managed to insinuate his tongue in under the elastic leg band of her panties, and its very tip was licking fiercely at her passion-swollen pussy lips, and bumping back and forth over her highly sensitive clitoris. When he touched her there, the fiery sensation raced upward into her loins with the force of an explosion, and it was all the inexperienced blonde wife could do to keep from crying out.

'Oh-oh… you mustn't… Rover… stop oh oh oh oh oh…'

Laura's pelvis instinctively arched forward and she gasped as the talented dog's tongue began a sort of corkscrew motion that swiftly insinuated at least an inch-and-a-half up into her wetly squirming young pussy. The pleasure was almost unbearable. Nothing whatever in the realm of all her previous experience had ever prepared Laura for this unbelievable sensation. Her husband Ralph's cock was a hard shaft of flesh that battered her tender pussy to bits before she could adequately adjust to it, but Rover's tongue – Rover's tongue was a softly flowing instrument of sheer torture which advanced just enough, no more no less, to drive her mad and lubricate her love-starved young cunt despite all her mental wishes to the contrary.

An involuntary groan broke from her parted lips as the dog's thirsty tongue advanced still farther, moving firmly and insistently within the softly pillowing wetness of her vaginal walls. She dug her finger into his fur and closed her eyes tightly. This was wrong and she knew it. She had to stop him somehow. But what could she do? If it became known to everyone else what was happening, her name would be ruined in Park Palisades. Ralph would have to give up his practice and they would be consumed in shame. The lurid story would follow them everywhere. She didn't dare make a scene. But her belly was throbbing so hotly with sexual need that she could not remember when she had ever encountered such a severely bittersweet feeling. It was heavenly and agonizing all at once, and made all the more so by its unnamable obscenity and illicitness.

The teenage girl in the film was now squeezing and fondling her nakedly exposed breasts with her hands and moaning softly, her eyes shut tight. Her fingers tweaked furiously at her tiny blood-stiffened nipples. Her lovely tanned legs opened and closed slowly, exposing the young, sparsely hair-fringed slit of her vaginal lips, silent and pinkly inviting between the dark thin curls of her pubic hair. She sat slowly down on the bed in back of her with a little ecstatic gasp, and her hands trailed downward over her soft white belly until her fingers meshed in obscene contrast with her black pubic curls. Then she placed her thumbs on either side of the thin pink slivers of her glistening cuntal lips and pulled slowly apart, revealing to the gasping audience the entire lust-arousing wetness of the young girl's pussy. After only a few seconds further hesitation, she began to slide one middle finger up and down through her naked pussy slit, her legs jerking convulsively each time she touched her desire-engorged clitoris. Then she slipped her fingertip into the tiny wet slit of her cunt and wormed the finger slowly and enticingly all the way up into her open vagina.

Watching this lewd display, Laura's head reeled as she felt Rover's tongue lasciviously wind upward through her own moist pubic hairs, pushing aside her snug elastic panty crotch band and moving deeply into her steaming vaginal channel. She gasped and sobbed, her fingers completely inadequate to the task of pushing the huge dog away. She was now beyond any point of considering the reasons behind the obscene presentation on the motion picture screen. The hashish and the drugged sherry had muddled her mind and left it too weak to analyze her situation. It didn't occur to her at all that the motion picture they were seeing was somewhat incongruous with a meeting of the Park Palisades Women's League – her own body was on fire and she was past caring about anything else.

In front of her, the teenager's buttocks twisted passionately back and forth against the sleek satin sheet of the bed, her shapely white body surrounded by multi-colored pillows, while endless mewls of pleasure seeped from her ecstatically contorted lips. The moisture seeping from her finger-spread vaginal slit had smeared slickly over the insides of her thighs as her middle finger worked obscenely back and forth between them. Then suddenly, she pulled the finger from the passionate grasp of her cunt, and just as suddenly thrust two fingers back in again.

Laura's breath clutched spasmodically in her throat. By her side in the darkness, Cleonora was cooing something soft and unintelligible in her ear. Laura wanted to say something back, but she was desperately afraid that if she opened her mouth, all that would come out would be an endless wail of pure delight. For Rover's tongue had pushed back the walls of her vagina until it was virtually filling her up inside, driving her wild with it's maddening twitching. She gasped and moaned and her head fell back against Cleo's shoulder.

