at her. She had really gotten the idea. Sucking from blackmail or…? In any case it was exciting to be lying there watching her full, stiff-nippled breasts swinging about his legs and occasionally grazing them, watching her beautiful girlish face sucking ecstatically at his pulsating rod.

And she was ecstatic – even though she still hated herself for it. Her cunt felt warmer than ever, and was secreting so madly that she needed something hard and thick there to quell the ache. The sheer illicitness of the act was exciting in itself – and then more so as Mark stuffed his middle finger up through her blonde, hair-fringed cunt to plunge it deeply into her squirming vagina.

'Oh-oh,' she gasped. 'Don't do that. Oh my God.' And she resumed to sucking his hotly pounding cock, which felt like a keg of dynamite about to explode.

For once Mark's obscene mouth was still. He wanted so much to shoot all of his white-hot sperm up into her throat that he couldn't think of anything else. When her hands came up to stroke his thighs and testicles affectionately, he was not surprised because his mind simply was not functioning. Everything in his being was focused solely within the tormentedly burning muscle of his penis.

Once her tongue had begun licking and lapping at his thickly bloated member, it seemed the most natural thing to Laura to actively suction it. And the more she sucked, the more her pussy tingled and itched. She squeezed her thighs together to ease the desire that was glowing so lasciviously within that ready hot core between her legs, but it was no use. When she remembered the way Rover had fucked her and licked her pussy, that made it all the worse. The hot moist shelter of her mouth sucked more ravenously, even as humiliation and shame washed over her like a tidal wave over a tropical isle.

Her lips nibbled at his thick fleshy instrument. Her tongue lapped hungrily as his pre-coital semen oozed upward, and she swallowed with barely concealed hunger. The lust in her own belly was expanding madly, and at last she recognized that she was moaning all around his delicious hot rod as if it were the most wonderful thing in the world.

Why hadn't her own husband Ralph told her that a man's penis could be so heavenly? Why had she had to learn this delight under coercion from another man? She wanted to dance for joy. If only Rover were licking her cunt, too…

'Suck… come on!' came Mark's urgent, straining voice above her as his middle finger pistoned harder in and out between her thighs. 'Stop dreaming! Suck!'

Laura felt numb to everything except the wonderful cock that was allowing her tongue to lick at it and her lips to draw on it. When his hands squeezed her heavily jiggling breasts she thought she was going to swoon away with happiness. Meanwhile the saliva in her mouth grew and grew. It was sticky now as the emissions from Mark's impatient penis seeped into it. His hips writhed and strained beneath her bobbing head in a wild violent shudder of sexual agony. Groans and sighs of exquisite torture fled his mouth as she manipulated his organ. His long powerful fingers curled in her hair, pulling her head up and down and forcing her to suck even more energetically.

But by now Laura needed no coaxing. The scent and taste of his lust-arousing cock, mingled with the droplets of sperm that were continually slipping down her throat into her hungry belly made her dizzy with delight. She wondered how it was that she had waited so long to suck on a man's penis. It was wonderful and so exciting. The wetness trickling warmly from her cunt was growing by leaps and bounds.

His penis stretched and expanded until there was no room left inside her hotly grasping oral cavern. She moaned and gurgled happily around it, consumed with lust. He had kept his finger thrust to the limit inside her pussy, wiggling maddeningly around, and by now his hand was covered with her excited vaginal moisture.

There was a feeling inside her of being completely and utterly debauched and used. As much as she wanted him to shoot his lewd semen right down her throat, she wanted never to stop sucking, nibbling and licking at his blood-engorged instrument.

'Oh! Oh! That's it, girl! Honey… oh Jesus… I'm cumming!'

Mark jerked suddenly and strained forward. His hips began to shudder and he writhed them in snugly to her pretty cock-filled face, sinking the full hardened length of his lengthy penis deep down into her gasping throat. She struggled to breathe, but it was difficult, and suddenly his cock erupted in the warm wet interior of her sucking mouth, unintelligible words of obscenity falling all around her blonde head from his gasping lips. His desire-heated cum spurted into her mouth like the rush of a raging waterfall, and she sucked and swallowed, swallowed and sucked, out of her mind with joy at having so much of his lust-appeasing sperm to drink, her cheeks hollowing and inflating with the rhythm of his flooding sperm.

