And he speaks with a marked New England accent, so I suspect he's from that rich Boston Irish crowd, you know, like the Kennedys? Well, we didn't get down to backgrounds, exactly, though we may later. And before you bother asking the question, the answer is yes! There will most certainly be a later for me and Kerry!

Why you're probably asking yourself. Why does one of our fair city's matching pair of storks believe that she has the wherewithal to capture the attention of the world's most gorgeous piece of boy? Let me tell you, darling, and promise beforehand that you won't hand me any moralistic bullshit or, even worse, hate me for jumping the gun, so to speak.

We talked a little while, me and this lovely boy, and he told me I was really cute, and he put his hand on my leg. Well!! I turned to jelly inside, you'd better believe me. His fingers were like five little sticks of fire burning my all-too-willing flesh, and I said 'Ohhhh,' in a dreamy, moany kind of voice, and then he kissed that moan right off my lips.

I put my arms round him, not to fend him off like a good girl should, but just to steady myself. You can't imagine the way he kisses! He uses a lot of tongue along with the lipwork, but his hands am even more interesting.

He put one of them way, high up, the inside of my thigh. If we hadn't trimmed me, Kerry would have been finger deep in my pubic spillover. I know you've been touched there before, just like I have, but Didi – this was completely different! He wasn't some nervous classmate testing to see how far he can get before we bop him in the snout. He knew what he was doing. His fingers danced a minuet on my skin. They didn't paw me, they didn't rape me with insistence. They caressed, they stroked. Tenderness – finesse – oh, look in the dictionary or the thesaurus or whatever! All I know is that when he got those fingers inside the brief bottom of my suit, he found himself in a swamp of damp hair and tingling, vibrating skin!

His other hand was just above my navel, stroking a provocative circle on my tummy, till I felt butterflies inside me and I held him all the tighter. He kept kissing me, too, moving from my lips to my cheeks and chin, to the tip of my nose – he let his tongue glide across the ticklish areas surrounding my mouth, and little pins and needles of excitement darted through my brain. And while I was rippling with that excitement, Didi, he untied my bra and it fell away and he put his hand right on a nipple that was harder than I can ever remember it being before. He closed his warm fist upon me, and he squeezed my boob until I couldn't breathe, and I think I jumped two feet into the air. Or maybe I jumped because he was touching my slit with one finger, just rubbing up and down, soaking himself in the free-flowing pussy juice I couldn't control if I'd wanted to. I thought I had a firm hand when it came to finger-play, but I learned more than I can ten you in the briefest space of time imaginable. I don't think now that I can ever be satisfied with doing myself again!!

So there I was, Didi, sitting with Kerry on the blanket, the sun bathing us, and my bra was off and he was kissing me and feeling me, and fifteen minutes ago neither of us had known the other existed. It was an incredible feeling, let me tell you!

Oh, it makes me drip just remembering it for you now! My thighs are sweating, and so is something else, if you can call it sweat. Ha ha. I think I smell like a Chinese whorehouse, or if I don't, I should. You figure it out.

Where was I? In Paradise, that's where!! So, Didi, I'm there half-naked and not believing that it's me all this is happening to. He took his hand out of my pants and brought it up to join the other one that was already going to town on my tits, and he began to caress me with ten fingers and two hot palms. I think they were hot. My titties seemed to be on fire. So was the rest of me. I just kept twisting my legs around in an effort to scratch this fantastic itching that had sprung up between them, and it wasn't helping much. Not enough, anyway. So I got my legs into play and twined them around one of his. The hair on him tickled me, and I giggled a little, but it was a desperate kind of giggle. Somehow, Didi, somehow I knew that the time had finally come.

His thighbone pushed against the hot crotch of my bikini bottom, and I forced myself into that thighbone, rubbing myself on it, gasping as the pleasure swelled and ebbed and swelled again. I think I had two or three orgasms right then, while he was still playing with my boobs and I was jerking off on his thigh. And let me tell you, his thighbone wasn't half as hard as what I could see pointing out the front of his trunks. God, those little pants of his were tight, and little more substantial than a modest girl's bikini, and how he managed to keep his cock inside them, I can't begin to guess, even now! His crotch looked like the high point of a tent, with a hell of a king-sized pole holding things up!!!

