‘Compelling and full of that’s-so-true moments’ Company

‘Still Thinking of You is guaranteed to keep chick-lit and romance readers engrossed’ Big Issue

‘Dark, funny and upfront’ Cosmopolitan

‘Another gorgeously girly read from Parks’ Heat

‘This savvy romance crams in tears, laughter, break-ups and make-ups – the perfect confection’ Mail on Sunday

‘Set against an intoxicatingly romantic background, this is another beautifully-constructed multi-layered story with fine characterisation’ Daily Record

‘Excellent, well-honed and acutely observed’ Daily Mail

‘It’s witty, it’s warm, it’s fun. With a capital F’ Daily Record

‘Compelling and guaranteed to keep you turning the pages till the end’ Company

‘Parks depicts the nitty-gritty of relationships with authentic detail and there’s a hugely optimistic feel to the story that makes it a satisfying read’ Sunday Mirror

‘Compulsively addictive and involved with sexual passion and bad decisions’ Elle

‘A touching look at infidelity, love, and all the crap that goes with it’ New Woman

‘A modern fairy-tale in the classic sense of the word: a story of wanting what you can’t have, filled with perils and beasts, with a moralizing punch to the inevitably doe-eyed ending’ Daily Mail

‘Down-to-earth and very, very funny’ OK!

‘Perfectly encapsulating the Zeitgeist… a very entertaining read’ Heat


Adele Parks was born in Teeside, north-east England. She read English Language and Literature at Leicester University. Since graduating she has lived in Italy and Africa but has spent most of her adult life in London. She lives in Chiswick, with her husband and son. Her earlier novels, Playing Away, Game Over, Larger than Life, The Other Woman’s Shoes and Still Thinking of You were all bestsellers and are published in over twenty different countries.

Game Over

Adele Parks



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