looked at him, confused, and pretended that I didn't know what he was talking about. And since Todd, was so bad in class, he believed me.
Just before the bell rang on Thursday morning, I started my usual routine of grabbing my books and running out of class.
'Whoa, hold up, Margarita,' Todd, grabbed my arm before I got a chance to dash into the hallway.
'Huh?' I tried to sound surprised.
'I need to talk with you.' Todd, followed me into the hallway. 'So I was thinking. .'
Oh, this was going to be bad.
'… that you and I should, ya know, go to Homecoming together,' He stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at me.
Although he was a few inches taller than me and was who-knew-how-many-pounds bigger, he looked a little timid. it almost made me feel bad enough to say yes. Almost 'Oh, wow, Todd, wow.' I tried to sound surprised, 'I actually have plans for Homecoming already.'
'Who are you going with?' A hard edge seeped into his voice.
'Ryan? No, why would you — never mind.' that threw me off 'Every chick in this school is watting around for Bauer to ask her to Homecoming. He better ask someone ASAP.' He folded his arms, looking impatient.
'Uh-huh. Well, see, I'm not going with a guy. I'm going with some friends, that's all,' 'Why would you want to do that?' He looked confused. 'You know what, Penny — if you don't want to go with me you should just say so,' 'No, it's not that, I really am — ' 'Whatever.' Todd, walked away.
Well, that went well.
Despite Todd's reaction, for the first time since I'd been in high school, I was looking forward to Homecoming. Anytime I got asked who I was going with, I'd tell the truth, not caring if people thought it was weird that a bunch of girls were going together.
'Hey there, stranger — have you forgotten where your locker is?'
Ryan said to me after class.
'Yeah, well, I just. .'
'It's okay. I understand.'
I had no idea what he was supposed to be understanding. I'd been avoiding my locker so I wouldn't have to deal with Todd,
I got back to fishing my books out of my locker, but Ryan wasn't going anywhere. 'So, Todd, told me what happened.'
I turned around and leaned my back against my locker. 'How much does he hate me?'
Ryan moved so his head was leaning next to mine. 'It's not that bad. I told him that you really are going with a bunch of girls.
Sorry' 'Why should you be sorry?'
A smile spread across his face. 'Well, I think he may start hitting on you again once Homecoming is over.'
'Anyways, you should be the one apologizing to me.'
'For what?'
Ryan opened his backpack and started putting things into his locker. He was pretending not to hear me.
'Hey.' I kicked his leg gently. 'What did I do? I mean, I can't imagine what it could be, since I'm such a Goody two-shoes and all. ..'
'It would've been nice to warn Chesney that you were off the market.'
'Oh, nice, 'off the market.' I know Todd, sees me as a piece of meat, but I expect a little more from you,' I teased.
'I just can't believe I have to find out everything about you from Diane.'
'What exactly did Diane tell you?'
He looked confused. 'That you guys are going to Homecoming together. is there something else?'
I shook my head. 'No, nothing else. that's it.'
Friday night I headed with Morgan to Tyson's concert. I'd never felt so out of place. I surveyed the room and all I saw were piercing, black eyeliner, and dirty hair. Everybody had a look on their face like they'd rather be somewhere else.
Well, I might've had one thing in common with them.
Morgan grabbed my arm. 'I think we should go to the front, not too close, but close enough.'
We maneuvered our way toward the front of the auto mechanic shop that was doubling as the concert venue. I didn't think we'd have a problem with Tyson seeing Morgan; there were only thirty other people there. Morgan reached in her purse and applied another coat of red lipstick. there was movement toward the front as the band took the stage: Pete Vaughn sat behind the drum set and started twirling his sticks; Brian Silverman and Trent Riley stepped on stage with their respective instruments, guitar and bass; and Tyson came storming out with his guitar. Immediately, the band launched into the Clash's 'London Calling.' I was surprised at how Tyson, so shy in class, dominated the stage. He moved with the music, worked the crowd, and held himself like a seasoned pro. And the music wasn't half bad. the song ended and everybody started to cheer.
'All right.'' Tyson grabbed the microphone. 'Enough with the covers. We got a new song we re gonna play for you tonight. So give it up.'' those were the most words I had ever heard him speak.
'Oh, I can't watt to hear their new stuff- Tyson writes all of the songs.' Morgan looked on like a lovesick puppy.
Tyson started playing a few power chords. His long hair was in his eyes as he bobbed his head back and forth. the rest of the band came in and I found myself now moving to the music. there was something intense about the beat. I looked around and saw everybody moving their heads to the bass.
As he sang his lyrics into the microphone, I was surprised at his voice — so clear, powerful, and, in a way, beautiful. the lyrics were a lot deeper than I would've guessed.
Tyson closed his eyes and reached out his hand to the crowd.
'You are the shadow that haunts me, the vision of who I want to be' Despite the fact that Tyson was a guy, I started to wonder if I'd had him wrong. Not the part about him being the scum of the earth because he was male. But besides his being a boy, I'd always been so quick to dismiss Tyson all these years. Had I allowed the way he looked and his timid behavior to overshadow what was becoming increasingly obvious?
Tyson Bellamy wasn't a punk wannabe — he was a musical prodigy.
After the band finished its last song, Morgan turned to me and said, 'A promise is a promise — we can leave.'
We started to exit, but there was a cluster of people in front of us.
I decided to maneuver over to the side of the stage to get to the exit, then tripped over an amp cord.
'Are you okay?' A hand grabbed me to steady my balance, I looked up. 'Yeah. thanks, Tyson. Great show.'
'thanks, Penny,' he said with a bit of a smile. 'I was a little nervous when I saw you were here.'
'Yeah.' I could see him blushing behind his hair. 'I mean, you're named after a song from the greatest rock band of all time.'
'Oh.' I laughed. 'Um, you know Morgan, right?' I motioned to Morgan, who was trying to hide behind me. So much for me not being the wing girl.
'Yeah, hi,' Tyson said and looked down at the floor.
'Hi,' Morgan replied, also looking down.
'Um, so do you guys practice here?' I asked, trying to make things less awkward.
Tyson nodded his head, 'Yeah, at night.' He didn't look up.
'Uh-huh, well that's. . interesting.'
Morgan nudged me.
'Um, well, good talking to you. .'