My knees lifted and my heels locked around his back as he lay between my legs. My ass was off the bed, fully splayed for his greater ease and mine, and I moved against him a time by way of encouragement. He was a bright boy and got the message. His belly pulled away from mine, uncunting most of his peter, and then he gave it to me again with a driving thrust that left his balls swinging in the crack of my ass, tickling the moist cleft and making me throb responsively from asshole to brainpan. 'Just like that,' I panted, and he gave it to me again.

Just like that. No variation, no frills. It was a straight, hard fuck. Don't get me wrong. I like a straight, hard fuck, and I have ever since I was a young teenager and found out what my pussy was for. But imagination and variation are essentials, too, and Eric didn't seem to show much talent in those departments. Well, so what? He was my age, so he'd told me on the ride home, and I rather suspected that I had balled a lot more guys than he had girls.

But he had a good cock and he could shove it up my cunt so hard and deep and fast it made my teeth chatter, and, as for the rest, he could learn it soon enough. During the next month, while Mama and Daddy were making the Grand Tour, I was pretty certain that our boy Eric would be getting a Grand Tour of his own. And guess who he'd have for tour guide?

I wiggled my butt as he speared in and out, arid the alternate this-way and that-way pressures and pulls on his cock made him mutter aloud in surprise. Clearly this was a new experience for him. He began to experiment with new approaches to meet and counterpoint my own wrigglings, and the result was out of sight. For both of us.

I twitched to the left and he fucked to the right. I sidled to the right and he gave me a left-aiming prong that sent his pecker skyrocketing up my gash sensuously. 'By Jove, I think you've got it,' I quipped in a breathless voice.

It felt so good now, so much better even than before, and I romped with him like a whore on her day off. As he kept pronging me deep and hard – but with those essential variations. I cupped and squeezed my titties excitedly, finger strumming the nipples till they ached and throbbed.

Both of us were wet again, this time from sex-sweat, as damp as if we'd come dripping from the shower to the bedroom. My armpits squished when I worked my hands, and my hand slid on his body when I tried to touch it. Eric's face was ecstatic as he ravaged me, and I suppose mine must have had that same silly fucking grin set firmly in place. He reached out with one hand and grabbed my right tit, pawing it viciously but lovingly, too, and I covered his hand with mine to keep it there.

Normally I require some effort. You can't just shove the meat to me and expect fireworks. But this was the first time I'd ever brought a boy home with me in the middle of the day, especially after such a blatant pickup as I'd pulled on Eric, and it was such a novelty to be balled in my own little bed, rather than in a car or the woods or on the tiles beside someone's swimming pool or wherever I didn't even realize till a day or two later that Eric hadn't used his mouth on my cunt at all. Oh, sure, I'd sucked on his dick, and sucked it well, but he hadn't reciprocated. And nine times out of ten that's a prerequisite for the guys I screw around with. Well, this was number ten, I suppose.

My period was due any day now, and I always get hotter and sluttier then, too. Probably that's why I'd decided so quickly to come on to him at the club. And what of it? He wasn't complaining and neither was I.

That cock of his just kept sucking in and out. And I do mean slick! My cunt was as greasy as if he'd oiled me with Vaseline and his rod slid through my hot, wet drippings as it plunged again and again to the center of my very being. I could feel a dull thud every time he plunged home, a thud that meant he was very nearly banging his knob on the mouth of my womb. Some girls like that a hell of a lot. I do, if it's done right, but too many guys feel they have to drill you like a machinist. Those big peckers just slid in and out, and each time they go in, all the way in, it hurts and aches, but at the same time it feels so good you don't really want to ask them to take it easier.

And later your cunt aches as if it's just been flogged with a cat-o-nine-tails and you swear to yourself, 'Next time I'm going to put my foot down,' and you never do it, because the next time it's that same mixed feeling of good and bad. Who said it was easy being a girl? And what girl would have it any other way?

'Get ready…' his voice was tight and tense… 'I'm gonna come…' And before he'd finished speaking, I felt the

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