trying to locate the girl's softly haired cunt.

Sobbing, the teenage brunette looked behind her, shifting her upraised buttocks in order to capture the dog's rapidly lengthening cock-shaft. She strove desperately to scabbard the long, pinkly glistening organ in her voraciously grasping cuntal mouth, but the dog's penis kept slipping up to rub maddeningly against her clitoris, the throbbing redness of his penis contrasting starkly with the girl's glistening pink pussy.

Laura was hopelessly awash with forbidden sensation. Everything in her mind cried out against the terrible seductive power of what she was seeing in this movie and the depraved reality of Rover's ardently raping tongue, but everything in her flesh cried more, more! In front of her, her teenage counterpart was guiding a German shepherd's slippery cock into her virginal young cunt, while below, under her very own skirt, Cleonora Franklin's dog was licking obscenely at her cunt. But that was something the young bride barely had time to think about. Her attention was riveted back to the screen where the movie dog suddenly found his footing and buried his angry red cock with a merciless lurch up inside the innocent young brunette's upturned vagina. It slithered forward with a wet rush until it was sunk to the hilt in her quivering white belly, the animal's sperm-filled testicles swinging below to smack heavily into the girl's wetly dripping pubic hair. A moan of relief broke from her lust-contorted lips and she moved rhythmically back to meet the thrusts of the panting animal.

His forelegs wrapped snugly around her smoothly curved hips, and she undulated her body in small lewd circles, abandoning herself to this delicious, searing animal-fucking of her hot little pussy. Her face turned sidewise and the audience could see the delighted rapture that had spread across it, her long black hair spilling over her cheeks and fanning out on the smooth satin sheet. Her desire-swollen breasts swayed this way and that beneath her sensuously writhing torso, dancing in time to the mercilessly skewering dog-cock as it slid upward into her welcoming vagina, a relentless hot poker of glistening muscle burying itself deeply and thrillingly within her yearning cunt.

By now Laura's breath was coming in tight, frantic gasps and the burning sensation bubbling in her belly was almost too much to be borne. She felt as if her eyes would explode right out of her head. The wild fluttering in her stomach was increasing with savage intensity as she watched the young girl being so lewdly ravished on the screen. Her body perspired feverishly and sigh after mindless sigh broke from her open mouth. She could feel perspiration trickling down her belly and mingling with the warmly perfumed moisture soaking her pubic curls. She squirmed her vagina harder down against Rover's urgently lapping face, which rubbed back in sensuous torment against the moist, hair lined flanges of her pulsating pussy. She bit down hard on her lower lip, struggling to hold back furious groans of unadulterated joy.

Dizzying sensation flamed through her passion-ridden brain like hot volcanic lava. This was it – oh beautiful, beautiful, beautiful… but she didn't dare to make a sound and draw attention to what Rover was doing beneath her skirt. But how could she help it? She gagged and gurgled over his ardent licking of her hyper-tingling loins. Her eyes closed with ecstasy, her slender fingers buried in the coolness of his fur, his head moving constantly under her hand. Her nostrils flared, her eyelashes fluttered as if overcome by an emotion stronger than life itself. Her dreamy, hallucinating mind strayed back to the obscenely swaying body of the young girl kneeling before the hunching German shepherd on the silver screen, her eyes parting just slightly.

The girl was now clearly out of her mind and was shouting lewd encouragement to the dumb beast through desperately clenched teeth: 'Oh! Oh! Fuck me harder! Oh God! Want to feel all of it! Blow your hot cum into my belly darling! HURRY!' She seemed no longer human, but rather a part of the dog, an extension of his bestiality, a trembling mass of yelping and squealing lust-deranged young flesh pleading to be mercilessly fucked and dominated by the dog on her back, its heavily veined cock pistoning swiftly in and out of her tender young vaginal passage. She was reveling in her humiliation, grinding her buttocks salaciously back against his furry form.

The pressure was building volcanically in Laura's loins, too, as her friend's dog continued to lick ravenously at her damply exposed clitoris and pussy lips, occasionally squirming his tongue all the way up into her vagina to draw half-crazed cries of pure pleasure from her agonized lips.

