'Well,' Bunny said, 'George is a slightly larger luminary in our local skies; he can, perhaps, afford to be more generous than I. I, I'm afraid, must guard my honor more jealously. After all, dear, it's all I have.'

'Next time I saw Kamp,' Kid said, 'he was down at the blowout George gave for the Reverend Tayler in Jackson.'

'Bunny,' Lanya said, 'you are being silly! About the party, I mean. Kid didn't invite Teddy, he invited you. And for all you know, Kamp came down precisely to see you do your act; Teddy was being stupid and presumptuous. That shouldn't stop you from having a good time.'

'I will not,' Bunny said, 'go up there and perform for those people.'

'Nobody's going to ask you to dance—'

'You don't understand, dear heart.' Once more Bunny touched Kid's knee. 'As far as Calkins is concerned, or any of them up there: you, me, or anybody you know just going up to make an appearance, is putting on a performance. Calkins set up that bar, put Teddy in charge of it. The whole place exists only for his amusement or the amusement of his guests the once a month they should feel like coming down to slum. And while I don't believe for an instant he gave Teddy orders that I wasn't to be exhibited to his new young man from Mars or whatever, it's an attitude inevitable in such a chain, whether there's money involved or not. I simply cannot be a part of it. Negroes and homosexuals, dear! Negroes and homosexuals! Having been lumped together in so many cliches for so long, we are beginning to learn. With women and children—' Bunny nodded toward Lanya and Denny—'it's taking a little longer. Well, you have a few more cliches to overcome. You mustn't think I'm trying to throw a wet afghan over the festivities. You've written a beautiful book — though I didn't understand a line—and you should go up there and have your party, and I hope it's perfectly too fabulous. I really do. I shall just drool over the accounts in the society page next day. But I have to live with myself. You're a dear, dear boy to ask me. And I'm just too crushed that I can not accept.'

'You're not going to dance at Teddy's no more?' Denny asked.

'That—' Bunny's hands refolded—'is another thing, No, I still dance there. Every night, three shows. Matinees on Saturdays and Sundays, as soon as brunch is cleared. Oh, we creative types must put up with so much just to do, as it were, our thing. Misery. Pure misery. Shame and humiliation.' Bunny regarded Kid. 'Oh, you're going to suffer so much it makes me want to weep. But that's the price of having a poetic soul.'

'If Teddy is that big a bastard,' Denny asked, 'why don't you just stop dancing for him?'

Bunny raised an upturned palm. 'If I don't dance there, where else can I? I mean here, in Bellona? But we must stop all this. All I'm doing is making me feel sorry for myself. And you're snickering. You said that Pepper was here… where—' Bunny's voice dropped—'do you think I should look?'

'Come on,' Kid said. 'I'll give you the grand tour.'

'Oh, now, you don't have to do—'

Kid pushed himself out between Lanya and Denny and dropped to the floor.

'— let me see, how do I get down from here? My, this is complicated; don't you think a — oh dear! — ladder would be much easier than — there!'

'I'll be back in a second,' Kid said to the two faces regarding him over the edge. He stepped around Raven, who glanced up from tinkering on the floor, and, followed by Bunny, went into the hall.

'You know,' Bunny came abreast of Kid. 'I can't tell you how relieved you've made me feel. Just to know he's here and all right. What I see in him I'm sure I'll never know. But sometimes he smiles, and I go all cream custard inside. Or calves-foot aspic. Yes, much more like calves-foot aspic. I mean it's all clear and quivery and cool!'

'Not like an eclair?' Kid felt quieted and pensive from Bunny's tale.

'Exactly not like an eclair!' Bunny smiled a white, white smile. 'You do know!'

'He isn't in the yard,' Kid leaned out onto the porch, then pulled back.

'I didn't see him with any of those boys on the front steps,' Bunny said. 'And he wasn't in the kitchen or the front room.'

'Let's try in here.' Kid pushed open the door.

Among the sleeping scorpions (Dollar had turned over on his stomach) Pepper, curled on his side in a pile of blankets, hanks of chain over his bony shoulders, fists thrust into the groin of his jeans, slept and hissed through the limp hair across his face.

'He always sleeps like that,' Bunny said quietly.

'You want to wake him up and—?'

'No!' Bunny whispered, and raised a wrist before pursed lips. 'No… I just wanted to, well… you know.' Bunny's smile was worked through with concern. 'That's fine. Really. Just to know he's all right. That's all I wanted. One has to be responsible for them, but in ways… in ways they can understand.' Bunny's head shook. 'And understanding, as I'm sure you know, is not Pepper's strong point. Come, come. There's no need to wake anyone.' Black Spider had rolled over and raised his head.

At Bunny's gesture, Kid closed the door.

'Thank you, thank you. A million times, thank you. I've got to run along to greet my audience with—' Bunny thrust out a hip and closed an eye—'the real thing. You're a perfect love. Ta-ta!' Halfway up the hall Bunny turned back and flung out one hand while the other wound among the optic beads. 'And have a fabulous time at your party. You were too good to ask me. Thank you, thank you. You really are too good. Drink a glass of champagne for old Bun-buns, and remember, whatever happens, give 'em hell!'

California and Revelation had stopped to stare. Lady of Spain came out of the front room behind them, leaned on their shoulders, and grinned.

Bunny blew all three kisses, fled to the front door, opened it, turned, sang out, with flourishing arms: ' 'The shadow of your smile…' ' in an astonishing bass; then shrilled, 'Bye-bye!' and was gone.

Pondering, Kid went back to the loft.

Seated Raven had a loop of wire and two screws in his mouth. 'Who was that?' he asked, voice mangled by metal.

Kid just laughed and climbed up the post. 'God damn,' he said. 'Couldn't you wait for five minutes to get started?'

Denny, naked, lay on top. Lanya still wore her blouse.

'We haven't started very seriously,' Lanya said around Denny's forearm.

'Yeah?' Kid climbed up and pushed his hand between their hips (Denny rocked up, Lanya pulled down). 'Oh; yeah.' He took off his vest.

They made love, breathing softly with wide mouths. For a while, with his belt and pants open, Kid refused to take his pants off—

('I'm sorry, Lady, you can't go up there. Kid's busy.')

('He ballin'?')

('Yeah. Come back later.')

— but after a while they tickled him and, while he lay laughing, pulled them down. Huddled with their heads together, Denny whispered, 'That was nice, huh? Lemme fuck you in the pussy and you can fuck me in the ass again while I'm doing it.'

'Marvelous,' Lanya said and buried her laughter on Kid's shoulder.

'Sure,' Kid said. 'If you want. Sure.'

But, with knees uncomfortably wide, elbows bent, and the boy's dry back brushing his belly, Kid's penis, pulling along the flexing crevice, lay limp. He started to say something, thought better, and kissed Denny's shoulder, kissed him again.

Lanya opened her eyes and, through her catching and catching breath, frowned. She worked one hand free, and licked and licked her fingers. Then she reached around Denny's back. First just the side of her thumb touched his cock. Then his movement in her fist's tunnel made the thing that was not a muscle tighten (and whole webs above and around his pubis that were, relax). His penis filled through her grip.

'I like that…' Denny panted when Kid was inside him.

'It's pretty good…' Kid got out, shifted his weight, and decided that Lanya had the right idea: Talking was silly. He didn't come in Denny's ass, but in hers.

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