deliberately then, he leaned down over her and drove his thundering cock deep up into her splayed cunt- flesh.

'Oooooohhh!' she moaned beneath his pounding cock, every nook and crevice of her vaginal sheath feeling filled to overflowing with his hard man-flesh.

Still she wanted more. Abjectly she begged him. 'Fuck me… Philip! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! FUCK MEEEEE! OOOooooh!'

Philip rewarded her by grinding deeply into her, emphatically, each time she uttered the shrieking obscenity. He could feel his own build-up to ejaculative orgasm now and knew that she likewise was within an extremely short period of time before her explosive climax would rock her. He bored up into her and felt the clasping walls of her vagina milk and suck at him while back behind the root of his slaving cock there was that familiar acid-burning, heralding the release of his sperm.

Suddenly, her eyes were swimming, sight-dimmed, in their sockets and her head rolled from side to side uncontrollably as though it were on oiled ball-bearings, her lovely blonde hair becoming mussed. Below, her desperate loins thrust up at him even though he was holding her thighs widespread with his massive cock goring in and out of her, practically pinning her to the floor.

He ground into her ferally, his hands tearing at her, now massagingly and again his fingers digging deep into her flesh only to change to a gently, smoothing caress.

Then she shuddered convulsively. From deep in her chest an unearthly moaning scream came tumbling.

'Ooooo-augh! Myy Godddd! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! AAAaagghh!'

Holding himself in abeyance until that moment, Philip now allowed himself to piston into her like a runaway pile-driver. He slammed into her with fury, ramming deep up into her, his pubic bone smashing hard into hers, which heightened her orgasm already in progress.

Spewingly, he came. The load of liquid semen gushing from the head of his slitted cock with a wonderfully satisfying sensation. 'Aaaugghhh!' he grunted with obvious relish. 'What a fuck! What a marvelous cunt! Christ!'

With a sigh he released himself on top of her, his cock still buried up to the hilt of her, stiff, jerking and shooting his cum, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fully enjoyed the immensely erotic sensations that were rampaging through his satiated body.

Julie Moore was ecstatic, it had been too long she now realized, too long since Randy had really fucked her, now with Philip Randolph's cock still in her she knew that she had to have this, she had been repressing her desires ever since her affair with Al. She realized now that she was a fully sensual woman with strong needs and desires, and her husband had definitely not been fulfilling her in months. Whenever they had made love of late he had seemed indifferent to her, he hadn't aroused her or caressed her body he had just plunged into her and fucked, seemingly not caring whether she had an orgasm or not, something was really wrong between them, now having experienced the joy of sexual union again she could acknowledge this. She looked up at Philip, still collapsed on her sweat-soaked body and sighed a tremendous sigh of relief rather as if some tremendous weight had been lifted from her shoulders. All these months she had been afraid to face the fact that her relationship with her husband was practically non-existent and yet his rejection of her had caused her to cease believing in herself as a woman. Philip had re-lit those fires of self awareness, now she began to be aware once again of her beautiful body and it's sensuality. She would no longer deny herself sexual fulfillment, she had to have it and if Randy wasn't there to give it to her then she would get it where she could and right now, Philip Randolph was providing that possibility. She would use him just as he was using her!


It was almost 9:00 p.m. when Julie Moore finally left Philip Randolph's gallery, having been wined and dined by the amorous older man. She felt very precious and cared for, it had been a long time since any man had paid her that kind of attention and she liked it. Occasionally she and Randy went out for dinner but mostly along with several of their friends, nothing romantic or candlelit for them. On odd occasions her closest friend David would take her out for dinner when Randy was out of town but they were really like brother and sister, although at times Julie had suspected David of being secretly in love with her and desirous of her body. She had never allowed that possibility to manifest however, and good friends they had always remained.

Now Philip Randolph was turning out to be something entirely different, a man of culture and refinement he really knew how to treat a woman.

She was no longer angry with him for having trapped her into making love with him… in truth she was having too good of a time, it had been too long since she had felt cared for and she really liked it.

She knew that Philip had just separated from his wife and from the number of telephone calls he had received that night at the gallery, she was well aware that he was in demand. It felt good to be with a man of class and elegance, she liked the feeling it gave her, she was already aware that if Philip wanted to see a lot of her she would readily agree… she would enjoy going to the theater with him, after all, Randy was away so much of the time he could hardly resent her having a little fun, especially with owner of the gallery that would give her her first one-woman show in New York City.

Philip had put her in a cab and given the cabby five dollars, ample money to see her home. She was surprised as she pulled her in front of the studio to see that the lights were all on. She had left earlier when it was light and she hadn't left the lights on… could it be possible that Randy was home? He wasn't supposed to be home for a few days! Well, hopefully it was him, she prayed that it wasn't a burglar!

She let herself into her studio cautiously and was immediately relieved to see Randy sitting in a chair reading some manuscripts.

'Oh, so you're home,' he said a little coldly.

'Yes Randy, surprise, surprise, didn't expect you for a few days,' she replied with equal distance.

'Where have you been?' he demanded, exercising his husbandly rights.

'I had dinner with Philip Randolph, the owner of The Argon Gallery.'

'How cozy,' Randy replied sarcastically.

Well… thought Julie to herself, everything is true to form, Randy is his usual weird self and I'm reacting in my patterned responsive way… so well, what else is new.

'How did your trip go?' she asked curiously.

'Great… great, got Sam Smithers a fabulous contract with Universal Studios, quite a break for him. They loved the script… that means I get my cut and maybe can buy a new car. I'm sick of that beat-up old piece of junk!'

'What kind of car were you thinking of Randy?'

'A Porsche… what else?'

Julie felt sick when she thought of how stingy her husband was with her, never really giving her any money for clothes or fun and yet the first bit of cash he got, he was going to spend it all on himself, a Porsche was one of the more expensive toys on the market. She would be really happy when her artwork really began to sell, at least then she wouldn't have to rely on him so much.

Suddenly Philip's remarks from earlier on in the evening began to float back into her mind… Al Cortini said he had seen Randy on more than one occasion in a Nude Club with various women… just how true could that be, Julie mused to herself. Certainly she and Randy were not having the greatest time in the whole world together, was he fucking other women? She started a little when she thought of this and realized how jealous it made her, she knew that she had allowed Philip to fuck her earlier on because she had felt in some way that she was getting her own back at Randy. Not that she hadn't ended up enjoying herself, however, and not that she wouldn't allow him to fuck her again… still, she would really like to know what was going on with Randy and yet she dared not confront him with the situation.

Julie was in truth a little afraid of Randy, he had a violent temper that she hadn't really discovered until after they were married, not that her mother hadn't warned her. People with red hair have bad tempers, she had told her but Julie had only laughed it off saying that Randy was an angel. How wrong I was, she mused now. She

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