between his mother's legs.

He smiled and applied his prick to her pussy and was soon fucking away there. It didn't matter what sheath of warm female flesh he was in- not in this company. He loved them both. “What about me, Don?” asked Denise in a low voice. She cupped her hands under her tits and pushed. This made the nipples spring rigidly erect enticing him to do something more than talk. “Are you thinking about giving me a little of that huge cock of yours?” “Sure, Denise honey, roll over and I'll show you.” Before the girl could ask what he had in his mind, she felt herself being twisted and pulled up to her hands and knees. Then she knew. He was going to butt-fuck her. And she desired him enough to let him! But the feel of that cock pressing into her asshole wasn't enough to satisfy her. Not now. Not after all the four of them had been through together. They were a team and they shouldn't do things separately. This togetherness was part of the thrill they had.

Denise turned and moved slowly over to where Gloria lay supine in front of the fire. The flames cast jumping shadows all over the woman's boobs making them appear to be on fire. The girl had no choice but to try to snuff out the shadow flames and kindle real ones of carnal lust in the woman's body. She eagerly applied her mouth to the succulent mountain of titflesh while Don continued banging away at her rear door. The sensations ripping into the girl's body almost sent her off into orbit. The rough texture of the nipple pressing into her tongue was nice. She could suck on it all night long. She used her tongue to roll the rock-hard pebble around in a tiny circle before sucking it up between her teeth and gently gnawing on it. The woman went wild. She was getting the best of all possible worlds. A girl was sucking on her nipple, making it throb with desire, playing with it to string her out sexually, and her very own son was fucking her cunt with long powerful strokes. She shuddered every time he came surging into her well-oiled cunt. The impact shook her and rattled her teeth. But she wasn't complaining. She loved it! And she wanted even more of this rough treatment on his part. To hell with the possibility of having her cunt lips bruised and aching in the morning.

Having him fucking her in this way thrilled her and that's all that mattered. And Fred wasn't going to stop or even slow down. He had found the right fucking tempo both for him and his mother. The quick strokes made the friction in her pussy mount rapidly. When he gazed down into her eyes, he saw nothing but sheer lust blazing in them. And he thought she'd never looked lovelier. The way his girlfriend's head bounced against his chest as he worked harder and harder to drive that mighty spike of his prick into his mother's cunt stimulated him, too.

The feel of that soft-spun hair rubbing his chest sent tiny electric tingles into his body wherever she touched him. Fred hated to admit it, even to such loving partners as these, but he was having problems containing his cavorting balls. They lurched and boiled in the midst of the thick jism. Normally, if he'd gotten his rocks off as many times as he had this evening, he could have fucked for an hour before the urgent needs hit him and he came. But there was something about a four-way fuckfest that robbed him of his iron control. It excited him; the prospect of being able to fuck both his girlfriend and his mother made his prick twitch in shivery lust. “Faster, Freddie, faster! Burn me up with that prick of yours,” his mother demanded. “Drive it all the way out my mouth! I want to suck it-if you can shove it that far and that hard!” “Don't think I can, Mom, but I'm gonna try! Count on it!” His hips had been moving fast before. Now they flew. He felt the way her cunt collapsed around his buried prick. She was trying to squeeze the life from him. The seething heat in her passion pit warmed him, threatened to steal his load of jism, but the pressure of her cunt walls all around his prick was worse-better! The friction of his rapid fucking actually burned away some of her fuck fluids. He hadn't thought that was possible. Either her arousal was dying, which didn't seem to be the case, or he was actually fucking her so hard that he was burning away the thick, oily inner juices. He knew it had to be the latter from the way his prick felt. It swelled with impending orgasm.

Pressing harder against the already tight walls of his mother's cunt, he continued to fuck hard and fast. The youth worried for a moment that he might char his cock off to a nubbin, but that would be something to brag about the rest of his life if he actually accomplished it. He needn't have worried. His body betrayed him long before that could have occurred. He jetted out his come into her yearning pussy. He shouted out his lust for her, his need to have a tight cunt all around his bucking, spewing prick. And then he collapsed, knowing that this was the last time in several hours that he would have an erection. He was simply too worn-out to ever get another one back. Fred leaned back to watch the action. His mother appeared to be going off like a string of firecrackers. His fucking had lit the fuse and now she was thrashing and writhing around in response. If anything, the way Denise worked her mouth all over the woman's tits kept her strung out sexually for almost another minute.