He seemed to be blowing his boiling semen into her mouth forever. The taste of his passion was so good that Laura wanted it to never end. She held onto his shuddering pelvis for dear life lest he buck her right off. Then his cock jerked one final spasm and began to soften disappointingly under her swirling, licking tongue. By now she was swooning with ecstasy from swallowing his cum and was scarcely aware of it when, seconds later, his deflated member oozed from between her lips. Then his hands gently pulled her head forward to trap her soft blonde hair against the whole of his quivering loins. She buried her nose in the sweet scent of his dark wiry pubic hair and sighed contentedly, his thick finger still buried without moving within the damply flowing heat of her cunt. Her tongue darted out and managed to lick the final drop of semen from his fallen organ, and Mark winced and then was still.

'Whew,' he breathed, after a long deep silence, 'this baby wasn't just born to fuck – she's a natural for cock-sucking from the word go, too.'

Laura looked up and smiled guiltily. The warmth and itching in her lower belly was unbearable. 'Did you really like it?' she asked in a small girl's voice, faintly flattered, 'was I that good?'

'Baby!' He pushed his hands under her armpits and drew her up toward him on the bed to mash her open red mouth in a long, tongue-dredging kiss. Their tongues lapped at each other until there was just as much seminal flavor in his mouth as in hers. 'You were great!' he breathed when he finally broke free.

She looked away shyly. 'Well, you forced me, of course…'

The Franklins looked at each other. Cleonora mashed out a cigarette in an ashtray on the coffee table, and Mark's expression changed to one of disgust. 'I'll be damned,' he said. 'She's still hanging on. The little bitch doesn't want to admit that she's just a cunt like the rest of us.'

'Like the rest of me, dear,' Cleonora corrected.

Laura blushed furiously. The old shame swept back in again. She had tried to be nice, and she had to admit that she had been somewhat enjoying herself, but they were obviously bent on humiliating her. And that would never do. She still had some pride left, after all, and what they had been doing was still savagely immoral and in direct defiance of everything she had been taught all her life.

But then why was she enjoying it so desperately? She was confused. If all these things were so wrong, why was she loving it so? Her pussy was all worked up and wet, and she clenched her thighs tightly together to stop the furious itching, but that only rubbed her cuntal lips against one another and made it worse.

'Look at her masturbating,' Mark said over his shoulder to his sultry brunette wife, making Laura bite down hard on her lips, her face flushing deep crimson right up into the roots of her hair. 'She's one hot little cunt, all right.'

'I am not!' Laura protested blurtingly, disintegrating with shame.

Mark grabbed her by the hair and pushed her face down into the bed, delivering her a resounding smack on her naked white buttocks. Laura groaned into the bedding but she couldn't deny that his slap sent a fierce quiver of desire shooting into her already wildly aroused loins.

'That'll teach you to yell at me, young lady. Obviously you haven't had enough. Well, by the time we're done with you, you'll be begging us to let you fuck and suck.' He looked over at his wife, who was smiling luridly, her eyes half shut from liquor. 'What do you think, Cleo? Is she ready for a little mind-blowing?'

Cleonora nodded. She put out her cigarette. Outside, the wind was blowing savagely, nestling the trees and knocking the seas about. Laura felt all choked up. For just a moment she felt like throwing up; the air in the room was stale with the muskiness of their sexual debauchery. She hated herself and she wanted to leave now in the worst way. And yet at the same time her body felt more alive, more sensually aware than ever before in her young life. A prurient curiosity had sprung up in her – despite the fact that she wanted to leave, she also wanted to stay and see what was going to happen next. Sounds of revelry and overheated lust echoed through the floor from the orgasming study down below. She was burning to see what was going on down there.

Mark grabbed her by the arm and lifted her from the bed. Cleonora quickly took up her other one, and they guided her towards the bedroom door, with Rover getting up and following on their heels.

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