wide-eyed stewardess, who thought she had seen everything there was to see in the bedroom – until now! He looked so powerful, so cruel and menacing as he loomed above her, his handsome face grimacing with vindictive lust.

'Like what you see, cunt?' he asked, reaching for his massive pole and grasping it gingerly in his hand as if it were a baby club.

'Oh my God, Peter… Oh my God!' was all she could say.

'This is what you wanted, isn't it? Isn't this what you've been after all along… every time you gave me one of your come-up-and-see-me-sometime looks? Every time you wiggled your hot little ass at me, or stuck those big round jugs under my nose? You wanted me to fuck you, didn't you, slut? You wanted me to stick my cock up between those good-looking legs of yours and fuck your hot little whore pussy, didn't you…?'

'I… I… yes… yessssss!' she cried out at him.

'Yes, what?' he taunted, a victorious sneer on his face. 'What did you want me to do? See, I have to be sure you really want me, because I'm very insecure, and I might not be able to get a hard-on until you reassure me…' he said, sporting an erection that would do credit to a prize bull!

'I… I want you… to… fuck me,' she breathed.

'How's that? I also have a hearing problem. You'll have to say it louder.'

'I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, Goddamnit!' she screamed, the veins in her temples and the cords in her neck distending as she raised her head off the bed to shout at him. 'Fuck me… fuck me… now!'


'Do you think your dad will let me show you around the island tomorrow?' the good-looking blond youth was saying to the pretty brunette as they sat on the steps of her father's house.

'He'd better!' Davie answered. 'I know I can talk him into it. I don't know what was the matter with him tonight. He was acting funny all evening,' said the innocent teen. Randy's thigh was pressed lightly but deliberately against her thigh. She was talking with great animation, the excitement and anticipation in her fluttering tummy channeled into her voice. She knew what both of them were thinking as they sat there side by side in the seducing shadows.

'I'll come by around eleven tomorrow morning. OK? Bring your bathing suit and a big jug of sun tan lotion!'

They both laughed then, and he put his arm around her shoulder in a friendly way. But when she turned to him, they both stopped smiling, and he looked deeply into her sparkling hazel eyes. Davie's heart was pounding wildly in her chest. He gave her a slow, irresistible smile. Then he leaned towards her and kissed her on the lips. It was a harmless, non-committal kiss – at first! But they lingered at each other's mouth's, and soon the kiss deepened, and Davie felt the boy's warm, probing tongue snaking in between her lips. She thought it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her; so much more exciting than being kissed by another female. There just was no comparison. She had never been kissed by a boy who kissed the way Randy Ferris did. No boy had ever made her feel that way!

Her young pussy began to tingle, and she could feel the wetness as her cunt juices began to flow and puddle in her panties. Her heart beat wildly, and she found it hard to get enough air in her lungs. She was suddenly afraid… afraid of the sensations in her body. All she could think of was the pictures in the magazine… the naked man who had Randy's face and body, and what he was doing to the naked, dark-haired girl…

Far fucking out! Randy thought as he kissed the luscious teen. This kid's already getting worked up! What a sweet, sexy little piece of ass she's going to be! Hell, she doesn't even know how sexy she is. If Knight wasn't on his way back here, I'd put the make on her and fuck her little ass off right now! But, easy, kid, easy does it. Trish said 'hands off!' until tomorrow… and she's got it timed down to a rat's eyelash. Got to win the kid's trust first. Got to make her think I'm a harmless simple kind of dude who only wants to show her a good time… yeah, I'll show her a good time! Right in her virgin little pussy! A real fucking good time!

Without explanation, Randy drew back suddenly. Davie's lips were still parted. He looked into her eyes, giving her a serious, thoughtful and penetrating stare from under his sleepy eyelids. She suppressed an involuntary shudder.

'I'm sorry, Davie. I didn't mean to kiss you like that. Just lost my head, I guess. You're the kind of woman that really turns a guy on…'

He got up stiffly then, pretending to turn away in order to hide the embarrassing bulge in his tight pants. But Davie's eyes went instinctively to his groin, and her face grew hotter when she spied the noticeable knot under his fly. It seemed that there was a wild thing inside, straining to break free. She wanted it to…

'See you tomorrow,' he said, waving his hand to her as he sauntered off.

'Right,' she answered feebly. 'G'night, Randy…'

The sexy blond boy grinned in the moonlight as he walked down the road towards his sister's bungalow. Wait 'till Trish gets a load of this! he thought smugly to himself. That Knight chick is as good as laid!

Once out of Davie's sight, he picked up his pace and strode briskly on, anticipating the night in bed with his gorgeous sexpot sister, confident that she would be alone when he returned to the bungalow. He kept expecting to meet the stiff proprietor on the path.

He was totally unprepared for the sounds that drifted out the open window from the sequestered one-room house – sounds which prompted him to tiptoe quietly for the last six feet and peer cautiously inside, after first looking around to check for possible 'spies'.

'Geezus Christ!' was the expletive that escaped involuntarily from under his breath. There was Trish, her dress a wrinkled rag around her arms and torso, tying spread-eagled on the bed, with the very naked, very hard Peter Knight standing above her, holding his elephant cock in his hand! Goddamn… he's got a schwanz that must be a good ten-inches long! Randy thought.

'I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, Goddamnit!' Trish screamed at him. 'Fuck me… fuck me… now!'

Randy's mind was whirling. He was bowled over. The timing was all wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen unto tomorrow – that's what Trish had told him. But neither was her eating of Davie Knight's pussy – and look what happened! It was all like a scene out of 'Future Shock'…

He suddenly saw an opportunity to accelerate his own cherry-popping plans. Quickly, he turned and tiptoed away from the window and hurried back to the Knight cottage…

Davie had watched Randy until he disappeared around a clump of tall bushes, his words echoing over and over in her young head: 'You're the kind of woman that really turns a guy on…'

He called me a woman… a woman! she thought giddily to herself. There could be no greater compliment for a breathless sixteen year old. She added silently: And you're the kind of man that turns me on, Randy Ferris!

The disturbing wetness in her panties increased, and she found herself squeezing her thighs together to heighten the tingling sensations of pleasure that were coursing through her pussy. A lurid fantasy of Trish slavishly licking her cunt to orgasm pervaded her mind then, only to be supplanted by a three dimensional enactment of the poses an the VIVA photographs. She was hot! She had to do something! She only wished so badly that Randy were there at that moment. She didn't care if he lost respect for her, or what she felt afterwards. She only knew that her body demanded satisfaction. She needed to cum!

Davie rushed into the house, her cheeks flaming and her whole sun-baked body on fire with lust. She went straight to the lanai, puked off her clothes and threw them on top of the big pillows on the floor and scrambled into bed without putting on her pajamas. She crawled under the sheet, perspiring heavily and trembling with desire.

The tingling sensation had magnified tenfold now and her breathing became ragged and labored. Her fantasies became more vivid, bolder, and the passion increased accordingly in her breasts and belly. Her body ached for caresses: hands, lips, cocks! She reached under the sheet with a feverish hand and grasped one of her button-like nipples, crushing it between her fingers. A low moan escaped her parted lips, and the ache in her virginal cunt increased.

Slowly, then, she began to massage her breasts; first one, then the other, cupping the naked, sun-kissed mounds tenderly, then stroking each nipple in turn. Whirlpools of passion seethed within her young body. Her left

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