'Ohhhhhh!' Gina cried out, feeling a flash of pain. The idea of having two cocks at the same time was a lot better than the actual thing. 'Your cock's… killing me,' she gasped. 'It… it will never fit!'

'Then… we'll just have to make it fit, won't we?' Adam grunted, heaving his prick upward.

An electric-like jolt of pure agony swept into Gina's body when the full length of his cock seared into her asshole. The base of his cockshaft stretched her asshole painfully, she actually thought she would split wide open like a pod.

'Ohhhh… that's good,' Derek said from under her. 'Screw her good, Adam. When you fuck her asshole… it really makes her pussy tight…'

Tight? Christ, it felt like she couldn't get a pencil in her pussy, let alone his cock!

Both slabs of cock ground into her holes, sliding against each other. As they throbbed as one giant piece of rock-hard flesh, Gina could almost see what they must look like.

Big and hard, their cocks were gouging, forcing upward. She felt a hard pressure between her lungs, found it difficult even to breathe.

'Ohhh… it… hurts,' she groaned. She placed her hands on Derek's stomach, tried to pull away. Her action was met with a jerk on the leather whip. Her neck stung as if she'd been slapped. 'Hurts… God… it's killing me,' she panted.

Her own agony was interrupted when she looked across the room as she heard Susan screamed out. When she took in exactly what Tony was doing to her, her mouth dropped open.

She was tied up, her back to the wall, with ropes pulling both her arms and legs wide. Another strip of rope was wrapped around her full, ripened breasts in a figure-eight. The end of that rope was draped over her neck and shoulders. Tony was holding onto the end of the rope as if it were a pair of reins.

'Fuck me, Tony,' Susan gasped, jerking her hips back and forth. Her blonde cunt was oozing liberally, spreading the glistening juices into her silky hairs. A tiny stream of the fluid was against the inside of her thigh, reflecting the amber light in the room. 'God… screw that big prick in me and fuck me full of hot cum.'

Just watching, pretending it was her and not Susan, made Gina's hunger become almost unbearable. The tightness left her body and she felt a warm, fluttering sensation at both her holes.

'Fuck me… too,' she groaned, beginning to move between the two muscular bodies. 'Oh… yes, two hard cocks at the same time. See if you can blow your wads together.'

When she said that, Tony shot her a hateful look. With his eyes still on her, he rammed his cock forward, grinding the full length of his cock into Susan's cunt. At the same time, he jerked on the rope that twisted around her tits and neck.

'Screw it, you whore cunt!' he gasped, crushing his mouth down on hers. 'Up here and… I fucking hope my prick tears out your Goddamned brains!'

From Susan's reaction, Gina realized he must be hurting her. The girl was ashen, couldn't even breathe. A tiny, glistening drop of blood seeped from the corner of her mouth where her teeth jabbed into her lower lip.

'Fuck my cock, I said!' Tony screamed, pounding forward with his full weight. Susan's ass hit the wall, knocking down a couple of tools that were hanging on nails. The sound of the metal hitting the wood floor was like a gunshot. 'Up… here, you cocksucking slut!' he yelled, his eyes wild with rage.

Although Gina didn't know exactly what was happening, she knew he was taking out his fury on Susan. She wanted to spring from the bodies around her, but something held her back. If he did any real damage, she would intervene.

Until then, she would watch. Watch and fuck.

'Faster,' she gasped. 'Come on, studs you call this a fucking? I can't even feel your cocks…'

In a way, she wished she'd kept her mouth shut, for both men began fucking wildly, savagely. Soon she was being flung about like a rag doll.

And those cocks! Christ, it was like two lumberjacks yanking a saw back and forth! In and out, stretching, pulling, pounding her pussy and asshole to hamburger.

'Take it, you motherfucking slut,' Derek grunted, his wrists raw under the ropes that held his hands. He was driving his body upward so hard, Adam was about to get bucked off her body. 'All the way in… whore take it up your pussy and eat on it with your cunt.'

'In… your ass,' Adam groaned, slamming his prick in and out of her asshole.

Gina was raw with ecstasy. Never before had she been so excited. Watching Tony fuck Susan and having both Adam and Derek slam their cocks into her body was almost too good.

'Fuck… fuck me, you bastards!' she cried out. Her climax was so close she could almost taste it. 'Fill my body with hot cum… screw in gallons.'

As she said the last few words, her body became riddled with pleasure. She froze for a second, then began bucking and writhing as if she were on fire. Massive spasms shot in and out of both her holes and seemed to melt the two into one mass of writhing flesh.

'Aieeeeee!' she shrieked, clawing at both their bodies. 'Fuck! Fuckkkk meeeee!'

As her orgasm built, then exploded violently, she felt both her holes stretch even wider. Their cockheads began jerking, swelling fully to life.

'Now… take it, slut,' Derek grunted.

'Mine… too,' Adam said, plowing the first of his massive cum-load up her ass.

This was better than anything Gina could have hoped for. Not only was she getting screwed with two cocks at the same time, but they were blowing their loads together!

The liquid ale into her pussy and asshole like acid, even increasing her ecstasy. She began bouncing between them, their flesh smacking. A long, silent scream seemed to storm from her brain.

'All of it, bitch,' Adam groaned, twisting behind her, gouging in the bulk of his jism. 'Up… your ass, whore!'

Gina sucked and pulled savagely on their spurting cocks, shivering as her insides filled with the milky, thick juices. When they had both stopped fucking in their loads, she pulled Adam against her body, sandwiching herself between them.

'Ohhhh… fuck me,' she gasped. 'Just keep fucking me forever… don't stop!'

A spine-tingling scream filled the shanty, causing her to look over to where Susan and Tony were. He was climaxing, pounding his cum violently into her spasming pussy. And, with each thrust of his meaty cock, he jerked on the rope about her neck. Susan was limp, either from exhausted pleasure… or…

Gina watched the creamy wads of cum burn from the girl's cunt hole and run down her legs. A few seconds later, a small pool of jism was formed between her outstretched legs.

'Unhhhh… that's it, baby,' Tony grunted, pressing forward. 'Last… Goddamned drop, you little whore cocksucker.'

Gina was happy to know that Susan was OK. The girl was smiling now, her eyes glazed with pleasure.

Like her eyes should have been, with Tony.

She felt cheated and a little angry. Still, what could she expect from an animal like him? Some sort of affection?

No, his world was construction and abuse, and the sooner she got out of it, the better off she would be.

She moved from between Adam and Derek and stood up. Her legs were weak, as if they were made of rubber. She stumbled over to where her clothes lay in a heap and picked up her torn panties.

'You going someplace?' Adam asked.

'Yes,' Gina said, her voice sad.

'But the night is still young,' he objected, frowning.

'I've got to go,' she said, slipping into her clothes.

'Hey, Gina,' Tony said.

'Yes?' she asked quickly.

'Don't let the door hit you in the ass,' he said, a cruel smile on his face.

Gina fled the shanty, tears stinging her cheeks.

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