Love Lies




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First published 2009

Copyright © Adele Parks, 2009

The moral right of the author has been asserted

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ISBN: 978-0-14-193122-7

Dedicated with much love to

Tracy Bradbery

A woman who thoroughly understands an

unsuitable crush



‘Do I smell, Mark?’


‘You’d tell me if I did, right?’

‘I would.’

‘Is my hairline receding?’


‘You’re sure I’m not going bald?’


‘Do you think I’ll lose my teeth?’

‘Only if someone punches you.’

‘My nan got gum disease.’

‘We’ve got great dentists. Scott, you are coming down and this is just another one of your irrational worry sessions. We can waste a lot of time doing this, mate.’

‘Mark, do you think I’ll end up broke? You know, blow it all.’

‘No, we’ve sorted out your finances. You’re never going to suffer from poverty – other than poverty of spirit. No matter how many TVs you throw out of hotel windows.’

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