dropped to her knees and faced Susan. Slowly, their lips met, their tongues intertwined.
'Ohhhh… it was good,' Gina murmured. 'Let… let me fuck my tongue in your cunt now, OK?'
Susan stood up and arched her back, letting her pussy slide over Gina's body. When her delicate cunt moved over Gina's chin, then pressed against her lips, she jerked her hips forward.
It happened so quickly, Gina didn't really knew what was going on. What she had thought about was here… now!
Sweet, hot pussy against her parted lips. She inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma. Cautiously, she inched the tip of her tongue into the folds of cunt flesh.
'Ohhhhhhh,' she murmured, tasting the girl's juices. They were like warm acid, eating into her mouth and throat. She trembled all over, jabbed her tongue farther inside her pussy. 'Love… this,' she gasped. 'Hot… cunt to chew on…'
As she worked on the woman's pussy, she became fully aware of Derek's body beneath her. His prick was so hard, so ready for action. His cock was throbbing against the insides of her thighs, like sonic snake ready to attack.
'Stick my cock in your pussy,' she heard Derek whisper. 'Come on, baby… I can't take this much longer.'
Although she wanted to do exactly that, she enjoyed the power she had at this moment. Susan was jerking her hips around, totally dependent on her tongue for pleasure. And beneath her, he was begging to fuck.
'Maybe,' she whispered, moving her lips over the smoldering crack of cunt. 'And maybe… not.'
'You bitches,' Derek grunted.
'Well… maybe I'll share,' Gina said. She pulled her mouth away from Susan's cunt and turned the girl around. 'We'll both lick out your pussy,' she said to the woman.
Susan knelt down and lay her body across Derek's head. She then spread her legs wide and lifted her ass to give Gina room to squirm her head against the man's face.
When Gina was positioned under Susan and her face was next to Derek's, she lapped her tongue out. She first ran her tongue over the man's lips, then back inside the sweet, smoldering pussy hole.
As her tongue dipped inside Susan's cunt, she felt Derek's tongue join her. Soon, they were licking and probing together.
'Ohhh… Christ,' the man said, heaving his body upward. 'Let… please let me fuck you,' he begged.
Gina was about to let him fuck her, but Susan's orgasm came so violently, it was all she could to do keep from being choked to death. She felt the girl's legs clamp firmly about her body, squeezing her head against Derek's.
'Fuck me!' Susan screamed out, bucking her ass up and down. 'Both of you tonguefuck me… put it in!'
Both Derek and Gina worked on her pussy, doing everything they knew to increase the woman's pleasure. And, as her orgasm peaked, so did her movements. She began bouncing up and down, smacking against their mouths with her exploding cunt.
'Jesus… hot as a fucking firecracker,' Derek grunted, nipping at Susan's clit.
'Eat her out,' Gina said, crazed with her own pleasures. 'Chew her pussy up and swallow it.'
Finally, Susan crushed her body down, then rocked her ass from side to side. Her tits were heaving violently, her moans loud and satisfied.
'Ohhhh… now what I need is a big, hot cock to fuck,' she gasped.
'So do I,' Gina said, moving her pussy over Derek's prick. 'You can have his cock when I'm finished.'
'Great,' Derek grunted, feeling the warmth of her pussy against the underside of his prick. 'I've got a load of cum just begging to get fucked out.'
Gina moved her ass up and reached between their bodies. She then grasped his rock-hard shaft of cock and poked the tip of his cock inside her swollen pussy. As his prick slid deeply inside her body, she moved her mouth from Susan's cunt to the girl's asshole.
'Cock and asshole,' she murmured, already feeling the first spasms of climax. 'Mmmmm… fuck me…'
It took her several moments to come back to reality when she heard the door open and heard Tony's voice.
'Well, I see you did all right for yourself,' he said, his voice hard.
Behind him stood Adam, his mouth wide open.
'Jesus!' he said.
'Hey, can't you see we're busy?' Derek murmured, his nose in Susan's pussy, his cock deep inside Gina's tight cunt.
'Well, you can spare one of them,' Tony said, beginning to remove his clothing.
Gina felt her heart skip a beat. She would gladly move off Derek's body for him. In fact, she was about to do that when he spoke again. His words were like a slap in the face.
'I want… Susan,' he said. 'How about it, baby? You into a little serious fucking?'
'Sure thing, Tony,' Susan said, bounding off Derek's face. 'Love fucking that big cock of yours.'
'Hey, now it's just you and me,' Derek said to Gina. 'What could be better?'
Gina could think of at least one thing. And, as she saw Tony climb between Susan's legs and sink his cock deeply into the girl's cunt, she felt like crying.
'Let's fuck,' Derek said, pulling her down. 'Yeah… let's fuck,' Gina said dully.
'Oh… Tony, your cock is so nice inside my cunt,' Susan gasped, humping her hips upward. 'Mmmmmm, only one thing would make it better.'
'What's that, baby?' he asked. He was looking over where Derek and Gina lay.
'Tie me up like you used to,' Susan said. 'Like that first time. Mmmmmm, make it hurt real good.'
While Gina lifted and lowered her ass, taking Derek's cock into her cunt, she watched with bitterness as Tony pulled Susan to her feet and began wrapping a long length of rope about her body.
Why can't that be me? she asked herself. Instead, I'm screwing a man who is tied up! She felt her body grow numb. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when she felt Adam's hands on her shoulders.
'Mind if I join you?' he asked, his naked body against hers. 'Ever had a couple of cocks at the same time?'
'Huh?' Gina said, his words hardly registering. 'Two… cocks?'
'Yeah, my cock in your little asshole while he fucks your pussy,' Adam said, kneeling behind her and pushing her forward.
'Do… anything you want,' Gina said. What did it matter? 'Sure… go ahead,' she added, turning away from what Susan and Tony were doing.
As she pressed her lips against Derek's open mouth and felt his cock grind upward, she gave a whimpering groan of pleasure. A cock inside her pussy and another one in her ass.
The any thing missing was the delicious feel of rope against her flesh.
'Tie me up and fuck me… both of you,' she gasped, turning to face Adam.
'Would. I would you do that?'
In answer, Adam reached out and grasped the handle of the whip that lay by his foot. He then tied her hands together over her stomach and pulled the leather around her neck. With the handle just at the back of her head, he had only to tug slightly and her body arched.
'Like… this?' he grunted.
With the leather eating into her flesh and feeling the hard texture of Derek's cock, Gina began moaning with growing pleasure. Shit, who needed Tony, anyway? She had two cocks to fuck!
'Fuck me,' she gasped. 'Mmmmmm, fuck right up my pussy and fuck in my asshole.'
While he held the whip handle with his left hand, Adam spread her ass cheeks with the fingers of his right. When her tiny asshole came into view, he positioned himself against her body and thrust his cockhead into the puckered opening of her asshole.