'Yes? Yes, she's here.' She looked over at Laura. 'It's for you, Laura.'

Laura stood up and went to the phone, dabbing the remaining moisture out of her eyes. 'Hello?' she asked, putting the receiver to her ear. 'Oh, yes, Ralph. But I didn't think you were going to be home for ages. Yes, I'll come right home. Bye.'

She put the phone down. 'That was Ralph. He got off early at the clinic when Dr. Bailey came in to run some tests.'

Cleonora put her hand on Laura's back as she showed her to the door, 'My, you scarcely had time to get your coat off. But we'll make up for that tomorrow night. Say around eight-thirty? It's only a hen party, though, so you'll have to leave that handsome husband of yours behind.'

'I will, Cleonora. Thanks for inviting me. You've been grand.' The two women hugged each other at the door, and then Laura turned and stepped through it, moving gracefully down the gravel path in front of the house to where her car was parked. Cleonora watched after her for some time, thoughtfully, and then she turned and went back into the big house to meet Mark just coming down the stairs, zipping up his trousers.

'Well?' he asked. 'Where the hell is she?'

'Gone,' she answered. 'Ralph came home early.'

'That bitch! And I thought we were going to have a great time tonight!'

Cleonora walked up to him and took the bulge in his crotch into her fondly caressing hand. 'Relax, lover. I set it up for tomorrow night. You're going to have more than you can handle.'

'The Park Palisades Women's League? Come on, you're joking.'

Cleonora shook out her long black hair. 'She just confirmed what I'd suspected – she and Ralph have been having some difficulty. She's all primed, lover. Fell for my invitation like a baby grabbing for candy. She's ripe for adventure.'

Mark shook his head wonderingly. 'And I thought we were going to have to bring her along slow.' He took Cleonora's hands and spread her arms wide so that the front of her robe fell open, revealing her firmly upthrusting breasts with their rubbery pink nipples fully extended. He cupped both ripely swelling mounds in his hand and ran his thumbs over her nipples until Cleonora sighed with a familiar, well-remembered contentment.

'We're going to have a ball tomorrow night,' he said, and then pulled his wife into the living room to rehearse.


Laura arrived home with her heart all a flutter. Ralph had come home early, and he wanted her! If only everything would go all right tonight and they could correct all their past awkwardness! She hoped and prayed that somehow they were going to break through the unmentioned barrier of difficulty that seemed to have enshrouded their married life.

'I'm home, darling,' she called as she opened the door, removing her key from the lock and stepping into the dimly lit entrance hall.

'I'm upstairs,' came his husky, deep-throated voice.

Laura's heart leaped. He was already in the bedroom! She felt as if her skin was flushing beet red all over. Her chest heaved with excitement and her heart pounded in her ears like a tom-tom.

Perhaps he was already lying in bed, stark naked. She imagined her handsome husband lying on his back with the hard tower of his penis standing up sharply perpendicular to the curly dark tangle of hair between his thighs. Would he be holding it? Teasing the tip with his thumb to wipe off some of the clear liquid issuing from it? Her heart beat rapidly, the blood rushing hotly through her ears with the force of a tidal wave. Her training had included the proscribing of any illicit or perverted love, but sex between a man and his wife was a good and natural thing. She felt no shame and was prepared to let herself go in enjoying it. If only Ralph would wait for her for once, and not climax in five minutes or suggest any lewd and disgusting variations.

She vowed that she was going to put forth whatever extra effort would be required to assist their mutual happiness. Her fingers worked nervously at her clothes, shedding them rapidly as she moved up the stairs to the second floor. In another moment she was clad only in her white lace brassiere and panties with her outer clothes thrown over the bannister.

Laura blushed from the pink-painted nails of her toes to the roots of her glossy blonde hair. Was this the way? Could she be sure that Ralph wouldn't be shocked? Well, she'd have to take that chance if she was going to save their crumbling marriage.

And while she was taking it, what would it cost her to go all the way in her allure? Ralph had seen her naked often enough. She stripped quickly out of her brassiere and panties, leaving them in a silky white pool around her feet.

'Honey?' came his voice from the open door of the bedroom. 'Are you coming?'

Laura smiled nervously and then stepped awkwardly into the open doorway.

She had been correct in her lewd imaginings! Ralph was lying there in bed without a stitch of clothes on, the light of the table lamp the bedroom's only illumination, casting soft circles of illumination across his hard-muscled manly body.

He gasped as she entered. Ralph was only accustomed to the most demure behavior from his young bride, and to see her posing so obviously for him quite took his breath away. Her body was a work of voluptuous art. Every sensuously exciting detail of her lust-inciting curvaceousness was lucidly clear, from her sensually rising pink nipples to the soft triangle of sparse blonde hair that nestled so cock-stirringly beneath her cream-white belly.

'Do-do you like me, Ralph?' Laura stammered unsurely.

'Like you…' he breathed. He jumped to his feet and almost raced across the carpet to take her into his arms, a deep animal-like groan erupting from his throat. His mouth fell on hers and he devoured it avidly, hungrily, his tongue driving wetly into her open mouth with an urgency that took her breath away and made her shiver all over with excitement.

'Please, please be gentle with me, Ralph,' she begged when she could get her mouth free. A certain terror flickered through her as he greedily fondled all the lush contours of her voluptuous young body, kneading her ripe succulent breasts and hips and buttocks a little too cruelly within hot, searching hands that he could no longer control. Small tight fists of flesh were gripped painfully in bloodless white ridges between his savagely clutching fingers. This wasn't the way she had wanted it at all.

His face dropped to the straining young buds of her nipples and he sucked on them until Laura felt as if they were becoming charged with electricity. But he was still being so rough that several times she cried out as his hands twisted and pulled at her trembling young flesh.

'Darling… oh… please… you mustn't… oh no… not this… Ralph… you're too rough… oh darling… it hurrrrts…' But her tortured words went unheeded by her sexually incited young husband. She had gone too far, and she realized that now.

Breaking off his vulturish laving of her helplessly quivering body, he dragged her over to the bed and flung her unceremoniously down on it. In another moment she was imprisoned there by the heaviness of his body falling on top of hers. Her long blonde hair flung from side to side on the pillow in feeble protest as he struggled to get her legs up and spread wide.

'No, Ralph, please… oh, not so fast! Darling, please not so fast!' she moaned, but he was relentless in his urgency to satisfy his fiercely aroused sexual needs. She thrashed in helpless terror, her young aunt now cringing in fear of her husband's imminent entry, scarcely ready for him at all.

He'll split me in two, she thought, horrified. Oh God, he's going to hurt me terribly!

Her large blue eyes flashed desperately with disbelief that this could be happening. Ordinarily Ralph was considerate if nothing else, but just because she had appeared naked before him with the lights still on, he had totally lost his head. She hadn't expected this at all. But what had she expected?

In any case, there was no time now to consider that now. The brutal fact was that she was scared and unprepared and afraid, and that Ralph was trying to enter her. She knew it was going to hurt, and couldn't remember when she had been so sure of anything in her entire life. But, at the same time, was there something inside her that wanted this punishment? Oh God, no.

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