“God, I'm not able to take any more of this,” moaned out Gloria.

“I was tired before, now I'm exhausted!” Denise wasn't. Her mouth continued to savor the sweet taste of the woman's tits. She could feel the heart hammering away its rapid stroke through the flesh of the boob. And more importantly for her, she was getting the full length of Don's prick rammed all the way up her asshole. She loved the way it seemed to fill her to overflowing. The cock was hard and hot and made her entire body respond fully. The pain of entry had vanished; keeping her mind occupied with the woman's tits pulsing hard against her lips and tongue had taken care of that. While the slow butt-fucking was taking place, building the sexual tensions to the breaking point, she had been absorbed in other things. But now that Gloria was worn out for the moment, Denise could relish each and every stroke Don made into her ass. She tensed and then relaxed her muscles and was rewarded by the groans of pleasure he vented. Her ass felt all the contours of his prick. The thick glans spread like a fan against her rectum and made her feel uncomfortably filled to overflowing. The way his balls hit against her cunt lips more than offset this, though. That turned her on. The feeling of his hairy little bag rubbing into her sex lips stimulated her. And when he reached around and began stroking across her clit, she came.

“Unngghhhh! It… it's tooooo muccccch!” she shrieked. Her entire body exploded into a wild frenzy. She slammed her hips backwards in an attempt to, get even more of his prick buried into her bowels.

Feeling weak inside already, she didn't know if she was doing it right. Fred and Gloria watched in amazement. They both wondered where all the girl's energy came from. She was a bitch in heat and thrashing around the impaling spike of Don's steely prick as if her very life depended on her come. “More, you slimy bastard, fuck me more!” she cried out. “I haven't had enough yet. I have to feel it, really feel your big, swollen prick fucking my little asshole!” “It's little, all right,” he conceded. “I never fucked anything this tiny before. And I love the heat of your guts. It's gonna melt my prick for sure, if I don't watch myself.” He moved with deliberate strokes, at just the tempo designed to keep his own passions in check. He sucked in his breath and held it as another come smashed through the girl's tender body. The way her half-moons of assflesh came, shooting back into his crotch was almost enough to make him come. She was rotating those womanly hips and trying to break his cock off at the roots. He kept fucking her so that he was never fully buried inside her seething asshole when she made her more violent movements.

“Can't focus. Going blind,” she complained. “Blinded by sex!

Ohhh, fuck me good! I want that manly prick of yours deeper!”

“Your wish is my command.” Then he really fucked her. With his hands around her waist and pulling hard into her belly, he was able to smash her backwards into his groin with every single one of his own forward thrusts. The lewd squishing noises filled the room and eventually drowned out the crackling of the fire. Fred turned to his mother and told her, “I wish I were the one giving her that cornholing. Look at her face and tell me she's not getting off on it in a big way.” “No argument there, Freddie. And I almost wish it were me that was on the receiving end of your father's cock. This entire evening has shown me that he's a lot better cocksman than I gave him credit for.” She let out a little sigh as she watched her husband banging away at her son's girlfriend. “And to think it all started at the stock car races. That was so much fun sucking both of you off in public. We're going to have to try that again, sometime soon, I hope.” “Uh, Mom, a question. Was it you or Denise who actually sucked me off? I couldn't tell because of the blankets and I was damned if I was going to let Dad look. But I want to know.”

“We were both sucking on both your pricks.” “I know. But at the end-the one who actually finished off the blow job. Who was it?”

She smiled and put her finger to her lips in a sign that he should be quiet. “Let's watch them finish their fucking. It looks as if Denise is going to get off again and then your father will come.”

And that's the way it happened. The four of them lay together in front of the fire, arms around each other and simply soaking up the good feelings between them. Not surprisingly, both Don and Fred got their hard-ons back before the night was over and, equally unsurprisingly, the women were horny and waiting for them.

They fucked, not as individuals fucking individuals, but as a group, a group that wasn't going to tire of sex easily. There was no way fucking could get monotonous with each of the foursome trying to top the others. And

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