In the film, the young girl was lying back with an ecstatic look on her pretty face, her long black hair fanning out over the pillows, her desire-hardened nipples pointing upward, her slender fingers continuing to slither wetly in and out of her widespread cuntal mouth. All of her pussy folds glistened pinkly as if in a harsh spotlight. Her long slender legs scissored wide on the enormous round bed and she gurgled happily with each thrust and twist of her hungrily working fingers. Sharp small cries of delight echoed from her open lips and her body arched upward, her head strained back as if she were imagining a brutal rape by an impossibly dominating lover. She writhed lasciviously in her torment of lust, her free hand fondled all the delicious contours of her sleek young flesh, while her other plunged again and again into the bottomless well of her eagerly writhing young cunt.

The girl's fingertips danced erotically over her flat, ivory belly, digging greedily into the lush firm roundness of her still developing breasts. She groaned and pulled her knees up until they touched her breasts, the moisture from her hotly glinting pussy dampening the mattress and pillows all around her hips. Then she straightened her legs abruptly and let them fall open to a widely obtuse angle, revealing again the pinkly glistening crevice between her shivering thighs. Her fingers pulled out of the tiny oval mouth of her cunt, and with a grasp on her glossy black pubic hair, pulled her pussy lips apart again to reveal the visibly pulsating inner flesh of her vagina to the hungry gaze of the women watching.

She groaned further as she stuffed her fingers back into the boiling cauldron of her lust. Her face twisted as she violently fingered herself, and she mewled and pleaded desperately and without stop to an invisible lover, 'Oh! Oh! Oh! Darling! That's it! Oh my God! Oh my God! Honeeeeeeeee!'

The wetly shining half moons of her ass-cheeks clenched hotly around the puckered little aperture between them. The audience gasped with one voice as her small, snugly flexing anus lifted outward, opening slightly as if with well remembered experience.

Laura's mind and loins whirled in a paroxysm of confused desire as the girl stroked her hair-fringed pussy folds, swiping up moisture with her fingertips and then pressing it down again into the crevice between her widely parted thighs. She could see the girl's small clitoris standing out high and hard above her desperately working fingers.

With Rover's tongue slithering wildly in and out of her churning young cunt, the blonde wife's passion- bewildered brain and belly felt as if they were about to boil over. She knew that she was cumming all over the big German shepherd's nose, but there was nothing she could do about it. Mindless little cries echoed from her throat as Rover continued to lave her burning hot pussy without pause. Her loins were a vice of hotly spinning lust about to explode, but she still couldn't bring herself to protest and cause a scene here in the middle of the study with all her friend's company. Laura's eyes rolled frustratedly in her pretty blonde head, and tiny beads of perspiration dotted her forehead. The pit of her stomach was knotting tighter and tighter with lust at each pounding beat of her heart.

'Oh, love it fuck me!' wailed the girl in the film. 'Stick your big cock deep into my cunt lover!' She fingered her hotly clutching young anus, then slipped back again to the wetly gleaming slickness of her open and hungry vagina. Her probing fingers worked furiously up inside the pink wet folds, widening them out, and then she slipped three fingers smoothly in and out, gritting her teeth and moaning pleasurably all the while. Her legs jackknifed back again, knees pressed snugly against her wildly heaving breasts, while her pelvis worked demonically to draw as much pleasure as possible from her rapidly fucking fingers.

The girl's facial muscles tautened and strained and then, after an almost unbearable pause, she clenched her teeth together in visible agony as she forced a fourth finger to join the other three in her hungry pink cunt. Parting with the pressure, her insatiable vagina easily swallowed them all with a greedy wet sucking sound.

A soft, purring moan of pleasure broke from the child's ardently twisted pink lips. She writhed on the satin- sheeted bed with unbounded lust, seemingly possessed. Faster and faster her fingers drove up between her open thighs, the rapid rhythm dredging cries of savage primitive passion from her beautiful young face.

Her skin was flushed red all over as if she were burning for orgasm. Beads of lust-perspiration erupted across her fevered young brow. Her long black hair tossed from side to side on the colored pillows, her head twisting with frustration at her inability to reach a climax. As her body arched up off the bed, her fingers pistoned deeper inside her openly clutching cunt, her groans and sighs increasing with urgency through every passing

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