I reached out, daring myself to touch it, and touch it I did. Oh, you know I've touched them before, but it was never like this! He was big and thick and hard as a steel rail, and as I traced the huge lump poking out his nylon trunks, I couldn't believe that it was up hard like this for me!!!

We were in a tangle, rolling off the blanket onto the scorching sand, hurrying back on as soon as the blazing sand alerted our bodies, and sometimes I was atop him and other times he was on me, rubbing my entire shape with the power of his hard-on. Oh, I had to do it! I stuck my hand inside the elastic top of his shorts and grabbed that thing for dear life! It was all I could do to encompass it in my hot little hand! He was that big that thick, and each time I squeezed on his hungry, horny flesh he seemed to get that much bigger and thicker and harder. The end of him was already damp with sticky little drop of what was, I guess, his pre-seminal fluids, but he wasn't wet at all in comparison to me! My ass and pussy were sopping, and my bikini pants clung to the drippy flesh as if we'd just come out of the ocean!

Right then, Goddamn it, something bounced off the top of my head and I returned to the world in which I was so cruelly left alone. I'd been into Jill's letter, really into it – she might talk about herself being wet. Well, she oughta take a look at the inside of my panties right now, if she wanted to see wet! And there were still three or four pages of delicately written letter to get through. I wanted to skip ahead and see how it turned out, but I couldn't allow myself to do that.

'Hi, Di,' said a voice from behind me while I sat on the park bench and rubbed the bounced place on my crown. 'You seen our Frisbee?'

I probably had. Or at least felt it. 'There,' I said, pointing. 'Is that one yours?'

'Sure is,' he agreed, coming around the bench, and I saw that it was Rocky Graham, a guy from my class at school. He's pretty big shit, or at least he thinks he is. Last winter he was named to the all-state junior high basketball all-star team, and I hear that a couple of colleges are already talking to him about his enrolling there in 1978. Hmmph! He'd even called me by name. I didn't know that he knew I had a name. On the other hand, he was kinda cute and he moved rather gracefully, and when he bent over to pick up the Frisbee I could see that his gym shorts covered a very nice ass. No underwear, definitely, not even a jock strap, because I could see the teeniest flash of his balls in the loose leg of the shafts, and Rocky's rocks made an intriguing lump past the point of seeing. He turned around, jumping high as if he were making a hook shot with two seconds to play, and I saw his dick move inside his gym shorts too. I didn't know Rocky well enough to like or dislike him, but there was something very charming and eye-catching about the flop of his pecker, and I looked up at him, smiling. By then he's already scampered past me, eager to get back into the stupid sport of Frisbee tossing. Screw you, I thought, and picked up the letter again.

'Oh, please stop,' I whispered. 'I shouldn't be letting you do this to me.'

'Let me do something else to you,' he hinted, breathing in my ear like vapor off a teapot. His hands were still on my tits and he was working my nipples between his fingers, pinching them up to throbbing points of erectile tissue.

I looked around wildly. 'Oh, what if someone comes along and sees us?' I ventured. Didi, I have no idea why I was protesting! I didn't want him to stop! Not then, not ever! In fact, for a couple of minutes I was positive that I was only dreaming, that I'd awake any second and it would all be over.

'Look,' said Kerry, and he pointed to the dune that rose behind us. I looked, and there was a sharp, painted-pretty van with an awning on the near side. 'It's mine,' he said, 'and it guarantees privacy. Wanna go up?'

What could I say to that? I grabbed my bra and took his hand and together we climbed the sandy slope to his Chevy van. God, telling about it is nearly as exciting as doing it was!! I'm not going to waste mother minute, Didi, because I know you're as excited as I am. Aren't you???

He put his hands on my butt and lifted me up into the side door, and in the process the scoundrel untied my panties so that as I went in, they went down and off and out. I was naked as a baby, and much, much more appealing, I hoped, when I flopped down upon his comfy, clean-sheeted mattress. 'Ready or not!' he hollered, and then he was with me on the mattress, pulling down his bunks as he rolled against my body.

I moaned uncontrollably when I got my first sight of his big, incredibly hard cock. Oh, Didi, you can't begin to

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