'Mmmmm,' Laura cooed lazily. The cigarette was good indeed. Her eyes moved easily towards the raised section at the far end of the room, and as they did so the lights went down very low and the background music crescendoed. There were unintelligible whispers all around her and she tried to sort them out – until she realized suddenly that she was looking at the motion picture screen on the dais, and that a colored slide had been projected onto it.

Laura gasped as her eyes focused on the astonishing picture in front of her. The slide was a still colored photograph of a German shepherd with an enormous erection!


Laura's nostrils flared and her eyelashes fluttered. What on earth was all this about?

Another slide replaced the first. This one showed a naked woman lying on a divan, resting in the halo of her long red hair, her legs slightly askew, her high, widely-spaced breasts surging skyward, her nipples hard and flinty-looking.

She was beckoning to the dog, who was now in the foreground of the slide.

Laura stared partly amazed, partly horrified. She didn't know what to do or say. The obvious lure of the woman to the approaching German shepherd quite took her breath away. Was this preliminary to calling the minutes for the club meeting? Or had the meeting already taken place and Cleonora invited her only for this weird entertainment? She had no way of knowing.

Her head swam. She felt dazed. Cleonora's fingers were now pleasantly caressing her ear and Rover's snout had disappeared up beneath her skirt. She instinctively squeezed her thighs together over his furry head, then cried out when his cold wet nose suddenly pressed electrically into the center of her silky white panties. Her pussy tingled with a strange desire and her heart beat furiously.

She looked around. Of course, Rover was just relaxing and implied no obscene intent. Had anyone noticed? She didn't want to make a scene, and anyway it felt so nice to have the dog's cold nose pressing upward into her love-starved pussy on the outside of her panties. She didn't relate it to anything sexual; it just felt nice.

The slide changed again before she could give any further thought to the matter. The picture now on the screen was of the same big dog standing on his hind legs with his forelegs on the red-haired woman's back. She was on her stomach with her head hanging over the bed and her face very close to the dog's hard upstanding penis, which she was gripping between thumb and forefinger.

The music altered slightly, rising in volume, then filling out. Laura felt all woozy. The sherry and the cigarette had affected her more than she had expected. Cleonora had apparently taken away her cigarette, but she couldn't remember when.

Rover's nose was pressing more closely than ever now into the centerpoint of her panties. The unwarranted rubbing of her highly sensitive young cuntal lips, particularly after the previous night's sexual fiasco with her husband, was producing an exciting sensation all throughout Laura's hopelessly aroused loins. And when Rover bumped her already tingling clitoris, she couldn't repress a small sigh of unconcealable pleasure.

A mild lassitude permeated her legs. She felt vague, weak, and incapable of movement. A heady sensation seemed to take over her belly, sweep upward into her excitedly rising and falling breasts and wrap like a scarf around her swanlike neck. She shivered and her eyes struggled to focus.

The slide presentation was abruptly supplanted by a motion picture film in time to the background music, so apparently the slides had been only a teaser. Her hashish-sodden brain struggled to understand what had come over her, and what her surrounding situation was, but nothing in the young bride's past experience had ever prepared her to comprehend any of it.

The film began with the light in it gradually brightening to reveal a teenage girl, certainly no more than fifteen, seated at a dressing table in black silk stockings and nothing else. Her breasts were small, firm and ripely budding, and jiggled enticingly as she combed out her long, shining black hair. The girl had a beauty spot on one cheek, and now as she put down her comb and brush, she started making up her lips, using altogether much more lipstick than was necessary. In another moment her mouth was shining a bright pink.

Laura stared at the girl on the screen as if in a trance. Her hands moved down to grip the back of Rover's neck as the big dog's tongue shot out to draw wetly along the inside of her naked thigh under her skirt. She shivered and opened her mouth as if to cry out, then closed her eyes with a small, enervating sigh as Rover's tongue lashed out to lick damply at the folds of her panties where the flimsy nylon covered the soft blonde curls of her pussy mouth.

'Oh… oooooohhhhhh… ooehhhhh… ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…' Laura struggled to open her eyes. She felt as if the sherry and the cigarette had betrayed her somehow. It was not like her at all to let Rover do this sort of embarrassing thing to her. But her body felt so weak and lazily pleasant, so unable to resist.

Cleonora was by her side again, her long cool fingers sliding under the young blonde wife's chin. 'How do you feel, dear? Are you all right?'

'I-I… yes, but Cleonora… oh… I don't know… what is Rover doing…'

'Rover? Why, Rover's doing nothing, dear. He's merely lying with his head in your lap.'

'Oh… I…' Laura gulped and felt dumbfounded. She didn't want to make a fool of herself. Rover couldn't help it if he was an affectionate dog. Such a dumb animal couldn't possibly know how he was affecting her – that her loins were in a turmoil from the warm caress of his moistly lapping tongue. She could feel her cunt trickling its warm wetness out between her pussy lips and into the soft blonde down of her pubic hair, but didn't know what she could do about it. If she made too much of a fuss, all these women she had come here to meet would think she had a dirty mind. Laura tried to subtly shift her position, but it was no use. Rover's big head shifted with her. Now it was practically all the way underneath her skirt…

She couldn't very well permit the animal to continue with this most intimate of caresses, innocent as it seemed, but what could she do?

The dark-haired young girl in the film was now beginning to strip out of her things. A whispered murmur of interest rippled through the audience, and Laura didn't know which was commanding her attention more – Rover's head under her skirt, or the breathtakingly beautiful teenage creature in the movie who was now slowly disrobing.

A sharp pang of excitement flashed through Laura's burning loins as Rover whimpered and then endeavored to insert the tip of his tongue inside the elastic leg band of her panties. She tried to grip his head to drag him away, but that was difficult without pushing her dress up higher than it ought rightly to be. And anyway, as she struggled with the big German shepherd he let out a most un-Roverlike growl that was so menacing it stopped her effort dead in its tracks. What on earth was going on?

Laura gasped as his tongue and nose worked furiously between her snugly clenched thighs. The unwanted moisture from her tingling cuntal lips had become a virtual torrent. Desire swam in her belly like a raging forest fire, and Rover's instinctual whimpers from under her skirt only seemed to encourage the excitement that was making her pussy boil so desperately.

There was a murmur of approval from the other women in the room as the teenage temptress in the film undid her skimpy brassiere and let it fall to the floor. The full beauty of her firm, springy young breasts swelled into open view. High-set and proud, topped with quivering, turgid cherry nipples they seemed to plead for lips to suck them and a tongue to titillate their pure white flesh. The girl raised her arms high up over her head, pulling her long black hair up and then releasing it to cascade softly down over her naked shoulders.

By now the alluring child-woman was clothed solely in the thinnest wisp of see-through white cotton panties. Laura glimpsed the young brunette's softly rounded pubic mound and the thinly glistening little black hairs curling out through the elastic crotch band of her panties. As she watched, captivated, the girl turned and bent over slowly, her back to the camera. She drew the white panties tantalizingly down over her rounded hips and buttocks, brushing them sensuously along her thighs and calves until she discarded them at last at her feet. Stretching languidly then, her firm little breasts rising up even higher, she turned teasingly frontward.

All of her deliciously smooth nakedness was revealed, from her ripely rounded breasts to the soft dark triangle at the juncture of her thighs.

Laura's breathing was coming in hoarse little pants now. Despite her most earnest endeavor, Rover had

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