the Park Palisades Women's League. A window had been opened on one side of the room, and one of the high red drapes fluttered in the fresh breeze from the ocean. A modicum of her senses was returning and certain things came clear that had not been clear before. The air, for example, was full of a sweetish-tasting smoke, the aroma of which was not all that bad, although cloying. With the motion picture screen quiet and empty, and the house lights coming up slightly, the rest of the audience was cast into a somewhat disturbing twilight relief.

And what they were doing was positively mind-bending.

Laura clutched her throat with terror.

For there, before her very eyes, were women engaging in lewd behavior with their German shepherd pets in a manner denounced by every moral and written law. Behavior so obscene that she could scarcely recall ever even hearing it mentioned before in her entire previous life.


There were women sucking on animal penises, and women with massive dog-cocks sticking up their rectums, and women and dogs engaged in daisy chain orgies which seemingly had no beginning nor any ending. The entire room seemed to be caught up in a monstrous lewd sideshow the like of which could not even have existed in Laura's imagination prior to this moment.

And she had been so careful to conceal her own wantonness beneath Rover's lashing tongue!

Her gasp at the amazing sight before her was quickly followed by the breaking out of goosebumps and lavish perspiration all over her shivering young body. On one level her mind wanted to reject what she was seeing – on another she knew that she had no choice but to admit that she was a witness to this incredible scene. Or go mad trying to deny it.

'Cleo – Nora… I… I think I'd better go home…' she managed to say chokingly, her voice broken and irregular. She pushed her hands down into the large, deep cushion she was sitting on and shook some of her long blonde hair out of her eyes, her full breasts heaving with a deeply felt emotion and no small hint of fear. But what was she afraid of? Debauchery, drink, seduction of the innocent – herself? She didn't want to know any more about the world. She had had quite enough.

'But darling,' murmured Cleonora huskily, close to her small, shell-like ear, 'you haven't even begun to enjoy the evening. You're not going to tell me that you didn't enjoy what Rover did to you, are you?'

'Well, I… you didn't…'

'Remember, you can't lie to me. I was here the whole time and heard and saw everything. And I know that you loved it. Why can't you admit it?'

'I-I…' The drug and passion-weakened young blonde gazed around the room at the involved, undulating women and their dogs. Many of them had opened the tops of their dresses so that the dogs could lick their firm and ripely budded breasts. Others were doing things so obscene that Laura didn't even know what to call it.

Now that her stupefying affair with Rover had closed, and the film was no longer on the screen, Laura could hear them as well. The room was thick with the chorus of their sighs, groans and mewling of one kind or another. Dogs were wagging their tails with pleasure; their mistresses were wagging other things.

'Admit it, Laura. You enjoyed yourself tremendously. You loved the feel of Rover's tongue licking through your cunt. Tell me I'm wrong.'

Laura's brow wrinkled. She tried to straighten her sitting position but the pillows were so deep that it was like trying to right a canoe going through six-foot waves. In any case she was able to bring her legs back together again. Within the core of her being glowed a molten coal of partially fulfilled desire, and she knew it was there. She would have to deny it. 'Cunt?' she asked innocently through her bright blue eyes. 'What's a cunt, Cleonora?' But, of course, as soon as she said it, she knew exactly what her dark-haired neighbor meant. Where else had Rover been licking?

Cleonora clapped her hands girlishly and exclaimed. 'Well, you are innocent, aren't you! – Why, your cunt is down there between your legs, dear!' Cleonora indicated the spot.

'Oh.' Laura felt very foolish.

Cleonora smiled patronizingly and put her arm around her beautiful young charge. She laughed lightly and glanced in back of Laura to where Mark was approaching from the projection booth. He gave her the high sign to indicate that he had gotten Rover and Laura on the special high-speed nighttime film and she nodded in approval.

'I-I think I'd better be going home, Cleonora,' the bewildered young blonde said weakly, trying to stand up. But right behind her came Mark Franklin, grabbing her wrists to give her the start of her life and hold her fast. She gasped and tried to draw away, but he was too strong for her.

'What's the difficulty here?' he asked in a voice much stronger than he had ever used with her before. It was the voice of a South African policeman discovering parties of mixed race having a cup of coffee together.

'Oh, nothing, Mark darling. Laura's just a little shy, that's all.' Cleonora patted Laura's shoulder. 'Now that she did her little thing with Rover, she's ashamed of it and she wants to go home, that's all. We can't very well stop her.'

Laura felt relieved. For some reason she had been afraid that that was exactly what they were going to do. But how could she ever face Ralph again? She stammered awkwardly, looking down at Mark's tight grip on her wrists, the sighs and moans of the other women in the room cascading around her ears as a soft, mewling waterfall of sound. 'Let me go,' she said. 'You have no right to keep me here. None of the terrible things you're saying are true. Let me out of this horrible place.'

Cleonora and Mark looked at each other. Once she left tonight, in this frame of mind, she would never again come back. No, she would have to leave happy, thoroughly seduced. She would have to leave with her flesh so devoured by pleasure that she would beg them to be allowed to return.

'In that case, I don't suppose you're interested in the film that I've got of Rover eating your pretty blonde snatch,' said Mark crossly.

Laura panted helplessly, her face flushing with shame, beet red from her hairline to where her neck disappeared into her dress. 'You-you have what?' She didn't quite understand Mark's terminology, but she got the general idea.

'The film,' he said. He gestured back towards the projection booth at the far southern end of the big room. 'I got you on high-speed film, baby. With Rover eating your sweet little cunt hell-for-leather.'

'You couldn't have! His head was under my skirt!'

Mark laughed cruelly, triumphantly, and Cleonora smiled with him. 'You hear that admission, lover?' he said. 'Blondie has admitted the whole thing. That'll stand up in any court of law anywhere.' His face went stern and he looked at Laura. 'And when we send the prints of what I've got on you to your friends and family, or to your husband's patients, you're going to be a laughing stock. I might send your little husband Ralphie a set of his own, too.'

Laura's throat went dry. She couldn't believe all this was happening. In a matter of hours her entire life had been turned upside down. 'You-you drugged me!' she blurted out heatedly, her curvaceous body trembling.

Mark snickered. 'And so what if we did? That won't matter to anybody. All anybody will remember are these pictures we've got of you. Come on, why don't you cooperate? You know you loved it.'

'You-you let go of me,' she whimpered tearfully. 'I'm going to report all of you to the police!'

Cleonora and Mark looked at each other. 'That does it, doll,' he said. 'We don't dare let her go now.'

'Take her upstairs.' Cleonora grabbed her by the neck and pushed her forward as Mark dragged on her wrists. Laura meant to cry out, but she stumbled awkwardly over the pillows and it was all she could do to remain upright. The deeply engrossed dog and woman couples gave her scant notice as she staggered off under the hands of her two dominators. Alongside her awkward gait came Rover as well, brushing his smooth fur against her leg. Her entire body and personality felt overwhelmed by shame.

They were right; she had succumbed. And they might blackmail her. It was hardly her position to be righteous at this late stage. Why hadn't she realized what their dog was doing to her before it was too late?

But it had felt so good – even though now she recognized her behavior as totally shameful. Oh God, how could she ever again hold her head up again? What would Ralph say if he knew? She was miserable, a fallen

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