lunging jabs as his cock rammed up my cunt and began to spit out its load of jizz.

My pussy jerked as his cock shuddered inside me, and I thought nice, sexy thoughts and wiggled myself so that my clitty got its full share of attention from his gyrating prick, and a sweet, shivery little cream hit me, too.

It was nothing compared to his. Eric was a groaning corner. His face twisted up and he grunted and moaned and his fingers seemed to be gouging the flesh of the titty he held, and I saw muscles knotting up in his neck and arms. And all the while he kept on plugging me with his rod, shaking it as he dumped his fuck-juice in my cunt. I suppose single, teenaged girls fucked before the Pill came along, but I wonder how much they enjoyed it.

I didn't have that problem. My cunt was as sterile as a hospital ward, and it sucked up his jizz as fast as he could squirt it out. The ripples of pleasure that coursed through me were small and short-lived, but they were nice enough while they lasted, and the flutter of my pussy tickled a few extra drops of cock-milk from Eric's rapidly sinking hard-on. It was wilting almost before he could get it out of me, and as he pulled free, a last, watery glob of jism formed in the shrinking knob of his pole and spilled onto my red beaver.

My legs unclasped and he sank back with a groaning sigh of satisfaction. I brought my ass onto the bed and lay smiling up at him. It wasn't the best lay I'd ever had, but it was okay, and he was a nice, considerate partner, and the two of us might have some fun in the four weeks to come.

'I have a confession,' I said finally, reaching to touch his moist cheek. 'When we collided in the pool. I did it on purpose. I wanted to meet you.'

'Who picked who up, then?' he laughed.

I shrugged, wiping away a seeping gob of cock-cream from my snatch-lips. The touch was soft, but the lips were tender enough to remind me that there could be more, so much more. I reached down to cuddle his pecker, hoping it make it stiff again, but he seemed dubious.

'I don't think I can make it right now,' he admitted.

'Where there's a will,' I quoted, and I started to suck on him. His cock was small now, and wet with the creamy jism he'd poured into me, and the taste was fragrantly aromatic. I sucked and I sucked and I sucked, I kissed and licked, I gnashed my teeth on the shriveled stalk of his cock, and I even rolled his nuts in my mouth, but none of it worked.

Eric wasn't idle. He had one hand on my tits, fondling them in alternation while his other hand traced up and down my spinal column from nape to buns, and he was clearly interested, but it seemed that he just couldn't respond. Well, he'd dumped a BIG load inside me. It was still dripping from my snatch in pearly bubbles, and I felt all hot and wet and itchy up my hale, so maybe he was just too fucked out to try anything now. Regretfully I let his prick slither from my mouth and we sat up sadly.

'Might as well get dressed,' I sighed, and I hopped from the bed to do just that. Rummaging through my drawers, I found a T-shirt and a pair of cutoffs that left the lower half of my ass bare even when I had them on. Eric went into the bathroom and picked up his own clothes, coming back in fully dressed just as I turned from admiring myself in the mirror. He looked me up and down.

'How old are you?' he wondered, a little late for that kind of wondering.

'I told you already,' I replied, fixing my face. 'I'll be a senior this fall.'

'You don't look it,' he said.

I shrugged. That was the real cross I had to bear. Made up and dolled up, I can pass for almost any age I want. On the other hand, in kid-stuff duds like a T-shirt and tattered shorts, no make-up, hair uncombed, I look like a slightly well-built twelve or thirteen. So I have to be careful or guys tend to get the impression I'm jail- bait.

I turned to him, with my makeup on and my hair fluffed as much as its wetness would allow. 'Better?' I asked. 'I'll show you my birth certificate if you're still nervous. Hey, I was just thinking – are you doing anything for the next month or so? Mother and Daddy are gonna be out of the country and I thought I might have a party or two while they're gone, you know, to stave off loneliness? My friend Lilly is going to stay here with me, so if you have a friend.'

'Just one or two parties?' he wondered.

'Sure,' I giggled. 'The first one begins Monday and ends two weeks later. The second one begins the Tuesday after that and lasts till whenever.'

And I squiggled against him, wrapping my bare legs around his, making my tits jiggle beneath the tight T- shirt so that the nipples stuck out and poked him through the cloth, and I bit him at the base of his neck, a quick, darting bite that made him yip. He wasn't prepared for the bite, and he grabbed at me with punishment in mind, but I was too fast. I ran out the door and down the hallway, into the living room, with Eric on my heels.

'You're a bitch, Pam!' he hollered, and I threw myself over the back of the couch. He hopped after me, and when we slid together on the cushions, I could feel that my neck bite had accomplished what all that sucking and kissing on the bed hadn't. Eric's dick was hard inside his jeans, hard and strong and thick.

I unzipped him eagerly, dragging his cock past the teeth of his fly with careful fingers, throwing caution to the winds when I had his cock flesh bind.

His tool was that lovely bright color again, and the knob of his prong was swollen purple with blood. I wanted to put his cock in my mouth and suck it till he squirted cum where my tonsils used to be, but he had ideas of his own.

Eric pushed me back, rolled up my T-shirt, and got his bands and mouth to working on my tits. He sucked me, he chewed me, he licked me, he kissed me. It was all nice and I cuddled him to my breast as he nursed on my boobs.

He was trying to get his hands inside my tight cutoffs, and I wanted to help him. But the way we were lying it was difficult for me to lend any assistance. So I did the next best thing. I got a fistful of his cock and squeezed it tenderly, beginning to shuck it up and down with my hand. It was a toss-up whether his cock or my palm was the hotter then, but we did share the heat back and forth.

'Shit up,' I commanded, and he did, kneeling beside me with his rod sticking out. I didn't know whether to let go of his cock and use both hands on my zipper or keep my grip and fumble left-handed at the fastenings of my shorts. I was still deciding when I heard the front door open. Naturally, I looked up.

Mom and Daddy were in the doorway, and their eyes seemed to lock right into mine as Eric and I sat there. I wanted to look away but I couldn't summon the nerve to do it. Eric heard the noise, too, and he looked around, going all red when he saw them. His cock wilted in my hand and he tried to get my fist loose so he could stuff it back in his pants and get out, but I seemed unwilling or unable to let go. I don't know which. All my muscles had frozen in place and I was like a statue.

Daddy came pouncing into the living room, Mom close behind, her hands clutching at his flying arms. He was mad, he was hollering, and I think he was promising to do some nasty things to Eric if he could just get his hands on that long-haired son of a bitch. Well, I thought. Somebody's going to catch hell now, it seems.


Eric was slated to catch his share of that hell, but he jumped off the couch, trying to get his cock inside his pants, and the lucky boy managed to sidle past Mama and Daddy and out the door. Daddy lunged after him but missed, and then he and my mother were both in the living room with me, their eyes burning with anger.

It took me a moment to realize that my tee-shirt was still pulled up, leaving my tits free and naked to their inspection. I tugged it down quickly. Daddy began to holler and Mama started to cry, both at the same time. I didn't know which of them I should listen to.

'We've given you everything!' Mama wailed between sobs, as if that was a logical argument.

'Who was that boy?' Daddy thundered impressively. He's a big, well-turned man – I could go for him, if he wasn't my daddy and if I had a thing for older men, which I really don't and his flats knotted as he waited for my answer.

'His name's Harry,' I lied, finding something that sounded close. 'I met him at the club, and he brought me home. Oh, Daddy, we weren't doing anything, really!'

'Not doing anything?' Mama sniffed.

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