Her breathing was coming in ardent, ragged gasps. She watched the obscene film with growing awareness that her own orgasm was approaching now at a furious pace. Suddenly there was a long, wailing moan from her lust-possessed movie counterpart, who was thrashing madly. The sound was a mixture of torment and unbearable pleasure. Clearly the dark-haired girl was hurtling through the most soul shattering orgasm ever, working her cunt greedily up and down the huge dog's cock almost as fast as he pummeled her with it. The German shepherd's tongue lolled wetly out of his jaws as he fucked her with ferocious abandon, his saliva dripping into a pool that formed in the milky smooth estuary of her back.

'Oh! Oh! That's it!' she cried. 'Oh my God! I'm cumming! Fuck me darling! Fuck me to death!'

The girl sobbed piteously and then he jerked forward, shuddering from head to foot, and began yelping a series of lengthy, drawn-out whimpers as his heavily-sunk penis began spitting sperm in deep, hot spurts up into her greedily swallowing belly.

The teenager's smooth round buttocks contracted uncontrollably, signalling the orgiastic upheaval in her wildly fluttering young belly. Thick white liquid seeped back out from their tightly locked connection, spreading out over her sensuously quivering ass-cheeks… with trails of sticky wetness that ran down the ivory columns of her thighs. Her buttocks shone in the light, displaying her cum-soaked pubic hair and below that her ravaged pink cuntal flesh. Finally the girl pitched forward, sobbing with happiness, onto her face, her entire body bathed in perspiration from her feverish, mind-shattering climax. The dog's rapidly deflating penis slid slowly from her semen-flooded passage with a soft lewd sucking noise. And then, in one final move of obscene depravity the beast dropped his head to her still warm and widespread pussy and licked at the hot white moisture seeping from her open oval flesh.

It was this last licentious act as much as anything which brought Laura flying shudderingly upward towards her own magnificent climax. She could feel every last nerve and sinew in her body begin to shake and sputter, and she closed her eyes tightly, muttering heatedly: 'Oh no… stop… get away… oh… oh… don't stop… oh God… I'm going to… oh no… no… ooooooohhhhhhhhhh…'

She jerked her pelvis forward as her entire body began shuddering mindlessly from head to foot. A deep, rasping gurgle of happiness seemed to be ripping her throat apart, and her lungs and belly with it. She wanted to cry out for happiness, to scream, to leap up into the air. The great happy feeling in her churning loins was like nothing she had ever experienced in her entire life. A lust-heated wash of cum echoed from her vaginal walls to gush down over Rover's ardently lapping mouth. A steel spring uncoiled in her stomach, spitting out through the burning center of her cunt as Rover licked and nudged her blazing clitoris without pause. The feeling was a combination of drowning and being born all over again amid a shower of stars. All of her loins seemed to open up like a flower under the heat of a tropic sun. It was as if there was a small sun inside her going nova, and she groaned lavishly, devoured by pleasure, her cum painting Rover's snout white.

In the film, the scene faded on the depraved extravaganza, the subjugated teenage beauty and her tired animal lover twitching fitfully in a post-orgasmic sleep.

But Laura was no longer in any condition to take note of the lewd motion picture on the screen. She was mewling and sobbing with uncontrollable happiness as Rover licked her to completion. Her pelvis shuddered upward into his face and the tides of her orgasm threatened to carry her off.

Even as her exhausted and happy flesh quivered downward from the majestic heights of her climax, the lighting in the room slowly rose. She found herself panting for breath, a delirious relaxed and happy smile plastered foolishly across her face. At her side, Cleonora was watching her with a penetrating stare. Laura wondered how much she had noticed, but then on the other hand she couldn't bring herself to care overmuch. She felt soooooo nice that she just wanted to roll over and go to sleep. Her drugged and fuzzy, lust-satiated brain was in no condition to consider any other possibility.

And then Rover drew his head out from under her dress and she saw his grinning face. In an instant it came home to her with great force what a terrible thing she had just done, and all the happy pleasure residing in her body suddenly evaporated like coastal mist before a firm sea wind.

Oh Lord! I let that – that animal – make love to me! Lick me! I'm lower than he is!

Cleonora ran her hand tantalizingly over the young blonde housewife's shapely calf, but Laura, now horrified, jerked it away.

'Did you enjoy the film, dear?' asked the older woman who she had formerly thought of as her friend. 'Would you like some more to drink?'

Laura was about to answer, when she looked around the room at the rest of the gathered assemblage of

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