Lewis rang his long-suffering spouse, and conferred with Morse for the next two hours. After he had left, Morse reached for a bedside phone and was lucky to find the Chief Superintendent still in his office. And half an hour later Morse was still talking, and ruefully cursing himself for having forgotten to reverse the charges.


Saturday, 9 October

ON THE MORNING of Saturday, 9 October Bernard Crowther sat at his desk in his front room reading Milton, but not with his usual thrilled enjoyment. He was lecturing on Paradise Lost this term and in spite of his thorough and scholarly mastery of the work he felt he should do a little more homework. Margaret had caught the bus to Summertown to do her shopping and his car was ready outside to pick her up at midday. The children were out. Goodness knew where.

He was surprised to hear the front door bell ring, for they had few callers. Butcher perhaps. He opened the door.

'Why, Peter! What a surprise! Come in, come in.' Peter Newlove and Bernard had been firm friends for years. They had arrived at Lonsdale College the same term and since then had enjoyed a warm and genuine relationship. 'What brings you here? Not very often we have the pleasure of seeing you in North Oxford. I thought you played golf on Saturday mornings, anyway.'

'I couldn't face it this morning. Bit chilly round the fairways, you know.' The weather had turned much colder the last two days, and the autumn had suddenly grown old. The day seemed bleak and sour. Peter sat down. 'Working on Saturday morning, Bernard?'

'Just getting ready for next week.'

Peter looked across at the desk. 'Ah. Paradise Lost, Book I. I remember that. We did it for higher certificate.'

'You've read it since, of course.'

'From morn to noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, a summer's day. What about that?'

'Very fine.' Bernard looked out of the window and saw the white hoar-frost still unmelted on his narrow lawn.

'Is everything all right, Bernard?' The man from Gloucestershire spoke with an abrupt kindliness.

'Course everything's all right. Why did you say that?' It was clear to Peter that everything was far from right.

'Oh, I don't know. You just seemed a bit on edge on Wednesday night. Scuttled away like a startled hare after the dinner.'

'I'd forgotten that Margaret would be late, and I knew the kids would be waiting outside.'

'I see.'

'Was it that obvious?'

'No, not really. I was watching you, that's all. You didn't seem your old self when we had a drink together, and I thought you might be a bit under the weather.' Bernard said nothing. 'Everything OK with you and er Margaret?'

'Oh, yes. Fine. I've got to collect her, by the way, at twelve. What's the time now?'

'Half past eleven.' Peter rose to his feet.

'No, don't go! We've got time for a quick drink. What'll you have?'

'Are you going to have one?'

'Of course I am. Whisky?'


Bernard withdrew to the kitchen to get the glasses, and Peter stood in front of the window, looking out into the narrow street. A car, white and pale blue, with a light (not flashing) on the roof and POLICE marked in bold black lettering across its side, was parked across the way, two or three doors to the left. It had not been there when Peter arrived. As he watched, a police constable, with a black and white chequered band around his flat, peaked hat, was coming out of a front gate. A middle-aged woman walked with him and the two were talking freely, pointing between them to every point of the compass. More talk and further pointing arms. Was she pointing here? The constable had a list in his hand and he was clearly checking some names. The woman stood with her apron around her, clutching her arms about her middle to keep warm and chattering interminably on.

Bernard came in, the glasses clattering a little on the tray. 'Say when!'

'I see you've got a few criminals in the road, Bernard.'

'What did you say?' Bernard looked up sharply.

'Is the law always prowling around here like this?' Peter got no further. The door bell rang twice; shrill, peremptory. Bernard opened the door and stood face to face with the young constable.

'Can I help you, officer?'

'Yes, I think so, sir, if you will. Won't take more'n a minute. Is this your car, sir?' He pointed to the red 1100 outside.

'Yes, it is.'

'Just checking, sir. We've had a lot of cars stolen recently. Just checking.' He made a note in his book. 'Can you remember the registration number, sir?'

Mechanically Bernard recited the number.

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