inside her and wanted Rover to orgasm. Perhaps she was going to, herself… if only… if only… it was so wonderful… so unbearably sweet… she clenched her buttocks, trying to squeeze out as much pleasure as possible from this fund fucking.

Her breath was coming in sharp, punctuated gasps, her mind spinning crazily out of control. 'Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!' she groaned, mad with desire, her heart pounding with jackhammer ferocity, helplessly trapped by an obscene emotion that had no name. 'OH GOD!'

She was possessed by this demonic beast who seemed to be dredging her very soul with his thrusts. Her life existed in only the region of her cunt and its mind-bending connection with Rover's cock. 'My darling…' she found herself gurgling worshipfully, even as a small, shadowy portion of what was left of her mind cursed herself for it.

Now, she thought, knowing it, he's going to cum in me. Oh Lord, I know it!

She clenched her teeth, grinding them closely together, as everything inside of her strained for the ultimate satisfaction. He was fucking her, and she wanted that, but she also wanted… wanted… On God!

Her warm, wet vaginal muscles clasped snugly around the big German shepherd's hard-driving penis as Rover suddenly drew up, yelping, his haunches working jerkily with the urgency of his passion. The speed of his fucking was totally uncontrollable and faster than she could comprehend. The furry animal above her, working frantically with his cock sliding in and out of her tight cuntal opening, seemed to strain all over his body. His muscular neck knotted itself up, his powerful body stretching out its full length, then accordioning up again, and repeating this rhythm frenziedly.

'Oh! Oh! Darling! Daaaaarrlllllingg!' Laura wailed as her own climax came hurtling toward her with the speed of an express train. Rover fucked into her furiously, his testicles tensing up into his scrotum, and then he was there. There!

His soft furry balls, coiled like steel springs, began shooting semen across the thundering bridge of his love glistened penis, squirting it up into Laura's hungrily gulping vagina. His lewd hot sperm sloshed upward into her belly, filling her up to bursting.

'No, no no no no…' She felt his cum ricocheting around inside of her. Sobbing, a savage plague of pleasure-bursts exploded throughout her loins. 'Oh, fill me, fill me, darling…' she moaned, delirious with happiness, aching with love in every muscle, her body straining through her outstretched arms and legs and her imprisoning bonds, wanting only to clutch the brutal beast inside of her that was giving her such fantastic pleasure.

The pores of her cunt clasped and undulated around his spurting red cock, milking it desperately for every last drop of scalding white liquid until her warm pink vaginal cavern was drowning in it. Rover's sperm foamed out the sides of her wildly contracting pussy lips, soaking the soft blonde pubic hair it was buried in.

Laura groaned incoherently as a second violent orgasm came spinning across space towards her like a great ball of fire, spitting streaks of flame on all sides. The hot walls of her viscously jerking vagina sucked hungrily at his throbbing penis until finally it gave one last spasmodic twitch, having swallowed the very last drop of the big dog's cum.

Rover collapsed over her body, as her cum gushed forward around his deflating rod of flesh. Then she too suddenly gave one final shudder and quivered into a limp quietude, her face plastered with a silly relaxed smile, her brain totally enervated by her fantastic belly-twisting climax, her belly filled with their mixture of their cum.

Cleonora gave Rover a chance to rest up, his hairy body huffing and puffing across their blonde captive's limp white form, a weight that did not seem to bother their beautiful neighbor at all. Then she lifted the big German shepherd carefully off the now whimpering and sobbing young wife.

'Well,' Mark breathed. The two conspirators looked at each other. 'It looks like we're there, honey. This little cunt went out of her mind, for Christ's sake. If there was ever a broad born for fuckin', she's it.'

'You can say that again. I've gotten some terrific photos.'

'God girl. We're going to make a bundle off her. And if she refuses to play, we've always got those to hold on her.'

Cleonora smiled romantically. 'I wonder if this will help their sex life?'


'I mean – Ralph and her seemed to be having such a terrible time, and she was so unhappy…'

'Don't get moralistic on me,' her husband said crossly. He started to unbuckle the belt in his pants. 'If we help these two kids over their hangups, okay. I like 'em, I really do. And it's nice if we can help them. After all, her old man's not altogether a bad guy, you know. But remember, we're in this for the money and for the kicks, not to help people. Don't forget that.'

They both looked down at the spread-eagled Laura. 'Did you send the film upstairs to be processed?' Mark asked.

'The first roll should be coming down any minute.' Cleonora looked towards the dumbwaiter next to the vanity. She couldn't remember how many shots she had taken of Laura being fucked by their dog as Mark was sucking on her breasts, but she had sent the first roll off immediately. One of their houseboys, Cato, was an ardent photography fan, and they had built a complete darkroom for him in his rooms in the attic of the big house. He did the work for a pittance, ostensibly because it was his hobby. Cleonora suspected it was his pleasure as well, and she often wondered how many duplicates he kept.

'Look at her,' said Mark as they glanced down into Laura's spent, rosy face. She looked as if she was in a dream, her eyes only small, fluttery blue slits full of fulfilled emotion. 'She's all fucked out.'

'She looks it. Maybe we'd better untie her. She'll have a cramp before very long.'

'You're right, honey. We don't want to ruin her. Come on.' They undid the leather and chains from the bed's four posters and let Laura's arms and legs fall lax. After a few moments she curled up into a ball and dozed off, her cheeks still flowing, a fatuous smile on her pretty face.

'Christ, she's out.'

'We'll wake her fast enough. Here come the films.' Cleonora went over to the dumbwaiter, slid the concealed panel up, and removed a dish full of photos.

'Right on time.' Mark whistled when he saw the pictures. 'In living color. Can't miss with those. Uh oh, I think she's coming out of it now. I have to get my pants off.'

Cleonora dropped the photographs on a table and went over to the bed. Sitting down next to their lush blonde captive, she ran her fingers through Laura's golden hair. 'Wake up, darling. We have something we'd like you to see.'

'I'll say we do,' said Mark, stepping out of his shorts, his good-sized hard-on springing up like a diving board after a departed swimmer. He was totally naked now, his clothes in a pile on the carpet. He stepped over to the bed and turned Laura over.

'Where am I?' she murmured dreamily, still dazed by the heady soul-devouring climaxes she had so recently endured and the drugs she had unwittingly consumed earlier.

'You're in love with fuck, that's where are you,' said Mark, pulling off the rumpled remains of her skirt and blouse from around her succulent body. Cleonora handled the hooks on her brassiere, and in another moment her high, widely-spaced breasts spilled free, springing out above her finely-fashioned rib cage. Laura sat up, fluffing out her long, wavy blonde hair. Blinking, she remembered where she was. It all came back to her and her happy glow evaporated to be replaced by the blush of shame that swept over her curvaceous body from well shaped calves to her beautiful heart-shaped face.

'You-you tricked me!' she wailed, trying to grab up a sheet to conceal her vulnerable nakedness.

'Don't be a silly ass,' said Mark, pulling the sheet off her to make her breasts jerk. 'You tricked yourself. Hashish and wine will make you high, baby. But in order to want to have your cunt licked by a dog, you've got to really want it. Drugs just loosen you up, let your real self get free, that's all.'

'I don't believe you! Let me out of here! I hate you!'

The Franklins looked at each other with a look that said: All or nothing. The two of them sat on the bed next to her, and she scrambled to the other side away from them, still trying to grab up a sheet to cover her opulent curves. But Mark wouldn't let her.

'And what about Rover fucking you?' he asked. 'You weren't faking then. You loved it. Why the hell don't you admit it?'

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