furious thrusts with my own upwards bucking and gyrating.

The scent of our incestuous union made my nostrils flare and intoxicate me into the wild raging passion of our illicit coupling. It didn't take long before Emily's movements and breathing became irregular and nearly violently urging. Her vagina contracting with that nearly painfully delicious stimulation of my so deeply embedded organ and soon she let out a jubilant scream of release at the onset of her orgasm. At the height of her furious consummation of nature's reward on sexual coupling she bit me in my shoulder to the point of bleeding, but if it hurt it only served to urge me on to thrust harder, deeper into her and to yield my sperm to her wanting body. In reverberation of her earlier words, it now struck like lightning that I was making love to my own little sister, my own flesh and blood and that there was no way back, no return, no closure but to go forward to complete this delicious sin. As Emily was going through the throes of her climax, she tightly, nearly desperately clung on to me and without leaving her deliciously churning and kneading gender I rolled her over on her back and started to ride her towards my own relief and release. Our mouths found each other and again we let our tongues play the wild dance of union, our breath shared and depleting itself as it passed between us. Now on top, I forcefully thrust myself into her as She had thrust herself upon me and breaking the kiss, I let my lips wander to her young and creamy breasts, her taut and firm nipples and I sucked them in, gently bit them as I arched my loins to even deeper burrow into the deepest and hottest of her body. Emily shuddered and shocked as I found her nipples and with renewed vigor met my wild bucking and pumping into her. Again Emily's breath grew ragged and I felt her body tense in another orgasm as I felt my testicles contract and the hot wave of my living seed course from my belly, through my surging shaft, to forcefully against the contracting pressure of her vagina explode from my member towards her womb, into her belly. My orgasm erupted and our universe contracted to contain only ourselves in our ultimate lustful consummation of each other. It felt as if my manhood grew to be bigger than myself, our bodies melting into one and our fluids mixing and churning into that unholy potion of incestuous delight. We became the sinful, two-headed, multi-limbed beast in feeding and savoring of the deepest taboo. We became truly as one as could be in this life and we kept on indulging in each other. With the voracity of youth riding waves of our orgasms as they cascaded and crescendo and cascaded again. The ultimate delight and vigor as that of a summer thunderstorm eventually giving way to the peace and tranquility of satiation, only to flare up again as our bodies, in feverish yearning, strove to derive yet more sexual intoxication and release. Finally I had no more and my last orgasm yielded nothing to add to what I had already pledged on the altar in that deepest temple of Emily's yearning, but if it would be my last life-blood, I would have gladly rendered it to her.

And so we lay there panting, gasping and moaning in the comfort of our still linked and entwined bodies. Bathing in our sweat and sexual fluids. Softly rocking each other and between shuddering sighs, whispering sweet secret names of love to each other. For how long we lay there I don't know. The perception of time is somehow different in the succor of sexual satiation, but when we finally stirred, it was nearly completely dark and the stars filled the moonless sky above us.

Emily told me, 'I'm sore…but sooooo nicely sore…' Emily nudged me and gently indicating that I was getting heavy on her. 'I also gotta pee badly so get off me, brother.. I gotta go reeeeally bad.' she added with urgency and I lifted myself off her and let my still half hard cock slip out of her. A generous gulp of our sexual fluids left Emily's body and dripped from between her still swollen little labia, making a sticky little puddle in the grass between her thighs. I tiredly, still sluggish from the warm afterglow stood up and helped her to her feet.

'Ow, am I sore!” Emily remarked as she winced once or twice before stepping away a few paces and squatted to relief her bladder. The steady stream of her peeing sounded clearly through the quiet night air eventually slowed down to a trickle and Emily stood up. We met and hugged each other closely and kissed again. Now not with the heat and urging of the illicit lust, but more so with the love and tenderness of lovers. We broke the kiss and Emily rested her head against my chest and shoulder. We just stood there close together to take in and come to grips with the enormity of what we just had done.

No regrets, at least not from my side and not from hers either.

'Wow, that really was worth the wait.' we almost simultaneously whispered and Emily giggled wickedly as I chuckled. “And there's more to come. Now that I've had you once, I want to have you at least every day if you'll have me.' I mumbled and Emily grinned widely, her beautiful white teeth lighting up her face. 'I want you every day and you know, the closets in our room only have a very thin wall between them. Maybe we should knock that out so that we can freely share our rooms without using the hallway. That way we can fuck each other every day.' Emily giggled and hand in hand we walked towards the water of the lake to take a refreshing bath and swim.

Whatever was in that water, it did wonders for us and rapidly revived us to the point that my erection returned in full when I saw Emily's lithe and slim figure outlined against the starlit sky. We left the water, picked up our bags and clothes and made off to the Forestry shelter. I was getting hungry and having had the presence of mind to pack a bottle of wine, a couple of baguettes and some hard Italian sausage, I offered to have a romantic light supper. I spread my sleeping-bag on the cot and soon we were taking turns on sips of the bottle and happily munching away the delicate and tasty bread with that sausage that I cut up with my pocket knife. This combination of food and wine, to date, has remained our secret ceremonial meal with which we celebrate our incest and seal our commitment to each other. I haven't kept track how many times we managed to couple that memorable weekend, but rest assured that it was many, many times.

And so ends the simple and pleasant tale of how Emily and I found relief and an undying bond with each other in the wickedly and so deliciously secret consummation of incest. Over the years we've experimented with different partners, but we always found it lacking that special sharp and wickedly nasty edge that none but the two of us can find and so deeply enjoy in the unique sexual experience between us and the deep gratification that it brings us.

A Wonderful Birthday Surprise

Nikki Tate

I was bummed because my brother was bummed. His name is Jonathan and he turned twelve the day in question. Both our parents were out of town on business all week, though, which meant he hadn't had much of a birthday. They'd promised him something very nice when they came back, but it still wasn't the same. To make matters worse, I'd tried to bake him a cake when I got back from my classes I was eighteen, smart, capable and shouldn't have had any problem with baking a cake. But I'd burned it to a crisp.

“I'm really sorry,” I said to him again as we looked at the charred mess that had come out of the oven.

Jonathan shrugged. “That's okay. I know you tried.”

We ate dinner in silence after that, then Jonathan went quietly up to his bedroom, leaving me feeling totally crappy cause now I had nothing for him (his cake was meant to be his birthday present. I was poor and couldn't afford anything decent). I started to think about what else I might be able to give him as a present.

I went into the living room to watch some TV while I thought, but after a couple hours I still couldn't think of anything. A little depressed, I shut off the TV and walked quietly upstairs, figuring I might as well turn in early.

As I moved by Jonathan's bedroom door, I could hear a very faint sound, almost right on the edge of hearing. I paused for a second and listened. After a moment I figured out what it was. Springs. Bedsprings. Squeaking in a very steady, rhythmic pattern.

I had to stifle a giggle. It was pretty obvious what my little brother was up to right now. He'd obviously decided to give himself a little birthday present. I went into my bedroom and started undressing for bed. Once I was naked I laid down and reached for my lap to turn off the light. Then I paused, a thought playing through my mind. I shook my head and refused to let it settle. Click, and the light went off.

But the thought returned, slowly and quietly. I fought back against it, refusing to pay any attention, but it persisted. Finally I decided to confront it directly. The thought was this: Maybe, just maybe, I could give my little brother the ultimate present.

His first fuck with a girl.

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