During all of this, his thoughts had never been far from the dead man, and so when she paused, he asked, ‘If you have any time left over after patrolling the language, could you think of someone at the university who might be able to identify an African by looking at a photo? I mean his tribe or where he might come from.’

‘The one who was shot,’ she said.

Brunetti nodded. ‘All we know is that he’s an African — presumably from Senegal — and not even that for sure. Is there anyone there who might help?’

She dipped another biscuit, ate it, took a sip of coffee, and said, ‘I know a man in the archaeology department who spends six months a year in Africa. I could ask him.’

‘Thanks,’ Brunetti said. ‘I’ll ask Signorina Elettra to send the photos to you at the university.’

‘Couldn’t you just bring them home and give them to me?’

‘They’re in the computer file,’ Brunetti said, speaking calmly so that it would sound as if he understood how this was possible.

She glanced at him, surprised. Then, reading his expression, she asked, ‘Who’s my little computer genius, then?’ She smiled.

Chagrined, he returned the smile, and asked, ‘How did you know?’

‘It’s part of being on the Language Police. We detect all forms of mendacity.’

He finished his coffee and set the cup down. ‘I should be home for lunch,’ he said as he got to his feet, then bent and kissed her on the head. ‘From policeman to policeman,’ he said, and left for the Questura.

When he reached his office, he found papers on his desk. The first page was a list of the addresses of the apartments owned by Renato Bertolli and Alessandro Cuzzoni, with a note stating that Cuzzoni was not married, and Bertolli’s wife owned nothing more than a half-interest in the apartment in which they lived.

Bertolli, whose home address in Santa Croce was given, owned six apartments, for two of which formal rental contracts were on record in the Ufficio delle Entrate. The fact that those two contracts dated back thirty-two and twenty-seven years, when Bertolli would have been a boy, suggested that they were in the hands of Venetian families whose right to remain in them, by now, was virtually beyond challenge. Bertolli and his wife were listed as resident in the third, but no contracts existed for the other apartments, suggesting they were empty, a suggestion which the information from Signorina Elettra’s friend called into question.

Attached was a note in Signorina Elettra’s hand, which read, ‘I called your friend Stefania at the rental agency and asked her to call around for me. She called back to say Bertolli rents all three of the apartments to foreigners by the week or month. She also asked me to tell you she’s still trying to sell the place near Fondamenta Nuove.’

Cuzzoni, then. He lived in San Polo, at an address only a few numbers distant from Brunetti’s, owned the apartment where he lived and a house in Castello, though no contract was on file at the Ufficio delle Entrate to indicate that the house was being rented.

How convenient, that the city offices never bothered with even the most simple cross-check. If no rental contract was on file, then there was no reason to believe that the owner was being paid rent, and who could be expected to pay tax if an apartment was empty? A person of a certain turn of mind might so argue, but Brunetti had spent decades looking into the myriad ways citizens cheated one another and everyone cheated the state, and so he assumed that there was some other game afoot here, some way that money was being made on the house and taxes avoided. Renting to illegal immigrants seemed as good a way as any.

He pulled down his copy of Calli, Campielli, e Canali and looked for Cuzzoni’s address: he found it on the other side of Rio dei Meloni, literally the building next but one to his own, though getting to it from his home would require walking up to Campo Sant’ Aponal, then turning back towards the water. Using the same book, he checked the address of the house Cuzzoni owned. It was a high number in Castello, a location that was, for many Venetians, as far away as Milano.

He could easily speak to Cuzzoni, either at home or in his shop, but first Brunetti decided he would go and have a look down in Castello to determine if there was any sign that people were living in his house and who those people might be. He remembered his promise to Gravini, not to act until the officer had had a chance to speak to the African he knew, but looking did not count as acting.

The weather had not changed, and cold assaulted him the instant he stepped from the door of the Questura. One end of his scarf whipped out like an eel on a fishing line and tried to fly away from him. He grabbed it and wrapped it around his neck, hunkered down, and went over the bridge in the direction of Castello.

His memory of the map was clear: also, he knew the building because a former classmate of his in middle school had lived in the house next door. To spare his face from the wind, he kept his eyes on the pavement and navigated by radar more than vision. He walked past the Arsenale, the lions looking far more pleased than they should have been at finding themselves out in this cold.

He turned left into Via Garibaldi and walked past the monument to the hero who, gazing down at the frozen surface of the water in the pool at his feet, looked more concerned about the cold than had the lions. He took the second turn on the right, made a quick left, and then as quickly another right. The number he sought was the second building on the left, but he walked quickly past it and went into a bar in the small campiello just ahead.

Three old men wearing overcoats and hats sat playing cards at a table in the corner, small glasses of red wine at their right hands. One of them tossed a card face-up on the table, followed by the second man, and then the third, who swept up all three with arthritic difficulty, tapped them into order on the table in front of him, closed his cards and then quickly fanned them open and laid a new card on the table. Brunetti went to the bar and ordered un caffe corretto, not because he wanted the grappa, but because it looked like the kind of bar where real men drank caffe corretto at eleven in the morning.

He walked to the end of the bar and opened the copy of La Nuova that lay there. When his coffee came, he accepted it with muttered thanks, stirred in two sugars, and turned a page of the newspaper. The old men continued to play cards, none of them talking, even when the hand came to an end and the winner shuffled the cards and dealt them out again.

On page twelve there was an article about the murder. ‘God, next thing you know, they’ll be shooting us, too,’ Brunetti said to no one in particular, careful to speak in Veneziano. He finished his coffee and placed the cup back in the saucer. He continued reading to the end of the story, looked at the bartender, and asked, ‘Filippo Lanzerotti still live up at the corner?’


Brunetti gave the explanation that had obviously been asked for, ‘We went to school together, but I haven’t seen him in years. I just wondered if he still lived down here.’

‘Yes. His mother died about six years ago, so he and his wife moved into the house.’

Brunetti interrupted him here. ‘I remember, with those windows looking back over the garden. We didn’t appreciate it then, that view.’ He put the paper on the counter and pushed it aside, reached into his pocket and pulled out some change. He gave an inquiring glance and paid what was asked.

He nodded towards the paper he had left open to the story of the murder and asked, ‘You have any of them around here, the vu cumpra?’ Even as he spoke, he regretted it: the words sounded leaden and forced, filled with inappropriate curiosity.

It was some time before the barman answered, ‘Not so anyone would notice.’

‘They come in here?’

‘Why do you ask?’

‘No reason,’ Brunetti said. ‘Just that I know a lot of people don’t like them, but I’ve always found them very polite.’ Then, as if remembering, ‘One of them even lent me his telefonino one day when I forgot mine and had to make a call.’ He was talking too much and knew it, but still he could not stop.

His example must have fallen short as proof of human solidarity, for the barman said only, ‘I’ve got no complaint against them.’

‘Not like the Albanians,’ came a sepulchral voice from the card table. By the time Brunetti turned to look at them, the three men’s attention had returned to their cards, and there was no way to know which one of them had spoken. From the placidity of their faces, the voice might well have belonged to any member of the chorus.

‘If you see Filippo,’ Brunetti said, ‘tell him Guido said hello.’


‘Yes, Guido from maths class. He’ll remember.’

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